USA Politics

Tons of opinions on Marxism here: So, it can be either good or bad depending on how it is approached.

I'm still open to the possibility of all of the following being true. Of course, we have to proof, but you never know for sure:


► Listen to the radio interview here:
(related article:

► Lt. General W.G. Boykin (ret.) warns about the Marxist insurgency in the US government:

► Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's shockingly prophetic warning from 29 years ago, regarding the Marxist-Leninist infiltration and take-over of the USA, describing what's happening in America today almost to the letter (A REAL EYE-OPENER):

If you're finding yourself dismissing this as just a "conspiracy theory" without actually being able to refute any of the arguments and evidence presented, it is far more likely that your fragile psyche is simply incapable of coming to terms with reality.

US national debt has soared under Obama by a whopping $5 Trillion after just 1 term (that's more than Bush's deficits over 8 years), and with no slowdown in sight... no one is THAT incompetent unless they're seeking to intentionally derail the US economy!

Additional resources:

► DHS INSIDER: "There won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned … The coming collapse of the U.S. Dollar is a done deal."

► Obama key campaign contributor George Soros:
"China will be the NEW world reserve currency"

► Obama speaking OPENLY about the need for creating a "Civilian National Security Force" just as powerful as the military (which he obviously couldn't trust):

► Obama arming DHS to the teeth: 450 Million rounds of hollow-point bullets and another 175 million .223 caliber rifle ammo massive ammunition purchase:
(UPDATE: Now up to 2 BILLION rounds... for perspective: we only shot 5.5 million rounds/month during the Iraq war. 2 Billion = 24 year "Iraq War". Update story:

► DHS Buys 7000 assault rifles:

► DHS Buys millions of dollars worth of target practice posters with pictures of armed civilians (including: pregnant women, elderly, children etc.) from a company named "Law Enforcement Training, Inc.":

► Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?


The clock is ticking folks... (just hit $16.5 Trillion in fact):
Boykin is insane and you only believe Bezemenov is describing the USA if you already buy into the concept that the US is becoming a more socialist nation. It's not.

DHS has security divisions. It uses assault rifles. Why is it wrong that they would buy assault rifles? Do you know what is under DHS? Immigration. Customs/Borders. TSA. The Coast Guard (an Armed Service). The Secret Service. You're going to tell me they don't need guns? Come the fuck on. Stop being retarded.

Yes, it's a coincidence, it's bullshit "reporting", and honestly? It's meaningless.
Like I said, I think it's just a possibility.

LC, a lot of the time you say that my stuff is wrong and the facts aren't correct. How do you know you're right and your facts are correct and that mine aren't?
I find it hilarious that Americans (and by this I mean United Statesians really) think that Obama is a marxist/socialist. It shows that they have no real concept of what socialism actually is other than the bogeyman that they made it into in the 1950's. Also, marxism and socialism are not the same thing. Also socialism is great, just for the record. Countries like Sweden and Canada can attest to the fact that its not the end of the world. AMERICA, STOP BEING HYSTERICAL.
My mother told me, "Mijo, they're going to take away my SS!" I reassured her, "No mom, you're 68, you're fine, they're taking MY SS away!" I don't care either way, people should plan for their retirement on their own whether the government gives them a little something or not. My uncle, rest in peace, was the poster child for planning ahead and having a plan and when I was 15 he told me that, you need to care fore yourself. Forget about 401(k)s, SS and the like, put AT LEAST 10% of every paycheck away...

I'm barely able to do that, I hope that in 30 plus years that adds up enough for me not to worry about depending on some program.
I find it hilarious that Americans (and by this I mean United Statesians really) think that Obama is a marxist/socialist. It shows that they have no real concept of what socialism actually is other than the bogeyman that they made it into in the 1950's. Also, marxism and socialism are not the same thing. Also socialism is great, just for the record. Countries like Sweden and Canada can attest to the fact that its not the end of the world. AMERICA, STOP BEING HYSTERICAL.

Every Canadian I know (which are not many not including Duke and LC) live here, BECAUSE they HATE the socialist aspect of Canada and tell me all they remember is their parents complaining about their free health care system, because there's "a waiting list" and treat you like cattle, yada yada this and that. So.... Great to some, shitty to others. There's a reason they live here I guess.
LC, a lot of the time you say that my stuff is wrong and the facts aren't correct. How do you know you're right and your facts are correct and that mine aren't?

This is an *excellent* question. It's excellent because it means you're starting to think about what you're told, rather than just listening to it.

