Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 05/10/08)

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 22/07/06)

At least I'm in your top 4 favourite bands of the moment! :D
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 22/07/06)

You're right, but with the following chasing your tail:

6:...and Oceans


No seriously, I will always take time to listen to your stuff. :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 22/07/06)

Back after a week-long hiatus with an all-time classic...

'Remember Tomorrow'!!

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Excellent stuff as always, the dual layer vocals really add to the song and gives it extra depth. It was worth the wait, as always :D
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

I'm delighted I can please you every time, Hunlord! :D
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Great !! :)

Love it.. ! Both atmosphere of the vocals and quality of the solos are AMAZING! I think these solos and rhythm guitars underneath might be your best effort !

Small detail: I love the 2.37/2.38 part. The stuff you do with the rhythm guitars. Cool acoustic-guitars-go-metal "effect"!
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

I think both Hunlord and Forostar have summed it up well. The vocals are great on this and the guitar playing brilliant as usual. :ok:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Albie said:
I think both Hunlord and Forostar have summed it up well. The vocals are great on this and the guitar playing brilliant as usual. :ok:

Indeed, but I tend to go a step further. I'd say there is only one maximum five letter word that can describe this version. It's 'wow'. You are the maidencovers Da Vinci. Consider it the ultimate compliment from me, since I'm not very interested in art, and I only know Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Monet, Michenangelo, Picasso and Van Gogh.

The vocal performance is your second best, after my Thingfish alltime favourite 'JoH'. And I wonder, is it just me, or does someone else recognize Paul in Thingfish's voice? It's like you are almost a new Paul, but of course a quite nicer person. Just outstanding. But it's not better than the original, I'd say it's a tie, but that's quite a high praise.  Now, I'm going to grade your version. I assure you, this is not the freshness speaking as it were when I graded The Reincarnation of Benamin Breeg (The original, not your cover). I'll give your version of 'Remember  Tomorrow' 9,5/10.

Cheers and have a praise.

Edit: Thingfish, what about the little project with my extremely mediocre lyrics ^_^?
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

You all flatter me too much, but I thank you all the same!  ^_^ Good to hear that you're enjoying my work still! I guess you can hear some Paul in my voice in 'Remember Tomorrow' because at sections I do a Di'Anno impression, like the very last singing note at 5:19. That is a Di'Anno-ism! :)

Forostar : I think what you're talking about is the quick muted riffing down the strings just before going into a new section. Yes, I do that quite often...  ;)

Yax : As I mentioned, we may move on to a project like that after this Maiden one!  :wacko:

As a reward for all your praise, I've just added another beauty in quick succession...


:o :o :o
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

'Ben Breeg' still hasn't been posted on the NotB site...  :(
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Rainmaker was the last track I got into from Dance of Death - I initially found it a bit to "poppy", for want of a better word. It wasn't until I watched the video that the song grabbed me and I can only surmise that the video, been one of their best efforts in my opinion, took the song to a new dimension for me. It now stands as one of my favourite tracks on that album.

Thingfish, once again an excellent effort - well done :ok:. I would offer a praise, but although you can post many songs here at any time, I can only praise you once a day. ;)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Maverick said:
'Ben Breeg' still hasn't been posted on the NotB site...   :(

Yep, the owner of the site is scared he'll incur the wrath of Maiden if he puts my version up there before it is officially release... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Albie : Curses, I forgot I couldn't get a double praise! I'll know now not to post more than one song a day, even if I have them ready!!  :wacko: :wacko:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Really well done version of Rainmaker Thingfish, I like the way that you don't always stick to the exact recording of the vocals, along with the other touches, its makes it your own even more :okok:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Thanks, Hun, yes, I like to make them my own whilst still keeping 95% of the original in there. Same thing with the solo in this one, numerous elements from the originals but also my own improvisations.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Can you make the instrumental versions?
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

No, I have deleted all the Cubase files for every song up til the latest one due to the sheer quantity of memory such sound files take up, and I'm not going to start instrumental versions now. You'll need to just sing along with my vocals.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Thingfish said:
No, I have deleted all the Cubase files for every song up til the latest one due to the sheer quantity of memory such sound files take up, and I'm not going to start instrumental versions now. You'll need to just sing along with my vocals.
Use that to restore your deleted files.

If you want I can give you the fully functional app, just send me a pm.

I did something for you, you do something for me, I did the album cover without the watermark and you wanted that XD.

Is not that you sing bad, it's just that you need a little more training in that particular area.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

morgue said:
Use that to restore your deleted files.

If you want I can give you the fully functional app, just send me a pm.

I did something for you, you do something for me, I did the album cover without the watermark and you wanted that XD.

Is not that you sing bad, it's just that you need a little more training in that particular area.
Excuse you, part of Thingfish's "charm", you could call it, is that his songs aren't perfect, the vocals aren't exact, and this shows his dedication to the band by recreating their songs in his own manner, adding his own touches that make the songs better than countless cover versions that are out there. Thingfish's songs have emotion in them (Como Estais Amigos, No Prayer For The Dying to name two of many) that almost every other cover I've heard lacks. This isn't some big band using the latest equipment to record it, it is a guy using his computer at home, in his free time to bring enjoyment to others. I'm sorry if this comes across as an attack on you morgue, I don't mean it to sound like that, but in the future think of all the work that Thingfish does on these tracks so people like you and me can enjoy it. You make it sound like Thingfish owes you something for you doing the watermark, where I feel that everyone that listens to Thingfish's music owes him for allowing us to.
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

hey thingfish

ive been listening to all your songs over the last few days and have really enjoyed them
i just have a a few questions for you

what are your 3 favourite guitar solos that you have played?
also if maiden was to do an unplugged album and they had to choose 12 songs what would your choices be?

as for a request for your next song to try, i would really love to hear 'REVELATIONS'!!!!!!

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 30/07/06)

Hunlord said:
Excuse you, part of Thingfish's "charm", you could call it, is that his songs aren't perfect, the vocals aren't exact,......(plus rest of post)
Very well put, Hunlord. I would like to add more, but you've said it all here.
morgue said:
Use that to restore your deleted files.
Yes, files that did exist on your HD will still be recoverable - but, once that deleted files allocation has been overwritten and the FAT is updated, it will be no longer available. Defragging or extensive use of the HD[sup]1[/sup] will reallocate the space used by deleted files.

[sup]1[/sup]If one Cubase file takes up n bytes of space and Thingfish has only 2n bytes of free space, he will overwrite this allocation time and time again - hypothetically speaking.