Gloryful - Hail to the King
I think that's George III whose portrait is briefly shown at the beginning of the video. No, the song does not have anything to do with him.
Running Wild - Chains and Leather
That time when everybody just took the outfit from a gay S&M scene and thought they were so awesome that they'd chant along to singalongs that would put Sesame Street to shame...

Frozen Land - Unsung Heroes
Why, oh why isn't there a lyrics video to this? Most of you poseurs are going to miss the true genius of this if you're just going to listen to it casually without reading along. Where's the common man? In a pool of blood!
Rocka Rollas - Riding the Metal Storm
Because Running Wild have already ridden the storm, Manowar have already ridden whirlwinds of fire, so what is there left to ride? I'd be curious for a physicists (or meteorologists) explanation as to why a metal storm would be faster than sunlight.