The Official LGBTQ Thread

I'm pretty sure Uncle George (he is my uncle now, since he said anyone on Twitter who wants to call him that can, much like Leonard Nimoy is now my grandfather) is one of the best voices for gay people out there. He is very funny, but very, very real.
Serbian church patriarch gave a statement in which he said that the rain and the flooding in Serbia is God's warning because there's a gay parade scheduled next week in Belgrade...

Their only "help" for the people affected by the flooding is "prayer".
Montenegrian church leader agreed with the Serbian one, and added that this is a warning to Europe because the bearded lady from Austria won the Eurovision. He added that god loves people in this area and he's doing this to put them on the right path.

Make. Them. Pay. Their. Goddamn. Taxes.
So there was a parade in Belgrade today, went without any trouble. OK, some hooligans fought with the police, but not too much and not close to the parade itself. 9/10
Oh yeah, after the parade, a party of complete morons (super-religious and patriotic: fuck all other religions and countries) called Dveri called up some priests and together they went through the same route the parade did to "baptize" the "gay-stained" streets :facepalm:
Oh yeah, after the parade, a party of complete morons (super-religious and patriotic: fuck all other religions and countries) called Dveri called up some priests and together they went through the same route the parade did to "baptize" the "gay-stained" streets :facepalm:

LOL So absurd that it sounds like a parody event.
Some info from research done in the Netherlands. From the report De acceptatie van homoseksualiteit door etnische en religieuze groepen in Nederland. (Acceptation of homosexuality by ethnic and religious groups in the Netherlands).

3 out of 4 of Turkish and Moroccan Dutch people finds it a problem if their child would live with a partner of the same gender.
1 our of 3 Surinam and Antillian.
1 out of 6 Nationals/natives (we have a different word for that in Dutch: autochtonen)
autochtonen een op zes.

Tolerance with regard to homosexuality has increased in the Netherlands.

From the non-believers and Roman Catholics:
95 percent finds that homosexuals should be able to live the way they want. A majority underlines equal rights for gay-couples and accepts homosexuality within their own family.

This is different with muslims and smaller Protestant groups (outside of the Protestant Church Netherlands).
More than the half of the muslims (53%) finds homosexuality wrong.
Reformed people: 58%

Among nationals/natives: 1 out of 10 finds homosexuality wrong.
4 out of 5 finds it alright if there is a marriage.
my sexuality has no political problems or religious ones. I have to face society instead. I am considered Ace or asexual. No interest or attraction to anyone. Medically been checked out for everything and no answers. My mother is fine and my dad who is still in Florida is mad as hell. Oh well.

Thought it would be another year or so.


Supreme Court to Decide Whether Gays Nationwide Can Marry

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether all 50 states must allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. The court’s announcement made it likely that it would resolve one of the great civil rights questions of the age before its current term ends in June.

The justices ducked the issue in October, refusing to hear appeals from rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states. That surprise action delivered a tacit victory for gay rights, immediately expanding the number of states with same-sex marriage to 24 from 19, along with the District of Columbia.

Largely as a consequence of the Supreme Court’s failure to act in October, the number of states allowing same-sex marriage has since grown to 36, and more than 70 percent of Americans live in places where gay couples can marry.
Check out this site:

Welcome to the most comprehensive overview of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people by ILGA-Europe:

Rainbow Europe is a unique virtual hub for information on the legal, political and social situation of LGBTI people in Europe.

You can access all data and interact with the information like never before. All the criteria, the country rankings, comparisons with the EU average and our detailed country-by-country overviews are now at your fingertips. Read more about a specific country, see information arranged by theme or download statistic charts for future reference.

Rainbow Europe is really easy to use – simply click on a country below or choose the category in the drop down menus to get started.

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Check out this site:
Welcome to the most comprehensive overview of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people by ILGA-Europe:

Rainbow Europe is a unique virtual hub for information on the legal, political and social situation of LGBTI people in Europe.

You can access all data and interact with the information like never before. All the criteria, the country rankings, comparisons with the EU average and our detailed country-by-country overviews are now at your fingertips. Read more about a specific country, see information arranged by theme or download statistic charts for future reference.

Rainbow Europe is really easy to use – simply click on a country below or choose the category in the drop down menus to get started.

And the country that was rated highest?
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The criteria is funny

  • No laws limiting expression (national/local)

  • Hate speech law (sexual orientation)