The Hangover Thread


His name struck fear into hearts of men
Staff member
Just read what I posted last night. Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what was I thinking...
Don't mind, it was an amusing read. ;)  Except it looks so unlike you that it's downright impossible to believe it was you...
wow.... like... wow. Why didn't anybody think of this before? Even in your drunken-turned-hung over-state you come up with good ideas Perun :p
Invader said:
Don't mind, it was an amusing read. ;)  Except it looks so unlike you that it's downright impossible to believe it was you...

It was me, believe it :D
So, no John Bonham style death for Perun then? Just a sore head, queasy stomach, furry mouth, etc. :D

And a sudden realisation of what went on last night as the hazy cloud of the memory starts to clear!
Oh yeah :(

I was at a family meeting yesterday, and they're all starting to make fun of me already...
I don't feel too good today. Had the works Christmas do last night - and topped it off with an Indian curry late last night.
I can't believe how drunk I was last night. Oh damn. My head is killing me.
Blahhhhh how Canadian is it drinking Molson Ice with 4 buddies getting absolutely hammered well watching a hockey game, then after the hockey game walking to go get food in -15 weather and going out of the way to see if the community ice rink has gone up yet? and then the next morning getting your mom to make bacon and eggs for I feel like shit
Actually, I really pushed it too far last night. I'm seriously sick and I've been struggling to keep a glass of water in my stomach.
Poor Perun.  Try Gatorade.  It replenishes the electrolytes you lose in a hangover, and lessen the symptoms.
To help ease the impending hangover one of the things that is recommended is to drink loads of water before going to sleep - but the problem is that if you remember to drink the water, you may not need it, if you forget, then you most certainly do.

But I do feel for you Perun, we've all been there.
Albie said:
but the problem is that if you remember to drink the water, you may not need it, if you forget, then you most certainly do.

So true...  And the more drunk you are, the more you believe that you really don't need it that much...  And next morning you always prove yourself wrong.
Today was the first time I read the DRUNK POSTING thread...if I can remember, I will post in it tonight because I plan on getting pretty wasted (and high) hasted really. LC, I can't believe how much your post sounded like a Nobel/Oscar acceptance speech.  I think you're great too, thanks for the mention.

P.S. Its a hilarious thread, you rock Perun.

P.P.S. I never get hangovers, the one time I felt shitty was because I was in hospital from puking so much and they stuffed me full of electrolytes. So technically I didn't fell shitty, just kinda groggy and very guilty.