Ancient Mariner
And hey, remember all the babies conceived during Children of the damned! Some of us wouldn't be here without it!![]()
I am willing to bet that exactly zero babies were conceived during Children of the Damned.
And hey, remember all the babies conceived during Children of the damned! Some of us wouldn't be here without it!![]()
The drum-work in seventh son is simply amazing. Especially nearing the end of the song. Nicko's just giving it everything. He really did well on that song. Probably one of his best drumming tracks.
I like the part where you can hear a guitar playing one string, then it echoing, and then it comes again with more strings, and again, etc. That part really makes me picture Adrian playing out in the enviroment on the Cover Design. Him on the ice, while the land of Ice and snow echos his notes. I love it.
Very awesome track, but it's not quite perfect.
In my opinion, I find this to be the weakest track on the album. Not that it isn't a good track, it's not bad at all - and the instrumental bit is the best part of it.
it is a good song, but it feels a bit forced, like there needed to be an epic song on this album at any cost. Don't get me wrong, it's got some nice moments, but it's also a bit over-synthed, and the quiet mid-section is basically a copy (atmosphere-wise) of ROTAM's mid-section.
Of course there is the sublime midpiece, which is one of the most atmospherical parts of the whole Maiden catalogue. During this lengthy part Nicko's hi-hat work should not be underestimated. The lyrics (and the way they are sung by sorcerer Bruce) are intruiging. And when Bruce stops, he is not missed at all. The music takes over and enlarges our vision into second sight.![]()
Last but not least: This keyboards have a very important role, and the song would not be the same without them.
This is another one that suffers when taken out of the album context. It contributes a lot to the general atmosphere of the record, but on its own, it is simply... well, cheesy. It has great instrumentals, and all in all it is a very good song, but when listened to on its own, the spoken midpiece for example just seems a bit over-the-top and Spinal Tap-ish. In other words, Maiden go eighties.
The heaviness of the drowning riffs over the verses can only be heard in full extent on live performances. Apart from that, we all know that instrumental section of this song is one of the most epic ever, and possibly the hardest to play. Basically, this is the pinnacle of their 80's prog excursions they did, which are vastly different than prog stuff they do today.
Bruce sings on the top of his lungs, and even delivers the tongue - twisting chorus with bombast. The spoken verse that follows leads us into the second part of the song. The quiet break slowly builds and unleashes maybe the best Maiden solos of the decade. The last minute pumps out epic harmonies and we're done.
My only real qualm with the song is where it is placed in the album as it confuses the hell out of me. I personally listen to this between Moonchild and Infinite Dreams and it just seems to make more sense to me in terms of storyline.
This song takes cheesy prog grandeur to its highest degree and what a glorious way to do it.
T13: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Harris)
Interesting how nobody complains about the repetition on this track.
I don't like The Trooper at all anymore. I'm frankly sick of it, it's overrated and very overplayed. I just can't see what's so great with it.
I guess it does get boring over the years. But man, back then, it blew me out of the water. Isn't it annoying when somebody remembers Maiden because of a certain song that you just get tired of? I guess it happens with a lot of bands. With Emperor it's always "I Am the Black Wizrads"
I too think that this song is great, despite its overplaying.
Out of any Maiden song, I think the solos in The Trooper are the best, maybe not technically (I'm no guitar expert, so I wouldn't know), but I find, listening to the song, the solos fit perfectly.
It's got good, sing-along verses, a fantastic riff and an overall good vibe feeling about it.
Together with Aces High the ultimate short, fast Maiden song. Compared to these two, all other songs in the same category are bleak.
In many ways, it is the signature Maiden song — the gallop, the energy, the atmosphere, the performances and the amazing way the lyrics bring it all together. My respect for it is enormous. The passion however has faded a touch and that shouldn’t happen with a classic.
This song has more energy than almost any other Maiden song, and it is in a way a showcase of the 80s sound. It was once my favourite song. But, it's still nowhere near Maiden's best song, and it's also not as good live as you'd think.
If a song is this good and gets me pumped every time I hear it, no matter how often, it is certainly not overplayed in my book. It's exciting from start to finish, and there's no way it could get any better. This is the essential heavy metal song full stop.
A timeless classic, most headbangable Iron Maiden song, with amazing guitars. Probably the catchiest Iron Maiden song. My second favorite Iron Maiden song, only surpassed by Hallowed Be Thy Name.
I'm alone, I know, but the song bores me. All the more when it's preceeded by the amazing Boots which are, IMHO, much better short, fast Maiden song. The oooohs are easy to get fed up with and the fact it's played and mentioned so often doesn't help. Used to like it much more, though.
Easily the best 80s rocker. The guitar harmonies, the signature gallop, the chorus. It's all there. For me this is still the definitive song to introduce people to Maiden. Also two classic guitar solos. Not much more needs to be said really. I never tire of hearing this one live.
This track is seriously becoming the best, in my opinion, track on this album (sorry Mav). The whole structure of the song is incredible. The ethereal type voice we hear in lead of each verse - brilliant. The solos seem to fit - and not just thrown in for the sake of it. The length of the song is just not enough - this could go on for 13 minutes and I will not tire of it. Brilliant song.
This is one of my favourite songs of the post 80's. I'd say that this song is Nicko's finest drum performance ever. To me it seems as if he sometimes in the song doesn't play along with the others, but plays towards them. A fine piece of art indeed.
The galloping riff in the middle of the song is refreshing, and makes me jump up in the air every time I hear it even though it's not very original. Yes, galloping was quite common in the earlier days, but now they don't use it so often in the newer material as you surely have noticed and when they do it just drives me crazy with happiness.
In the epic factor, it's in the class of Rime, Hallowed, and Paschendale, and in some ways far beyond that. Same goes lyrically, and Bruce is at his very best here in the soaring choruses. I before thought that Paschendale, Rime, and Hallowed were the absolute unchallengeable top 3 Maiden songs, but now I have to include Brighter than a Thousand Suns in that.
Heaviest Maiden song. It's a monster of originality, genius lyricism and tempo/mood changes that some bands can only dream to emulate. "Out of the universe, a strange love is born. Unholy union, trinity reformed... Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns." Anthologic!
I guess it's up to me to be the blasphemer here. This is a very good song, that for me is a notch below the band’s great epics. Love the heaviness and the complexities, but the melodies could be a little hookier and I find Bruce is straining at times to rise above the din and not quite being successful.
Heavy. Melodic. Acoustic. Epic. Monster riffs. And still contains the Maiden gallop. A very large song. Very large. My fave part is actually the post chorus verses. The whole band is in perfect sync in a riff that changes from gallop to an almost black sabbath vol.4 sound. This song proves to me that old bands are legitimate and can reach perfection.
I vividly recall the first time I heard Brighter Than A Thousand Suns- Maiden streamed 3 new songs on their site back in 2006. Breeg, Different World and this one. I just remember expecting a good Maiden song and I got a great one. I must have listened to that tune a good 10 times that first day it was on the site. I actually had to force myself to stop listening to it. Great memories.
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns is always going to be brought up as a highlight of the album, if only for the lyrical subject at first glance. That does however mean that the music go absolutely hand in hand with the lyrical subject and project a dark and powerful tale which offers little comfort on the development and use of the first atomic bomb.
I'm very confused by the high ratings for this song. The music behind it is actually very good. It's so beautiful when the guitars come in at 0:29, and the solos are amazing. The vocals are the main problem with the song. There is really no vocal melody in the first verses, Bruce is just kind of singing off time to the music.
tear inducing headbangerry!!!!
Well it's not perfect, but I'm quite satisfied with these as the top 10. I'm thrilled Book of Souls made it so far!For those not keeping track, the following songs are left (in alphabetical order):
Aces High (Powerslave)
Hallowed Be Thy Name (The Number of the Beast)
Infinite Dreams (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)
Paschendale (Dance of Death)
Phantom of the Opera (Iron Maiden)
Powerslave (Powerslave)
Revelations (Piece of Mind)
Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Powerslave)
Sign of the Cross (The X Factor)
The Book of Souls (The Book of Souls)
'The Trooper' is my second favourite Iron Maiden song. 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son' is dull.