The Official LGBTQ Thread

Like, tell him you have been in a relationship for a while and things are going well and you have decided to move in with him because you're happy. Just make it sound as natural as possible. After all, he's your father and whatever he thinks of gay people, he would have to think twice before falling out with you.

But I think you should tell him tête-à-tête because if your whole family is there and everyone starts to openly defend you, your dad might feel under attack and react negatively as a defense mechanism.

Definitely the best piece of advice is to tell him. Whether or not he takes it well, you cannot control. You can only control that he hears it from you, and gets the straight goods, nothing through the grapevine, nothing off Facebook, etc. Then he gets a garbled story, and then it's going to be worse. It sounds like your dad is the kind of guy who respects people "being a man", so that's part of it.

If he takes it poorly, then he does. Your family will likely work on bringing him around, but it's better to know. I mean, you gotta be you. Regardless of the outcome, I think everyone here just hopes its for the best for you.

I think these two snippets of advice are the best course of action, at least what I personally agree with.

You may or may not be aware that I am a lesbian. My mother is very homophobic (and Catholic and Mexican and generally conservative) and I kept quiet about it for years to her. And it ate at me on the inside. Especially when I started having relationships with women, and I couldn't even say or hint at it or anything. Most of all, I (then as now) just want it to not be a big deal.

I ended up telling her about 4 years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't go well. Still today, it's a topic we rarely discuss. However, I'm glad that I told her even though it more or less was a total disaster (you know the worst reaction you hope your dad doesn't have but there's still a chance he might have?), because I was true to myself and honestly, the burden is on her to deal with it, instead of on me whether to tell her or not. So, even if the outcome is the worst possible in terms of reaction, I think you will feel better getting it off your chest. Plus, it sounds like you have a supportive network in your mom and sisters. Luckily for me, my dad and grandma are totally cool with it and this helps as well.

Good luck and a big gay hug!
Just an update on this.

Today, I finally mustered the courage together to do it. And my dad actually took it very well all things considered. He understands that he wants me to be happy above all else.

Extremely happy it went as well as it did, and I have a huge boost to my confidence from it.
Good stuff. Are you still thinking of moving to Glasgow?
It started good, but then this:
If the western LGBT-mafia wasn't so busy making a big deal out of Russia not allowing the same commercialized porn/fetish/party Pride-carnivals like in the west, maybe they could have a moment or two and some resources left to contribute to LGBT people in Montenegro being able to use shops, walk the streets safely and feel safe in their own homes like everyone else?
And the west makes a big deal out of Russia and other countries who do not tolerate any form of gay expression.
Christofer Johnsson is a conservative politician who dislikes such parades. This incident gives him the opportunity to both slam anti-gay violence and the west. His own doings for the LGBT-community is probably very minor compared with what Western organizations have done.
I dunno what his point is, but I do think western parades are way over the top, with people having sex in the streets etc.

I only really posted this because of what happened to the guy, don't really care what Johnsson thinks.
Yes, no prob.

I just wanted to show what he is doing. He mixes up some things in the following manner: One person who has nothing to do with such a Western type parade gets beaten up. He uses it to slam the West.
with people having sex in the streets etc.
This sounds over the top as well, in my ears at least. ;) Not sure what is exactly meant with "having sex", but might it be possible that people in your country and in some other (conservative) nations can exaggerate about a few incidents?

Hate and violence vs gays, now that is something that should be addressed properly. It happens where it happens, and responsible people (including politicians) of the country in question should be addressed.
If people break decency laws, arrest them for that. I've been to many gay pride parades, and I don't see people fucking. I even ended up in Montreal once for one (accidentally) and it's the second craziest gay city in NA after San Francisco.

There's definitely some crazy stuff, but a man in a gstring is different than two people having sex.
I dunno what his point is, but I do think western parades are way over the top, with people having sex in the streets etc.

I only really posted this because of what happened to the guy, don't really care what Johnsson thinks.

They do go over the top in some places (including when I lived near San Francisco, though the San Diego ones were more over the top),

I am not really a fan of them .. but I'm not a fan of these things in general. Blocking traffic, causing a mess, drunken idiots, etc. Gay/straight/St. Patricks Day/whatever. But that's just me.
People have sex in public in music festivals everywhere. A massive amount of them being non-concensual. Don't think it's a problem exclusive to gay pride parades.