Tournament of Maiden Solos: the Top 10 video!

Which guitar solo is your favourite?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You can't force someone to be more open-minded.
You're right. It may sound a little "fascist" but that's my weakness: I prefer to only have open minded people here, or at least, people who are not voting in one direction, whatever the (every time!) new settings are in which solos are placed, taken out of their (song) context. It's difficult and I won't blame people if they have trouble with it. But if they totally "fail", for such a long time, then I'm having trouble with it.

Thanks for your feedback.

Mosh, I respect that. We have often disagreed on how bias works and how it can influence someone's actions.
Don't really want to play in a game where the host censors votes to his liking.
I censored someone who did not play by my rules. If he would have constantly supported Dave or Janick, in the same extreme form, I would not have tolerated it either.
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Here's the thing. If Foro was running a presidential election, I'd be rioting. But this is a game on a message board. I think we should be more lenient, but it is his game.

The host of a game can run the game how they choose.

The players can also choose not to play based on how the host runs the game.
Exactly, which is why I'm not suggesting stopping the game or banning Foro or anything like that. But I will choose not to play because of it.
Which is understandable. Though it is a shame.

I will continue to participate, even though I disagree. Because I have to keep supporting Adrian Smith :devil2:
I don't want to do it too often but I remember I walked away from a game, because at some point I couldn't stand(!) what people were voting. All the tracks I liked were gone within no time. Out of self protection (and/or to make a statement ;) ), I didn't want to be there anymore.
I will say that the timing of this decision seems awfully convenient. If this only came about as a way to break the tie, then it isn't right at all in my opinion.

I'll keep playing this game, but I'm worried that now people will start to worry that they will be banned from the game if they happen to vote for a particular guitarist too frequently, even if they are truly voting for their preferred solo each time.
@Forostar. I see what you are saying but I didnt mean to imply that I was automatically voting for my favorite song per se. I just noticed that my favorite solo often depends on environment so if I like the backdrop or pace of the rhythm behind the solo I am going to like that solo even more. If thats not what you had in mind for this game then I do apologize thats just how it works for me. If Frank Zappa is playing an Inca Roads solo in 1974 and playing a Hot Plate Heaven solo in 1984 I am going to like the Inca solo much better. Same player different environment. If you want to discount my votes thats fine. I dont agree but its your game.
Thank you for sparing me, Forostar! After I read your diatribe to @edu smith, I fully expected to see @adrian fn rules followed by my voting statistics also. I have, however, been much more open minded than that so I guess that is what saved me lol
I'll keep playing this game, but I'm worried that now people will start to worry that they will be banned from the game if they happen to vote for a particular guitarist too frequently, even if they are truly voting for their preferred solo each time.

Since he made it very clear this was an extreme example, I don't think anyone will really change their voting behavior.

And I agree with Foro - it's not that I were a Fascist or I wanted "my" guitarist to win through shameful means or whatever.

But Foro made it clear in the first post and again many times throughout the game he asks us to vote without a bias and if we're unabled to do that, then we shouldn't participate. That was the purpose of this game from the very beginning. In fact, it led me, a fanatical Janickist to vote for H very often (I'm not even sure whether most my votes haven't been in support of H).

So someone, after repeated warnings, kept breaking the rules of the game. If I did that, I'm okay with the fact my votes would be deleted.

And yes, Brigs is right too - it's just a f*cking game.

:ninja: Of course I wrote this post in support of Foro's decision because it eliminated another person supporting Smith. :ninja:

It's an all-out war between the H of Innocence and the Gers of War, remember.

"He shendsh one of ush to the hoshpital, we shend one of hish to the mawgue."

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It's just a game for those of us who vote. But Foro has been putting a lot of effort into organising and running this game, so I fully understand that he would be unhappy if someone consistently disregards the rules of the game. As Judas pointed out, Foro has repeatedly reminded voters how the game should be played and what its purpose is, and if he's the only one to do the job, he should be the only one making decisions about the game.

I think I once voted for Dave over Adrian in a direct match between them. :ninja:
@Forostar. I see what you are saying but I didnt mean to imply that I was automatically voting for my favorite song per se. I just noticed that my favorite solo often depends on environment so if I like the backdrop or pace of the rhythm behind the solo I am going to like that solo even more. If thats not what you had in mind for this game then I do apologize thats just how it works for me. If Frank Zappa is playing an Inca Roads solo in 1974 and playing a Hot Plate Heaven solo in 1984 I am going to like the Inca solo much better. Same player different environment. If you want to discount my votes thats fine. I dont agree but its your game.
Good to you hear you didn't imply that.

No problem to take the backdrop into consideration, if that is the music during the solo segment. I'd find it odd to completely isolate (ignore) it. The solo is played over it, it belongs to it. But I hope it does not dominate too much over the solo itself. Rather focus on the solo itself (and include the music in the background if you wish, but that might happen unconsciously even) and compare that with its opponent, rather than compare the two backgrounds.
I will say that the timing of this decision seems awfully convenient. If this only came about as a way to break the tie, then it isn't right at all in my opinion.
At best, I think it should have been done earlier. I already had in mind to start doing something if the votes would get close.

I was not bothered about breaking a tie, but about this particular cause that can lead to a tie or worse: a small victory. It would not be a problem if there's more than two votes difference between votes. Not counting a vote would not be necessary, and it would also not be noted. But when votes started to get closer, it felt unfair, to continue as nothing had happened.
I think I once voted for Dave over Adrian in a direct match between them. :ninja:
I haven't monitored everybody constantly, only did a check when I sensed a pattern. Right now, I quickly glanced over my administration and in round 1B I saw a group with 2 Adrian solos and you voted for 1 Adrian solo and 1 Janick solo. In round 1A there was a group with 2 Adrian solos and you didn't vote for any of them, you picked a Dave solo instead.
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Can't vote but I will post my opinion.
Strange World (my second least favourite Maiden song to let one bias be known) because I am a sucker for feel and melody (to let my other bias be known)
Can you imagine that, had you voted in time, all this wouldn't have happened yet. Not to make you responsible, or any other voter who missed out; I just say it to show how difficult the decision was.
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(NOTE: If this game is new for you, and if you would like to participate, please check the opening post of this thread, before you vote)

Result of round 2, 28th battle: Adrian Smith's Only the Good Die Young solo (050) is eliminated. 004 advances to the 3rd round.

Round 2: 29th battle:

Alexander, I might be an exception but this solo is my favorite from the album.
That note at 0.52 of this clip is the most majestic moment on SIT.