Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 05/10/08)

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

A lot of these are files I created and deleted over three months ago and I'm not going to waste my time trying to recover them. I don't particularly want to make instrumental versions of the songs because I come as a package and that includes my singing. I would much rather spend my time recording the songs I have still to do in this project, which is infinitely more fun.

ironhustla : The three favourite solos I've done so far would be :

1. Alexander The Great
2. The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
3. The Prophecy

I don't think I could choose 12 Maiden songs to be acoustic because I'd like so many (if not all) to be recorded, but The Prophecy would have to be in there. The ending of that song was one of the first things I got into playing on the guitar and I still love it to this day. I hope you like my enhanced version of it!

Thanks again, you other chaps :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

I personally think that morgue's request is rather lame (I'm using this word to remain "polite", but I could think of a few others!). His user rating of -13 attests of what some people here on this forum think of his interventions... and I expect it to go down after this.  :down:

Keep it up as it is, Thingfish, and don't listen to those who are never satisfied, even if they're not able to do a tenth of what you achieve. We love your work!  -_-
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Thingfish, don't let morgue mislead you. I think he wants to be co-owner / possessor of the files.

People who say this:

"I did something for you, you do something for me" such an early stage cannot be trusted.

Do you think Derek Riggs demanded Maiden's music on his own website, because he delivered the artwork?
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Don't worry, I don't pay it much heed :) Forget about it. I will carry on in the same vein I have been.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Thingfish said:
I don't think I could choose 12 Maiden songs to be acoustic because I'd like so many (if not all) to be recorded, but The Prophecy would have to be in there. The ending of that song was one of the first things I got into playing on the guitar and I still love it to this day. I hope you like my enhanced version of it!
The intro you did for "Only the good die young" gives this track a really nice sound. I'd have that in there too. In fact, the whole "Seventh Son.." album would really sound good done acoustically. Just my thoughts.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

We'll find out, albie ;) I've only got about 110 songs to go :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Albie said:
Very well put, Hunlord. I would like to add more, but you've said it all here.
Yes, files that did exist on your HD will still be recoverable - but, once that deleted files allocation has been overwritten and the FAT is updated, it will be no longer available. Defragging or extensive use of the HD[sup]1[/sup] will reallocate the space used by deleted files.

[sup]1[/sup]If one Cubase file takes up n bytes of space and Thingfish has only 2n bytes of free space, he will overwrite this allocation time and time again - hypothetically speaking.

Yeah hypothetically, who says it's not there? Until you don't use the program you don't know what you'll recover, the first time I used it I got stuff that was 10 years old so...
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Morgue, just drop it, please :rolleyes:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Hunlord said:
Excuse you, part of Thingfish's "charm", you could call it, is that his songs aren't perfect, the vocals aren't exact, and this shows his dedication to the band by recreating their songs in his own manner, adding his own touches that make the songs better than countless cover versions that are out there. Thingfish's songs have emotion in them (Como Estais Amigos, No Prayer For The Dying to name two of many) that almost every other cover I've heard lacks. This isn't some big band using the latest equipment to record it, it is a guy using his computer at home, in his free time to bring enjoyment to others. I'm sorry if this comes across as an attack on you morgue, I don't mean it to sound like that, but in the future think of all the work that Thingfish does on these tracks so people like you and me can enjoy it. You make it sound like Thingfish owes you something for you doing the watermark, where I feel that everyone that listens to Thingfish's music owes him for allowing us to.

I'm completly understand what you are saying but you are over reacting, I'm not saying he owes me, just a random comment, don't be a cry baby.

I enjoyed his work a lot and the vocals aren't bad, the problem is that he sometimes sings too close to the mic and stuff like that which he shouldn't have done, and having put so much effort on the guitars he should have put a little more effort on the singing.. not the voice, 'cause he does can sing but on the technique if you want to call it that way...

Anyway I hope he used getdataback to get some of the files, and do the instrumental versions or sing the vocals again, if not... too bad.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

I'm surprised that morgue's rating hasn't dropped yet. Are we getting soft?

Have a kick from me, sunshine.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

I've warned you morgue.  Now incur the wrath of Conor!

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Maverick said:
I'm surprised that morgue's rating hasn't dropped yet. Are we getting soft?
*ahem* Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours. :rolleyes:

morgue said:
I'm completly understand what you are saying but you are over reacting, I'm not saying he owes me, just a random comment, don't be a cry baby.

I enjoyed his work a lot and the vocals aren't bad, the problem is that he sometimes sings too close to the mic and stuff like that which he shouldn't have done, and having put so much effort on the guitars he should have put a little more effort on the singing.. not the voice, 'cause he does can sing but on the technique if you want to call it that way...

Anyway I hope he used getdataback to get some of the files, and do the instrumental versions or sing the vocals again, if not... too bad.
My previous post was to highlight that its the things like singing close to the mic which makes the songs better than any covers I've heard. Please, you do your own cover versions acoustically and post them up here for other people to judge and like or hate, as you seem to be such an expert at what Thingfish should have done. You seem to request alot from a person who gives and gets nothing back. Stop being so bloody selfish and just grow up. :angry:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Right.... This is not a good day to make me furious, so I will forget having read your post, morgue.... :angry:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Please just forget it, guys.

As for the technical side of recording the vocals, it is the case the microphone I have simply isn't that good and when I need to add extra overdrive on vocals to give them enough power and volume to stay above the background guitars in the mix (and yet still keep the guitars at a usable level) some crackles and spikes do appear. I then go back and edit out as many as I can be bothered to by hand :)

Maybe in the future I'll record everything at a lower level and you can simply turn up the volume on your PCs more  :ph34r:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Thingfish said:
Please just forget it, guys.
Morgue, who's Morgue? ;)

Thingfish, you don't need to explain why this and that causes whatever. All that matters is that people enjoy what you do.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

That's true, albie, but if I can reduce these instances of technical blips, maybe they will enjoy it even more :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Back with another killer track...literally!!

'Murders In The Rue Morgue' added!!!

:o ^_^ :o
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 06/08/06)

Well done! I really like the guitar parts :)
You gave a new wonderful shape to some old Maiden classics.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 06/08/06)

WoOohOo! A new fan! Thanks, ABandOn! Hope you get a chance to listen to the rest of the tracks!

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 06/08/06)

I'm made a bit of a structure change to the site now so that all the tracks are listed in the original album orders etc. Each track name will become a link when I get round to recording it and putting it on the site :)

If anyone notices any extra tracks for the 'Non-Album / B-Sides / Covers' section that I've missed out (forget about the ones Nicko sings, I'm NOT doing those!!  ^_^ ), then please let me know!

By my reckoning, I've got 114 songs to go!!  :o :( :o