The Official LGBTQ Thread

Football is not a Big 4 sport in North America. American football, baseball, basketball and hockey are.

Edit : LC beat me to it.
I don't even see the appeal in baseball. I don't like boxing but I can see the appeal. Not with baseball. Just a boring, boring game.
No active player has come out in a Big 4 sport in North America except Jason Collins in the NBA, and nobody will sign him now, so he wasn't so much an active player as he was a "hoping to be active" player. Chris Kluwe lost his job as a punter for the Vikings for speaking out in favour of gay marriage.

Maybe speaking up hurt Kluwe ... but him turning into an average player making good player money in a league with a salary cap did him in moreso than anything he said.
Brendon Ayanbadejo spoke out moreso in favor of gay marriage and stayed in the league a few more years .. because he was still good and at the right cap number

.. and baseball is awesome .. you guys do not know what you are missing.
One of the sports shows I listen to said that they "...expect a major player in the NFL to come out in the next year...[will be a player that will not have a problem playing for years to come]..."

Since that statement, it was suggested that the player would be from the SF 49ers. I haven't heard much in the last month or so, but I'm somewhat expecting to hear something after the Super Bowl.
She promised the Canadian Olympic Comitee to not talk about it, but Anastasia Bucsis -in Sochi since Saturday-, lesbian and speed skater presenting Canada still explained her role in the petition against gay laws in Russia from 52 prominent Olympians. She couldn't restrain herself and needed to raise her voice however small it might be. When I read this, I thought there would be a video of it, but I haven't found it (yet). But apparently she (only) gave an interview for De Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper).
Today, our Prime Minister spoke 45 minutes with Putin. During the meeting, Rutte repeated the Dutch objections to Russia's new law on gay 'propaganda'. About 30 minutes of the meeting was devoted to human rights.

Probably won't help much, but at least it's told (and not bad that 45 minutes were possible on the day of the opening of the games).
Personally, and this isn't speaking as a Canadian, I think it'll break into hockey first (probably not the KHL). A good percentage of NHL players come from very gay friendly countries - Canada, Sweden, Finland - and Americans who play hockey are most likely to come from gay friendly states. A lot of big-name hockey players are very pro-pride too. Whether or not that translates into the locker room is tough to say, but I'd say there's more signs in hockey than in any other sport.

And let's not forget the active campaign by the NHL spearheaded by Brian Burke and his son featuring prominent players of "If you can play, you can play." Burkes other son, who recently (like a year or so ago) passed away, was gay and to create awareness and help fight hobophobia in the sport they created the campaign.

Also, I cannot believe no one has mentioned the Opening Ceremony of the Sochi games and the hoopla being made over "tolerance" and "diversity" and faux gay bands playing at the ceremony, since we are on the topic of homosexuality and atheletes.
I maintain that the international spotlight being shined on Russia right now is the best thing that could happen.
One of the sports shows I listen to said that they "...expect a major player in the NFL to come out in the next year...[will be a player that will not have a problem playing for years to come]..."

Since that statement, it was suggested that the player would be from the SF 49ers. I haven't heard much in the last month or so, but I'm somewhat expecting to hear something after the Super Bowl.

Well, Michael Sam came out as gay, he will be drafted by someone this year, he was a good college player and I think most had him going in the 2nd or 3rd round


I should edit that, he was projected 3-4th rounds
To me, that doesn't sound like a top pick, but people say that? Eh, whatever. Anyway, I hope it doesn't affect his trade stock much. I read a story where 10 GMs agreed that they wouldn't want to take him now...I'm thinking that means there's 22 GMs out there going "Excellent." and tenting their fingers like C. Montgomery Burns.
Normally a player in the mid rounds, especially at that position, is expected to play a fair amount. That is the initial grade, there is still the combine, interviews, personality/IQ tests, medical exams, and individual workouts to go .. which leaving the gay issue aside has been known to propel players like that into the first round or knock them completely out of the draft.

But, it looks like is is better suited for a 3-4 defense, so that knocks out about 60% of the teams ... his goal at this point should be able to prove he can play effectively in a 4-3 defense.