USA Politics

I am happy with what Rand Paul did yesterday because he did an actual filibuster and spoke for about 13 hours on the Senate floor against the use of drones potentially attacking US citizens on US soil. It is nice to see an actual filibuster and the effect can be seen as it is all over the news and people are actually discussing the issue versus the usual mechanics of politics. Good for Rand Paul

This article has a series of quotes from what he said. The more important to me is this

Our rights are gradually eroding. I think they are gradually slipping away from us. I think the understanding of the Constitution as a document that restrains your government, that restrains the size and scope of your government has been lost on a lot of people, and I think it's something we shouldn't give up on
.. and he ended with a good joke :)

I would go for another 12 hours and try to break Strom Thurmond’s record, but I have learned there are limits and I have to go take care of one of those right now
Good work, although I bet a lot of people will shrug it off purely because he's Republican.

I gotta admit I have a hard time imagining how someone could speak for 13 hours straight, though.
The rules allow for an occasional break, he can allow another Senator to ask him a question .. which is usually more of a speech. He had to remain at the podium while the question was being asked, but it gives him a bit of a break from speaking. 13 hours without hitting the bathroom is probably the toughest part. One Democrat (Wyden from OR) was there supporting him.
Speaking of drones I caught this lately...


The era of drone wars is already upon us. The era of robot wars could be fast approaching.

Looks like something out of Robocop...
Of course it's okay for him to do so. Smart of someone to see what sort of organization and defences exist.

My favourite is the first comment. "Background checks work". No, they didn't do a background check on the person - they're doing it on the gun. I lol'd.
Well that's just a really dumb thing to say. The president's life is virtually always in danger. No matter who he is or whether he is good or not. Why do you think Secret Service exists? Part of being the president is having a bunch of nutjobs out there who want to kill you. For as little as no reason. Do you really think that he worries about his life because he is a bad president?

Seriously, what the fuck
Obama has more death threats than any president in the modern era because of the colour of skin.