USA Politics

I didn't even think of that. Yea I'm not surprised, unfortunately.
I hope that I'm still alive when we don't recognize race or gender in describing the president. "We have a black president," "We have a woman president," etc.

Like when Jackie Robinson started playing he was the 'black baseball player.' Now we just have 'baseball players.'
I think the election of Obama is a really huge step towards moving into that place. The problem is that it also exposed a really seedy underside to American politics - a group of people that had become marginalized by the motion of politics who suddenly regained a voice. A lot of these reactions are very visceral, and very racist in their origins. Birther attacks, for example, are entirely predicated on the idea that because Obama is black and has a "funny" name, he must be "other". It's the biggest dog whistle.
Yeah, I agree. I find it interesting when people post things about Obama and use his middle name, like that makes him seem like a middle-eastern terrorist or something.

And, yes, him being elected and serving two terms is going a long way towards ending the whole 'race/gender' bit. I would love to see a female president soon. After it's been done, it isn't a big deal anymore.
Hmm, that is interesting.

Again, I think unions aren't evil - they just need regulation, like businesses do.
To clarify, I am speaking of only public unions. If unions in the private sector have problems, then they are just harming them. The Teachers Unions are, IMO, the biggest problem in improving education int this country and it is really amazing that the Democrats are perfectly fine taking their money and blocking reforms that could help schools (primarily in minority and poor areas of the country) and go on and on about how they are the party of the those groups of people while at the same time keeping their children locked in crap schools.

It is nice to see that at least some Democrats are doing their part to make this situation better
Hell no. Non secularism is no good.

All that In God We Trust stuff is a product of the Red Scare anyway.
I am not religious, but I really do not think it is a big deal to have a slogan on money or a Christmas Tree up in a city hall. There are legitimate church-state issues, but I do think the atheists sometimes get a bit nit picky.
I definitely agree with that. Some atheists make way too big a deal out of things like this, I don't really care if my money says In God We Trust. But I'm most certainly not signing a petition to keep it, because it really doesn't belong there and like I said, it's just a product of a fear of communism in the 1950's.

It really is a non issue though.
I'm not an American.

But if I were, I'd be pissed off. I'd get it if the US's slogan from day one had been In God We Trust, but it wasn't. It was E Pluribus Unum, a way more badass motto. As Mosh said, it's a product of the Red Scare. Communists were atheists, so Americans shouldn't be. It's a huge fuck you to the people who don't believe in an Abrahamic god in the USA. Just go back to the old motto, which is way better. From Many: One.

It won't matter. Ceremonial deism, am I right?

The USA isn't a Christian country.
I prefer May the Force Be With You ... or Live Long and Prosper ... but honestly I don't care so long as the money is "spendable"
I would be happy if this person decided to run in 2016 (for any office) ... or just continuing he recent string of speaking engagements

This is exactly the type of person the GOP needs to have running for office (I am not talking about the fact he is black). I watched his CPAC speech and his Prayer Breakfast speech (with Obama present) ... I do not agree with everything he is saying or his stance on guns, but on the bigger governmental issues he is on target
If I see one of those micro drones flying around, I'll be getting my hammer out! :D



That might be the answer for kids which dislike school. Shaping clouds that looks like Santa! :clap:

I prefer May the Force Be With You ... or Live Long and Prosper ... but honestly I don't care so long as the money is "spendable"
But May The Force Be With You would just offend the Trekkies out there and Live Long and Prosper all the Star Wars fans. I think In Adrian Smith We Trust would be the best way to go.

But yea, they could put Kermit the Frog on the money and I wouldn't be bothered.
I'm not an American.

But if I were, I'd be pissed off. I'd get it if the US's slogan from day one had been In God We Trust, but it wasn't. It was E Pluribus Unum, a way more badass motto. As Mosh said, it's a product of the Red Scare. Communists were atheists, so Americans shouldn't be. It's a huge fuck you to the people who don't believe in an Abrahamic god in the USA. Just go back to the old motto, which is way better. From Many: One.

It won't matter. Ceremonial deism, am I right?

The USA isn't a Christian country. I'd say that 73% makes the USA pretty darn Christian.