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Never got the hate for this DT song. I'll grant it's nowhere near their best, but also nowhere near their worst. The Megadeth is average for what they do nowadays. I prefer DT so I vote Megadeth.
Lickin' the Gun is truly awful. Even bad IE is better.
Machine Head sounds like nu-metal.
Cream loses on a technicality: production. Resistance only wins by default.
Ghost Of Freedom is awesome.
Crashing Around You is bad, and to make things worse for it, it was released few days before 9/11 and had a video with cities in flames :D
As far as Muse songs go, Prophets of War is pretty alright. Muse have written better songs, but ultimately a mediocre Muse song still wins over the absolutely horrendous pile of hazardous waste that is the disgusting Megadeth track.

I actually have come to really enjoy Ghost of Freedom. Sure, it doesn't fit with the theme of Horror Show, but I still like it. Lickin' The Gun is really, really bad.

Machine Head is terrible nü metal. I don't get the hate for Machine Men, it's a decent song.

I don't like Queensryche, so that song just sounds like Queensryche to me. The Cream tune is very dumb.
Machine Head was pretty bad, but I'm going to use the bad songs by good bands principal this time and give the vote to Bruce. Machine Men is his worst song IMO.
Megadeth seems like an ok, if unexciting track, whereas DT made me want to turn it off early on.
IE is fine, even it it is the worst song on the album, whereas the Bruce is actively bad.
Machine Head was very bad, whereas Bruce this time is in the same boat as IE in the last pairing. Ghost vs Machine Men might actually be an interesting matchup.
Queensryche is ok, whereas Cream isn't even a song.
DT, but only because I have a slight preference for Megadeth here. I don't see the problem with either of them.
Bruce. He really should know better. Ghost of Freedom shouldn't be here.
Machine Head. I'm not making any genre-based decisions. I don't think that's a bad song. Machine Men is extremely good IMO, but is the poor neighbour on a very strong album.
Cream. FFS.