Tournament of Maiden Solos: the Top 10 video!

Which guitar solo is your favourite?

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Aces and Eagles.

That Where Eagles Dare solo is one of my favorites. If you watch the live recording, you can't help but wonder how that was done.
Hate that live version of WED. Would've voted for the studio version. Why isn't that included? Or is it?
The Unbeliever and Where Eagles Dare.

What a solo in The Unbeliever! :bigsurprise:

Is this Janick or Dave? If this is Janick it is in my opinion the best solo of his career.
I was sure I'd already heard that. I like this version in the context of the actual performance, which is one of my favourite Maiden live performances, but it doesn't stand alone well at all.
I think the studio version was included in one of the first rounds of this game? Isn't that right @Forostar?
The Unbeliever and Where Eagles Dare.

What a solo in The Unbeliever! :bigsurprise:

Is this Janick or Dave? If this is Janick
It is Dave.
it is in my opinion the best solo of his career.
Janick's solo in this song (the one preceding it in The Unbeliever, not in this vid, apart from the last seconds) is imo the best of his career. You've got another thing coming! :--)
But yes, this one totally rules as well.
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It is Dave.

Janick's solo in this song (the one preceding it in The Unbeliever, not in this vid, apart from the last seconds) is imo the best of his career. You've got another thing coming! :--)
But yes, this one totally rules as well.

Thanks. :okok:

Dave did an amazing job here with this one. I listened to Janick's solo in The Unbeliever and I must say I prefer this solo to Janick's. I simply hear so much emotion, rivaled only by his first Powerslave solo.