The Hangover Thread

Last night was the second-to-last weekend in the ''russ'' period in Norway. Alot of nice girls, lots of alchohol and insanely loud (crap) music  :yey: getting hungover so often can be tiring :/
It's funny that we celebrate the end of school and the final exams BEFORE we actually do the exams... :cheers:
I have this crazy memory of seeing Smurf porn last night, but I don't know if that really happened...
Reumeren said:
Last night was the second-to-last weekend in the ''russ'' period in Norway. Alot of nice girls, lots of alchohol and insanely loud (crap) music  :yey: getting hungover so often can be tiring :/
It's funny that we celebrate the end of school and the final exams BEFORE we actually do the exams... :cheers:

Haha, ectually the first time I ever experienced a hangover was while being "russ", back in 2001. It wasn't the first time I had been drinking, but the first time I had enough to drink to make me suffer the next day  :S

And i agree, it is a bit weird. Earlier the celebration started on May 17th, and then they celebrated far into the summer. The exams were of course earlier then.
Has anyone on here ever drank so much that they had hangovers that lasted 2-3 or more days? That's what my uncle used to do as a teenager. He would drink until he puked and then drink more and have multi-day hangovers.
Wow...i think you hafta drink some hard liquor, or keep drinking for days to do that...

Tho, I know it takes me a few days to recover from a real drunk fest...
Wasted CLV said:
Wow...i think you hafta drink some hard liquor, or keep drinking for days to do that...

Tho, I know it takes me a few days to recover from a real drunk fest...
Oh, I forgot to mention he was smoking pot and probably doing some cocaine or other drugs too. Some pretty wild party times he had. It's a good thing he got his life together.
Had a bottle of wine myself while my flatmates shared another last night (hey, I finished university forever, give me a break :P)

A little delayed hangover report from Thursday:

As told in the Drunk Posting thread, I used Wednesday night to down some pints of ale in a pub in Lund, Sweden, where I was attending a conference on Thursday and yesterday. Topped off with a shot I don't know the name of, bought me by a very happy Tottenham fan right before he left.

It proved that the sum added up to a terrible Thursday. I woke up quite early, because I was so fuckin' thirsty. Well, I got a shower and got to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and ended up sitting there for 15 minutes mostly staring at my food. Took with me a Coca Cola from the minibar and walked to the conference venue - and I really didn't feel that bad. But after the first few presentations were finished, my stomach started to grumble. Off to the toilet and up came the coca cola, and the sorry excuse for a breakfast I had had two hours earlier.

Same story with the lunch, and after that one also came back up, I decided to go back to the hotel and sleep for a couple of hours, so I would be in shape for the conference dinner in the evening. That proved to be a wise choice, as the dinner was the first meal I actually managed to keep inside that day ...

Add to all this a very annoying headache that followed me throughout the whole day ... and a new night of too little sleep, and you understand why I was still quite tired yesterday. And incredibly thirsty. I have never been drinking as much bottled water as I did yesterday (fortunately that was provided at the conference). Coffee? Yes please. Buckets of that as well ... but my own presentation yesterday after lunch went fairly OK, and the conference finished early enough for me to have time to relax at the airport in Copenhagen on my way back home.

And have a few beers at the airport, of course. 29 DKK for a refill of Carlsberg? Thank you Denmark! Limited myself to three pints though - so no new post in Drunk Posting, and no hangover today.
Second time drunk this week, first time hung over.  The clock is 9, and I have to head off to uni in 5 minutes.  Fuck.

Oh dear.

Tell you what though, I never thought this would work: "Care to dance?" "I can't dance." "Neither can I."