I think this monkey thing is out of control. Don't mind if they're having fun on stage, but this looks really exaggerated. Expecially when I see the crowd doing "monkey climb". It would be sincere if it happened occasionally, but this looks like they're really pushing it. Also, I don't get the backstory of mexican wrestler mask in Powerslave, it happened it Mexico first, but he used it on every gig since, if I'm correct.
On topic Maiden outdoor VS Maiden indoor I'll take Maiden indoor anyday. Stage production looks better, atmosphere is warmer, sound is in most times clearer, audience is more into it and so on. Few years ago I've decided not to see Maiden at festivals anymore, because of the reasons mentioned. The gig I'm going to (Croatia) is definitely the smallest one on this tour (indoor, cap. 11,000) and I'm so glad for it. But it could easily be their last one in Croatia. 3 weeks to gig and almost all of upper stands are unsold, plenty of tickets in other areas too. I hope this is that Croatian thing where people do everything in the last second. Otherwise it could be a small fiasco.
Seems like this is it considering event shirts, Italy and Spain could be lucky if they get one, which is a shame. It would probably cost them more than they would gained, but it would be nice if they made event shirt for every non-festival gig on this tour. I wouldn't mind if every event shirt was like Germany one, just Mayan Eddie and country/flag in the background, on the back of the shirt - date and place with that shaman guy (Eddie and EF1 are also nice but I liked shaman better.)