Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new track added : 05/10/08)

Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

Thanks, albie. I just got over a cold from last weekend, so may that made my voice more suitable for an early Nineties Bruce-sung track!  ^_^
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

That didn't take long to get dumped on the downloads page.  Downloading them as I speak, but I may not get a chance to listen to them for a while, due to some certain Finnish monsters :p.  I can perfectly imagine what the Chipmunk version would be like, though ^_^.  Anyway, I'm sure you've done a great job, as usual!
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

Yep, the guy who uploads them there did them all in one go.

Let me know what you think once you've heard them  -_-
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

For any fans of Thingfish on, you can find his artist page here, with the option for voting for an artist image for him here.  We need 18 more votes to pass this image, and then maybe we could write an artist description for the page-then we'll start taking over the site. ;)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

Has someone signed up there with my username? I ask because I didn't sign up there...Or does it simply get created because that's what some people are listening to?
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

Nobody can "take over" the site, as Silky says.  it's purely an automatic thing based upon the RSS feeds the site gets.

I suggest that Thingfish sets up an account and sends feedback to the team and asks them to clear up some stuff ;)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

There's already an account of 'ThingFish' from some Dutch chap who is into entirely different stuff. There doesn't appear to be a 'Thingfish' account, but I can't create one. I've created 'Thingfishy' instead :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 11/06/06)

The annoying thing is, that guy hasn't listened to a track since last July.

I created an artist description for Thingfish there now.  it's just Maverick's piece, copied and pasted from the commentary.  You can alter it yourself Thingfish whenever you have the time ;)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 14/06/06)

It's great as usual Thingfish.  The touches like the wind and the string-scraping before the instrumental section really add to it.  Nice accent too :P
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 14/06/06)

Excellent version of a classic, Thingfish. As Conor said, the little touches do add to it. :okok:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 14/06/06)

I have not listened to the new tracks as yet, but I have now got the complete set. Now if I can sneak a listen in between the football and work. -_-
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 14/06/06)

Thanks guys! :)

Conor : There is no string-scraping in this song, so you must have been referring to the demon wind sound things just before the instrumental bit. I did that by blowing air  :wacko:

albie : Glad you've got some time to hopefully enjoy them!
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 15/06/06)

After the intricacies of 'Alexander...' I felt I'd rather go for an easy Maiden track, so...

'Genghis Khan' added!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 15/06/06)

Hard at work again is Thingfish. :)
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 15/06/06)

Indeed, albie, and although this track is a lot more straight-forward than Alexander, getting the speed of the middle section on acoustic guitar is tough! I've hopefully managed it well enough, though!
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 15/06/06)

You've managed it excellently Thingfish. Sounds perfectly done to me  -_-
Re: Thingfish's Acoustic Maiden Covers (new Track Added : 15/06/06)

Right, I've had a listen to the two new additions whilst watching the Sweden/Paraguay game.

Genghis Khan is the best of the two I'd say as the guitar work is what you do best. Alexander... has some really nice moments in it whereby it sounds very, undoubtedly deliberately, Greek in the middle.

Good job once again. :ok: