The Official LGBTQ Thread

Stephen Fry is one of my favorite people in the world. A genuinely high intellect, clever individual with fresh opinions.
I'm not sure when I'll find the time to watch the film, can somebody summarise to me what Fry's findings about the reasons for homophobia are?
This is one of my favourite pictures on the internet:


Yet, all those who should see it never will.
.. and now Utah (Utah!) of all places (thanks to a judge). Wonder if this will start the polygamy train rolling there again as well.
Damn, that is shocking... For all it's reputation as a "Mormon state" Utah has plenty of non-Mormons in it, so good for them, and way to go judge.
.. and now Utah (Utah!) of all places (thanks to a judge). Wonder if this will start the polygamy train rolling there again as well.
Polygamy bothers me less than it bothers many people, other than it's a fucking administrative nightmare.
I have no problem with the concept of polygamy as an arrangement between equal adult partners.
Polygamy as it is generally practiced is bad shit.
I really do not care, with the caveat that everyone is a willing participant (and none of these old coots with 15 year old girls, those people should be fucking locked up) and they need to fill out who is in charge of what to clear up the administrative problems (who can pull the plug, etc)

But given Utah's history of having to define marriage as 1 man/1 woman to become a state (or at least ban Polygamy .. not sure how they worded it and I am too lazy to look it up) .. it makes you wonder if this ruling does have an effect on that.
Hitzlsperger comes out
Former Germany international footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger has revealed he is gay. Now retired, the 31-year-old told a German newspaper that coming out was a "long and difficult process."

In an interview with Die Zeit , Hitzlsperger said that "only in recent years" had he realized he "would rather be with a man."

Capped 52 times by Germany, Hitzlsperger retired from the game in September after a difficult run of injuries and form. He said he had stepped back from the spotlight since but was now ready to speak about his sexuality as he wanted "to advance the discussion to homosexuality among professional athletes." He said the issue of homosexuality in football had for too long been "simply ignored."

(More in the link)

This is major news in Germany right now. I'm not surprised he waited until after the end of his professional career to come out, given that homophobia is an integral part in football culture here, but that makes me wonder if this really is a revolutionary step that will make active professional athletes come out.
Alex from PSG said something like this on TV yesterday:

God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Yves.

With people like this in football, you'd have to be really brave to come out before retirement.
No active player has come out in a Big 4 sport in North America except Jason Collins in the NBA, and nobody will sign him now, so he wasn't so much an active player as he was a "hoping to be active" player. Chris Kluwe lost his job as a punter for the Vikings for speaking out in favour of gay marriage.

Women's soccer, however, has quite a few gay players, but there's that female stereotype that if you're gonna be athletic and play sports you're probably a lesbian. I'm not denying the courage of those who have come out, but I really do feel it will be bigger when we have gay players in the major men's sports.

Personally, and this isn't speaking as a Canadian, I think it'll break into hockey first (probably not the KHL). A good percentage of NHL players come from very gay friendly countries - Canada, Sweden, Finland - and Americans who play hockey are most likely to come from gay friendly states. A lot of big-name hockey players are very pro-pride too. Whether or not that translates into the locker room is tough to say, but I'd say there's more signs in hockey than in any other sport.
In order: Handegg, basketball, baseball, and hockey. MLS is well further down the ratings sheet.