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I was wrong, I did vote for DT. Reaping Stone isn't a highlight, but it fits well on that album.
"Pray" sounds like bad TSO.
I made it through about 30 seconds each of Bodom and SoaD. Yecch.
Nah, I just don't think voting the worst song of a band I don't like fits the mold of the game. It's bad songs of good bands. If I were to vote for them, I'd be biased. For example it could be a consensus great song in the power metal genre but I'd still vote for it because it's just not my thing.

Voting that way might still add an interesting dimension to the game. I'm aware there are a few people who really don't like harsh vocals, for example, (looks at no-one in particular :innocent:), some dislike prog, others can't stand hair metal. It may be that a particular style or genre emerges as being what the majority of forum members consider bad.
Yea. The bad songs of good bands thing was emphasized during the nomination process because I didn't want this to turn into a "lol nu-metal sucks" circlejerk or something. Not that I'd expect this forum to stoop to that, but I still wanted to make sure the aim of the game was clear. Now that we're in the voting stage it's safe to assume that for the most part all the songs are bad and transcend whichever style they come from. :p

I can see abstaining if it's something like (in Flash's case) DT vs Sabaton because obviously you're gonna e biased against Sabaton, but if it's two bands you dislike against each other, I suppose it's not that big of a deal.
It's just that I'm not confident in my ability to tell the difference in quality between *insert horrific Sabaton song* and *insert amazing Sabaton song*. This is a slight exaggeration but you get the point.
Sure, but at this point you can pretty much assume that *amazing Sabaton song* isn't gonna be included in this game. :p
It may be that a particular style or genre emerges as being what the majority of forum members consider bad.

I dunno if Mosh is keeping any stats at home on this game, but the numbers coming out of the Classic Rock game are interesting. They'll be posted after Phase One is complete, but there are some intriguing trends. A game like this would indeed give that kind of information for metal.

What would be even better is NP's short songs game. More songs and higher quality. If he kept track of numbers for that, it could be quite revealing.
I wasn't really keeping track of anything but I could start doing that.
Oh, I wasn't suggesting doing that, just asking why not vote for the worst of two songs you dislike.
Hollow Man is ok while the original Helloween drummer referred to Windmill as "Shitmill". Nuff said. Helloween.
Both songs are meh, but the Sabaton vocals put it over the edge for me. Sabaton.
In My Sword I Trust starts out ok with a decent riff, then steadily gets worse throughout the song. And that Chorus is of the moldy cheese variety. Metal Machine is fairly catchy, but these songs they do like this are not good. Ensiferum.
Actually terrible IE versus whatever the hell that Billy Squire song is. I really don't like Rock Me Tonite, but IE.
Ooh, the song so bad it killed Billy Squier's career overnight. (Really, the video did it more than the song.) This is an impressive buffet of horrible songs.
Wow Badger, you were not kidding when you said the Chameleon stuff was bad. This is what I mean when I say a song's awfulness transcends its genre. :p Hollow Man plods but it's way better compared to Windmill.

I've never really understood the hate Status Seeker gets. It's a little cheesy but I don't think it's particularly bad. It's pretty crazy though that this is the same band that would do Metropolis just a few years later. Talk about a sonic leap. Sabaton isn't too bad either actually but those vocals are awful. I generally like his voice but it's a bit unbearable here. Also, it's my civic duty as a member of team Dream Theater to vote for Sabaton. :D

I have to admit I don't mind Sabaton's songs about Metal. It's not what I like about them but they're still fun and usually pretty catchy. All the references to the different bands are pretty fun too. It's not a good song but not bad either IMO. Ensiferum is bad though. The vocals are way too raspy for me and the music is plodding and boring. The clean choruses are annoying.

Ah yes, two infamous tunes. This is a tough one because honestly both songs belong in the finals of this game. Rock Me Tonite isn't very good but really it's the video that makes it so cringeworthy. The song itself isn't that bad. It actually has a nice catchy chorus I like Billy Squier's voice too. He still sounds good on this. When the Eagle Cries, on the other hand, has Ripper at his worst. That guy's voice just doesn't work on ballads. His voice is so whiny.
It's pretty crazy though that this is the same band that would do Metropolis just a few years later.

They wrote Metropolis in the summer of 1989, just after the first album came out. It was months, not years. In fact, Charlie Dominici sang the live debut of Metropolis at his final show with DT.

1. Hollow Man is so bad even I can't defend it, whereas Windmill is better even though it's Disney pop :p And Chameleon isn't that bad anyway.

2. I freaking hate songs about metal.

3... but this Ensiferum song is unbearably dull, so I gotta vote for it.

4. Eagle has shit lyrics and the message is twisted, but it's catchy and I like the vocal melodies even though it's Ripper... so Squier it is.
Oh that's right, I forgot they were writing I&W with Charlie still in the band. I didn't know Metropolis was written as early as 89 though, that's crazy.
Wow Badger, you were not kidding when you said the Chameleon stuff was bad. This is what I mean when I say a song's awfulness transcends its genre. :p Hollow Man plods but it's way better compared to Windmill.

Yep, there's 2 songs on the entire Chameleon album that I consider good (1 is actually amazing) and both are because they are more power metal oriented compared to the basically pop that the rest of the album was. Now pop is fine, even if it's a genre I generally don't care for, but when a leading Power Metal band writes terrible pop, then that is something else.
I was all set to vote for Hollow Man, because it's terrible...but then I heard the first minute of Windmill and wanted to die.

2. I freaking hate songs about metal.

This answers my votes for pairs 2 and 3. Sabaton should sing about war. Sabaton singing about metal is terrible.

Again, ready to vote for Iced Earth, but I really don't like that Billy Squier song.
Smelloween, Community Theatre, Enspelledwrongerum, Iced Turds

Metal Machine isn't bad. Kind of clever. I geniunely lol'ed at "come touch my metal machine", hadn't noticed that lyric before.