How do you know my facts are correct? You don't. Like I chastized Foro for, you shouldn't just believe a guy. I can always provide links, though - I usually source against either US government statistics or a major news organization with a good name, such as the BBC, CBC, Al Jazeera, or Reuters. As for my interpretation of facts? That's my own. Again, I check it against my values. And I honestly don't think you and I have such different values, Travis.
When I see so many different facts and opposing views on this stuff, I don't know who to trust or believe. All I can do is hope and trust that our president and the rest are doing a good job which I really don't trust right now with the way things seem to be going. The national debt rising more in 4 years than it did in all the 8 years Bush was president is a big reason why. I still think things are only going to get worse and never better. At least not better in my lifetime. Sitting here trying to think of more to say on this, I just draw a blank now. Well, at least w share some of the same values which is a great thing.

If I can just see Maiden on last time, I can die happy! :lol:
You're looking at a lot of symptoms, and you're asking questions about why those symptoms are the way they are - keep doing that, and you'll find the truth more. Facts are facts - interpretations are where the differences are. I guess I see you trusting sources that I don't trust, and that upsets me a little bit, you know? I want you to ask the same questions you ask to me to those sources (obviously, that's a metaphor). But read into the articles. Misleading headlines, poorly written sources, or linking to sources that don't actually support the conclusions. There's good, quality, conservative-leaning reporting out there, but you won't find it on or the Drudge Report, both of which have made their money doing nothing but lying.

I, too, hope to see Maiden again!
Not a mainstream media news channel or professional website, but I like Lee Doren, a popular conservative youtuber, who is also a lawyer:

His views are backed up by facts and he is unlike the extremely biased and bullshitting Drudge Report and sources of the like. Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's a start.
Every Canadian I know (which are not many not including Duke and LC) live here, BECAUSE they HATE the socialist aspect of Canada and tell me all they remember is their parents complaining about their free health care system, because there's "a waiting list" and treat you like cattle, yada yada this and that. So.... Great to some, shitty to others. There's a reason they live here I guess.

You've got to be dealing with a very small sample. I've definitely heard Canadians complain about surgical waits, and know of frustrated people who have travelled to the states to get around a flaw in the system. Certainly many people have suggested ways of improving our system. Some doctors favour the American system because the Canadian system hampers their earning ability. But I have NEVER heard a friend or acquaintance in favour chucking our system in the trash in favour of the American system.

Canadians have little brother syndrome, frequently seeking to define themselves by ways they are different and somehow better than Americans. Our medical system is frequently cited as a prime example. The mantra is "we are a more caring people. We will take care of our sick. Means should never be a factor in someone's health."
It's pretty much part of our national identity.

I'd suggest your acquaintances might have moved because they didn't really want to be Canadians.
The health system here is much worse than in Canada, because it's basically a two class system, private and government insurance. Guess who gets all the benefits. Still, the general consensus here is, "at least we're not in America".

The Canadian system is, quite frankly, the best I've ever heard about.
Every system has its flaws, I grant you. But what bugs me about the States is that so frequently the mere mention of the word 'socialism' or, even worse, 'taxes', incurs a reaction close to an apoplectic fit. Its just a different way of doing things and it works just as well (if not better imo) than the system in the States. While the opportunity to earn big might not be so great in Sweden and there's a load of unnecessary bureaucracy, at least I don't have to worry if shit hits the fan. I know there's a safety net. And I get to go to school for free. For those two things, I'm willing to put in my share every time I get taxed. Because without taxes, I wouldn't have those things. And we all need a little help now and again. :)
I have 2 relatives who moved to Canada from the US for work .. in both cases, they come back to the US for Health Care needs ... they pretty much hate the system up there.
Strange.. I was convinced that Canada is a paradise regarding health.. Maybe they have a decent coverage from their work your relatives??
Their coverage was in Canada, they paid out of pocket to see specialists in the US ... and had the follow up treatment in Canada (when needed). For example, my mother cut her hand and needed stitches, which would have been no problem here. There was some deal with the severity of the wound that made it a pain to get in Canada, so she went to the US and paid for it. She then got cancer and was having issues getting diagnosed properly (how much of this is the system versus just a bad doctor/hospital, I do not know), but she ended up coming to the US to get diagnosed. The bad part was the during the delay, it got worse and she ended up not making it Recently my Aunt got cancer and learning that lesson, came straight to the US for initial surgery and treatment and is did some follow up treatment in Canada and is fine now. So, my perception of Canadian health care is not very high as I think it is at least possibly to blame for the death of my mother.

A new trend in the US is going more towards an HSA health approach in private insurance, which I like a great deal and think will end up big savings and I like as a patient quite a bit. I wish this had started much early (I am in my 40s), for someone starting off, it makes a great deal of sense. Health Care reform should have been based more along those lines versus Obamacare, though Obamacare will end up pushing insurance in that direction as it is cheaper for employers, which is the main Obamacare benefit I see.