Tournament of Maiden Solos: the Top 10 video!

Which guitar solo is your favourite?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Exactly. I am considering to discount your votes if you do not (show that you) understand and agree. Please read the opening post of this topic to see what this is about.
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Dave's solo in Iron Maiden version of SW is not the best one, in my opinion. Soundhouse Tapes version is way, way better.
I'm a sucker for the slow, melodic solos, so Strange World was the easy choice right here.

It looks like this one will come right down to the wire!
For a long while I didn't know what to do with certain voting behaviour. I tried to just let it go and hoped the game wouldn't be too much influenced by it.
But I already knew that at some point I had to do something about it. This is that moment.

I realize that it may seem as a controversial move, and some of you might feel bothered by this (especially if you disagree). Hopefully not too bothered....
But I thought it would be best to be open about it. Well here goes:


I think you "confuse" this game with "vote for your favourite guitarist". When you played, and when one or more Adrian Smith solo(s) was/were present in a group, you consistently, always voted for one or two Adrian Smith solos.

In round 1A you voted in 15 out of 32 groups with 4 solos.
From these 15 occasions:
In every group with 2 or 3 Smith solos you voted for 2 Smith solos. (8 occasions)
In every group with 1 Smith solo you voted for that Smith solo and 1 Murray solo (6 occasions)
In 1 group without Smith solos you voted for 1 Murray and 1 Stratton solo (1 occasion)

In round 1B you voted in 3 out of 16 groups with 4 solos.
From these 3 occasions:
In one group with 2 Smith solos you voted for both. (1 occasion)
In two groups with 1 Smith solo you voted for that Smith solo and 1 Murray solo (2 occasions)

In round 2 (the one on one battles) I didn't save all the votes, so I can't proof it, but I am really sure that when you voted (and you voted very often, perhaps even in (almost) every battle), you always voted for Adrian if he was in it.

You never voted for Janick Gers throughout the whole game.

So you always supported Smith when you played. You also showed some sympathy for a few Dave solos but only if it's not in Adrian's disadvantage.

I truly believe that if someone constantly votes in favour of one artist, for months in a row, that they cannot be open minded about a possible alternative. This open mindness is of vital importance, as explained on page 1 of this thread.
I am of the opinion that someone is only fit to play this particular game with so many options, if they at least vote once for a different guitarist (against the favoured guitarist of his liking).

You have not shown you are fit. Your votes will not be counted anymore, and it starts right now in this battle.
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I don't disagree with your reasoning, @Forostar, but I think this sets a very dangerous precedent for any game on this board.

Just because someone votes with bias doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed a vote.
There's bias and there's extreme bias, without exception. Since I see bias as one of the enemies of this particular game, I wanted to stop tolerating the extremest sort. I waited very long, and have thought long about it and wondered if it would ever change.

Any game?
Well, I think every game host can decide themselves what they tolerate or not. Perhaps I take this less lightly than the average host. I can't be sure that it won't ever follow suit but I'm not worried that people will (suddenly) look stricter in other situations.
It's just the basis of your decision: just because someone isn't voting the way you want them to vote doesn't mean their voice shouldn't be heard.

I agree that extreme bias helps nothing and often contributes to unfair results, but it just feels undemocratic to ban people from voting based on their strong opinions. Maybe he just truly loves everything Adrian has done more than anyone else. You can't force someone to be more open-minded.

However, you are 100% correct, it is your game and you have put in a lot of work to make it happen. You can host it in any way you choose. Game on!
This is so lame.

I hadn't participated in this game in awhile because I was too busy with other things, but intended on coming back once things had settled down (wanted to have time to listen to every solo thoroughly). I have no interest in participating now. Don't really want to play in a game where the host censors votes to his liking.