The Official LGBTQ Thread

In any case .. I do not think she will sign it and if she does, it will be put on hold quickly by a court while it works it's way through the judicial system where it will meet it's inevitable demise
Sam did not help himself at all in the combine

“Michael Sam benched 225 pounds 17 times, second-worst among defensive lineman. Seven WRs did more.”

... but in other sports news, Jason Collins signed a 10 day contract with the Nets (Basketball) and played 11 mins in a win against the Lakers (0 points, 2 rebounds for Collins)
Stephen Fry's documentary regarding homophobia called "Out There" was posted here around December IIRC. I've found time to watch the documentary recently and there's a part where Stephen Fry says they wanted to film in Turkey to interview some Iranian refugees but Turkey didn't allow them to do so saying "Why would they want to film about homosexuality, what's the need". I was fucking embarrased. I already know this country is very homophobic but not allowing a documentary to film about homosexuality is not just about homophobia.
Once again I am ashamed to live in Arizona. I actually haven't seen if Brewer has made a desicion on it yet, but i hope she vetos it. What an attrocious piece of legislation.
Arizona is this close to making a law that allows for businesses to discriminate in whatever way they choose based on "religious beliefs".
This is stupid. Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to discriminate based on religious beliefs -- people with religious beliefs are a "protected class." After the Windsor gay marriage case, it is still not clear that homosexuals are a protected class (but that case was an important step for those who think they should be). If a state wanted to test whether private businesses can discriminate against gay people (which is a legitimate legal question, in my view), passing a law cloaking it as discrimination based on religious belief ("my religious beliefs differ from yours so I don't have to serve you") is simply asinine.

EDIT: Also, even if you believe homosexuality is a sin, the whole premise of Christianity is that we are all sinners. So, this amounts to a law that says you can discriminate against sinners. Rrgh. I am no champion of equal rights for LGBTetc. -- I think Scalia and Roberts got it right in Windsor, for example -- but I get very irritated when politicians propose stupid things simply so they can grandstand to a vocal minority of their constituencies.

ANOTHER EDIT: The bill was vetoed. This from CNN 12 minutes ago:
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I wasn't sure where to put this - but this thread is as good as any. Fred Phelps is dying:

The Miserable End Of The Miserable Fred Phelps

From the Facebook page of Nathan Phelps, who left the family business decades ago, and is now an atheist:

I’ve learned that my father, Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the “God Hates Fags” Westboro Baptist Church, was ex-communicated from the “church” back in August of 2013. He is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made.

I feel sad for all the hurt he’s caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I’m bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.

And so it ends. Can you imagine having come to the end of your life, very nearly to the moment in which you will meet your God and be reckoned with, and all you have to show for it is … that? I’ve always thought the Westboro Baptist Church people were despicable, but there is something about the thought of that old man lying on his death bed, forsaken, the victim of his own sins, that makes me pity him. One tear of repentance from the vicious old preacher will open the floodgates of the divine mercy he spent his life trying to deny to others. I pray for that tear.

And I hope no one pickets his funeral, giving to his family the mercy they do not deserve.
Serbian church patriarch gave a statement in which he said that the rain and the flooding in Serbia is God's warning because there's a gay parade scheduled next week in Belgrade...

Their only "help" for the people affected by the flooding is "prayer".
So as you can all probably tell, this is not necessarily my topic of choice. I always maintain that I'm absolutely pro-gay marriage and all that, but I think that it's the gays who should be talking about it. Because it's their thing, we live in a democracy, and they have their own voice.

So here's the words of a gay that I found rather impressive:
That's one fabulous flood.
A fierce flood indeed.

here's the words of a gay
Two things. First, a political correctness check: not sure that's how you are supposed to say it -- "a gay" or "the gays" -- at least in the U.S., but on that I will defer to..."the gays." Second, George Takei is all kinds of awesome. This is one of the greatest pranks in the history of radio (best parts are at 9:00 and 17:15).
First, a political correctness check: not sure that's how you are supposed to say it -- "a gay" or "the gays" -- at least in the U.S., but on that I will defer to..."the gays."

In my defence: I'm not American. And I was trying to explicitly note these are the words of one person who is a gay activist, but I have no idea how much he stands for all of homosexual activism.

Second, George Takei is all kinds of awesome. This is one of the greatest pranks in the history of radio (best parts are at 9:00 and 17:15).

George Takei rocks, I think that is a universal law.