The Official LGBTQ Thread

I saw that, it is pretty much a Full Faith and Credit case. I am sure this will be appealed and this one (or one like it) will make it's way to the top next year or the year after.
Thinking about gay marriage in the US, realistically the chances of every state performing gay marriage in the near future is zero, I think the chance of the Supreme Court forcing them to is also near zero.

The key, and there are some cases working their way up the food chain on the premise that Full Faith and Credit should apply.

This is in the Constitution...

That is how it works in Mexico. Currently it is only legal in Mexico City, specifically the Federal District (D.F), but it is recognized by all states. So They can go there, get married, go back to their home states and have it recognized.

I totally love marriage and all that. How can I get in contact with members from this board? Email me if you like. Love, prance
The Dutch Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert will join the Gay Parade. That's a first. By taking part, the ministry -as an employer- wants to stress that everybody, so also lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexuals and transgenders should be themselves on the defence "working floor".
Yes, very good. Earlier only soldiers could take part in the pride on their own account (not representing the organization). This time a military boat will join the canal parade.
Aha. Well, I thought other positive and negative developments that have to do with gay acceptation could be posted here as well.
Thinking about gay marriage in the US, realistically the chances of every state performing gay marriage in the near future is zero, I think the chance of the Supreme Court forcing them to is also near zero.

The key, and there are some cases working their way up the food chain on the premise that Full Faith and Credit should apply.

This is in the Constitution...

That is how it works in Mexico. Currently it is only legal in Mexico City, specifically the Federal District (D.F), but it is recognized by all states. So They can go there, get married, go back to their home states and have it recognized.

I totally love marriage and all that. How can I get in contact with members from this board? Email me if you like. Love, prance
That reminds me, you owe me not one but TWO letters mister! I don't even know if you got the second one...
There's an ongoing citizen's action in Croatia called "In the name of the family". They want to change the definition of marriage in constitution, to be explicitly defined as "union between man and woman".
They have collected 750 thousand validated signatures throughout massive public campaign, to get the referendum rolling.
Law specifies that you need 10% of voters mass in signatures, if you want something to be publicly debated. Croatia has 3.74 million voters. So here's a scientific freebie for you - 20% of voters in Croatia are complete assholes.

The action is sponsored by Catholic Church, and it has united whole Croatian right wing.
Government, social-democratic coalition, is trying to pull everything it can to obstruct democracy here, which I fully support, in this case. It's trying to argue that referendum can only lead to mandatory parliament discussions for constitution change, in which a proposer of change needs to have a 2/3 majority of representatives. The gov't coalition, of course, has majority of representatives, so this would be dropped immediately. However, constitutional court declared that referendum outcome is direct will of the people, and if people want to change their constitution, so be it.

The referendum is held on 1st of December.
I would hope the referendum will fail, but it sounds like the court made the correct decision. You cannot let a desired outcome change the rules which government lives under. That usually ends up backfiring
I also hope that referendum fails. Both from a human rights' perspective and from a EU perspective. Won't be too much longer until gay marriage is considered a universal right by the EU.
Not just Croatia, the Czech Republic is suffering from pogroms against the homosexual community. The current president has denounced said actions, but most of the country doesn't see the problem. While the current presidents support for the homosexual community is a step up from the previous president who said that 25-life without possibility of parole to a neo-nazi who brutally murdered a homosexual was "a bit excessive," the government is still not doing enough in the eyes of supporters.
Some Indian high court ruled that homosexuality is still not allowed. The highest judge based his ruling on a 148 year old law article from the British colonial era(!), which calls homosexuality an "unnatural delict", with punishment of 10 year prison.
This isn't exactly relevant to gay marriage per se, but the above post reminds me of it because the documentary does touch on it...has anyone seen 'Stephen Fry Out There'? It's a great documentary, warmly recommend it. Essentially Fry travels the world trying to figure out why people are homophobic and how its going for various GLBTQ groups in diverse countries. Truly interesting, although depressing at times.
The whole thing is on youtube, links below:

Natalie, if you want, you could change the topic title (e.g. "Gay marriage and other rights") somewhat. I think several people out here (you and me included ;-) wish to post on Gay right issues, even if they are not about marriage. Or else we'll just tolerate this stuff here, no prob!