USA Politics

Great post Bearfan.
It's been my experience that too many people would rather read to reinforce their biases than to challenge them.
Glad you like it, it is an interesting site .. however I would suggest if you find an article that you feel strongly about, I would still double/triple check it against other sources and/or find counter arguments.

It's always worth hearing the other side (if not spending more time reading that than what you agree with), it may bring some nuance to an issue, perhaps modify your position, prepare yourself for counter arguments, or possibly strenghten your conviction for your original position.
The thing is that I'm not really that good at arguing when it comes to politics. I just plain don't like Obama at all so I enjoy posting negative stuff about him.
Well that's the problem. You'll just blindly accept anything negative about the guy no matter how biased or factually devoid the source is. You're not good at arguing because you don't have anything to support what you accuse Obama of. There are real and valid reasons to dislike Obama (I'm not a fan of him either), but just accepting every single criticism as fact, no matter how insane, is just adding to the problems this country has.
I do not like him either, I voted against him twice and do not regret it in the least. I think he is a horrible President. I do think it is a better tact to argue against his policies and leadership style with more compelling evidence than some of these youtube clips you have been posting. As LC said about Michael Moore, he agrees with him, but thinks he goes about things in a dishonest way (I think I am paraphrasing what he said correctly). Some of the things you have posted may have merit, but they are coming across in a dishonest/sensational manner (I am not suggesting you are being dishonest, just the content of the clips).

On the site, there is an excellent article about the problems with Obama's pre-school for all proposal ...

This is the way to show the problems with Obama, it is a well written article that shows the problems with his policy in a more convincing manner than "Obama is a socialist/Marxist who is destroying the country" clips/articles.
Ya, I do see what you guys mean. Maybe I should just stop posting stuff in here and leave it up to those who can find better sources.


No kidding, I think it is a good thing that this happened, people will not see it is the end of the universe of 2%-ish of the budget is "cut" ... and I put cut in quotes because the government will still spend more this year than it did last year. It is not an ideal solution, but it could serve a good purpose.
Me neither. I feel like whenever the term zero tolerance is used, a set of rules is going to take dominance over common sense and reason. Never a good thing.
I think that administrators need to have control over discipline. plus, there's no evidence that points to zero tolerance working. Why? because it doesn't.