
  • Total voters
My World
You Not Me
The Priest

I wasn't aware that the Fugitive is bad. And I actually like You Not Me, but the Fugitive is way better so that's why it got my vote.
Not that the others are great, but My World is the only horrible song up there.
- The only bands that could make me vote AGAINST Angel and the Gambler are Guns N Roses, Nirvana, and RHCP. Thus, I did not for Angel and the Gambler.
- The only thing terrible about the Blaze song is the production. However, I kind of like Burning My Soul, so I voted for Blaze.
- The lyrics are horrifically bad in both You Not Me and The Fugitive. However, I don't hate the music and melodies of You Not Me. Sorry, Fugitive.
- I really hate Drifter. I really, really don't like it. But that Sabbath song is just horrific.
GnR, DTx2, Sab

Yep, this. Can't go against one of my picks in the last pairing, although My World is even worse.

EDIT: An unrelated thought I just had. Judas Priest - Johnny B. Goode got smacked by basically everyone in the Priest survivor, so I think it would have been bad enough of this game (of course it's still a cover so doesn't qualify under that). But I take heart in knowing my hatred for the song is justified.
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The first pair was extremely difficult. My World is pretty much ear-rape but it lasts only 1:30. The Angel and the Gambler becomes torture with its length. Though I do reckon rape is the worse one here. Guns 'N Roses
Both the 1633 and Burning My Soul are lacklustre, rather than just straight up garbage. It was a toss up but I'll go with the latter because it's a band that I really like and it's one of their worst. Dream Theater
This pair is easier to call. The Fugitive is a weak track but it's not horrible. There are about 4-5 songs on FOTD that are worse. Whereas You Not Me is a boyband song warped into prog metal. Dream Theater
Drifter is one of my least favorite Maiden songs. Intro is cool, rest is not. However, Disturbing the Priest was unexplainably horrible. Black Sabbath
None of those Maiden songs are bad. Drifter is kind of dull but nothing that bad, Fugitive only has a bad chorus and TAATG has a lot of redeeming qualities.
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Oh boy. Don't know most of these. Gonna have to torture myself with some listens. <shivers>

I know that when I do vote, I'm unlikely to vote for DT. I actually like this song. It's big problem for me are the references to Cobain and Hoon, which date it.
I actually like both the DT and IE songs. I've always found Reaping Stone highly underrated. I go back to the IE song more often though, so I gotta give the vote to DT.

AC/DC was quite the shocker, never heard them do a song quite like this before. It's not too bad actually and it's nice hearing them do something different. The Gamma Ray song wasn't too bad either, but it gets my vote for having a more generic sound.

Depths of Hell is probably my least favorite song on my least favorite golden era Iced Earth album. It's not that bad though, just boring. Children of Bodom was pretty cool. I had never heard them before but this song is making me want to hear more from them. Vocals weren't really my thing but the riffing was awesome. Vote goes to IE.

Gamma Ray wasn't too bad either, SOAD had some good things but a lot of annoying things too.
Dream Theater, but not because it's bad, I just preferred the IE song.
AC/DC as I find it a bit nondescript
Children of Bodom - I quite like them (hence the avatar), especially their first couple of albums, but this isn't one their better songs IMO, it's a bit too chaotic. If they're new to you, @Mosh maybe try Hatebreeder, their second album, it's a strong one.
System of a Down - sounds like it's trying to be a lot of things and not succeeding
The first pair is ridiculous. I voted for Dream Theater, but only because Reaping Stone is one of my absolute favorite Iced Earth songs. It's insanely underrated. The DT song isn't bad at all, though.

AC/DC is weird, but not horrific. It sounds amateurish, but the Gamma Ray song is incredibly lame that it gets my vote.

Depths of Hell is a boring, bland IE song, but that CoB song is terribly annoying.

And speaking of terribly annoying...I despise that System of a Down song with every fiber of my being. Don't get me wrong, "To The Metal" is bad. Very bad. But it's cheesy bad. She's Like Heroine makes me want to dip my ear drums in acid.
Voted for Iced Earth, AC/DC, CoB, and System of a Down.

Like the other DT songs, I don't understand why Just Let Me Breathe is here. I quite like that song.
Why not just vote for the songs you dislike most? Or would it be too painful to listen to them? :p

Nah, I just don't think voting the worst song of a band I don't like fits the mold of the game. It's bad songs of good bands. If I were to vote for them, I'd be biased. For example it could be a consensus great song in the power metal genre but I'd still vote for it because it's just not my thing.
Didn't mind the DT song, but the solo is a complete wankfest. Reaping Stone is fine, sure it's the worst song on it's album but it's not a bad song, merely ok. DT
I really dislike both Love Song and Pray, both are very bland ballads and they don't seem to go anywhere but Pray just sneaks it. GR
I like the IE song and the Bodom song was meh at best. Bodom
I hate To the Metal!, it rips off a metal classic and doesn't add anything worthy to the song. And yet SOAD was so terrible that it made me instantly vote for it without thought. SOAD