The Future Past Tour 2024

Source on that, pls? I mean, in small ensembles, you sometimes get the first violinist to conduct the performance, but even that is not usually done in professional ensembles, at least not anymore. The conductor is actually quite important, the bigger the ensemble, the more essential.

No academic sources. In my line of work, I work alongside many musicians who perform with orchestras and many have said that there are sections of pieces of music that can easily be done without a conductor. I am not saying that a whole piece can be done without a conductor, just certain sections. And I agree that a conductor is very important.
I didn't even look at them, what's the tone? Janick should stay home, they were better before Bruce joined?

"To Hell with Janick" ("Everything Janick touches sounds worse." - although he's literally playing the same thing as Dave) and
"To Hell with Janick" ("Harris destroyed Maiden when he fired Smith and brought in the dancing clown. Embarrassing ! Sick and tired of hearing Maiden newbies listing all the "classics" with Gers.") for starters,

followed with
"I've been used to the specific sound for 40 years and I learned that by memory, I expect them to do that - it's like ordering a pizza and being delivered salad" (so obviously even this amount of variation is too much, it must sound exactly like the recording, mates)

"Have two and half guitarists now, and still can't duplicate what's on the record. Brillant."

and some that are kinda between

"Kinda hard for me ..I saw the '86 tour back in the day with just Dave and Adrian ..That is the one I will always remember best .."

But there's a lot of people who actually say it makes a difference and that it does sound better live as well.
No academic sources. In my line of work, I work alongside many musicians who perform with orchestras and many have said that there are sections of pieces of music that can easily be done without a conductor. I am not saying that a whole piece can be done without a conductor, just certain sections. And I agree that a conductor is very important.


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"To Hell with Janick" ("Everything Janick touches sounds worse." - although he's literally playing the same thing as Dave) and
"To Hell with Janick" ("Harris destroyed Maiden when he fired Smith and brought in the dancing clown. Embarrassing ! Sick and tired of hearing Maiden newbies listing all the "classics" with Gers.") for starters,

followed with
"I've been used to the specific sound for 40 years and I learned that by memory, I expect them to do that - it's like ordering a pizza and being delivered salad" (so obviously even this amount of variation is too much, it must sound exactly like the recording, mates)

"Have two and half guitarists now, and still can't duplicate what's on the record. Brillant."

and some that are kinda between

"Kinda hard for me ..I saw the '86 tour back in the day with just Dave and Adrian ..That is the one I will always remember best .."

But there's a lot of people who actually say it makes a difference and that it does sound better live as well.

If you are in your 50s commentating on youtube videos, maybe Janick is the least of your problems
Source on that, pls? I mean, in small ensembles, you sometimes get the first violinist to conduct the performance, but even that is not usually done in professional ensembles, at least not anymore. The conductor is actually quite important, the bigger the ensemble, the more essential.
It's common rule in every orchestra whatever its size. The first violin is called concertmaster precisely because he or she is the conjunction between the director and the rest of the orchestra.
What's interesting to me is that they didn't bother with the rhythm guitar, despite having a third guitar now.
I always kind of suspected that if they were to ever play CSiT again, they'd simply do three harmony parts instead of rhythm guitar and I was right. I think beyond wanting all three guitarists to have a sort of "lead" role, Steve probably also prefers having his bass be the rhythm during harmony sections since there really aren't that many examples of harmony parts with rhythm guitar backing in their catalog.
I have the impression that the voice was better last year

From the end of the Legacy Tour to the beginning of the Future Past, Bruce had 7 months of rest. And his voice was very good last year.

From the end of last year to the beginning of the solo tour, he had 6 months of rest. Likewise, his voice during the solo tour was similar to what it was in 2023. After the solo tour, he had a little over 1 month of rest.

Maybe this explains why his voice is a little more tired now. Bruce is a hard worker but maybe he needs to recognize that this crazy schedule of shows doesnt help him.
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I have the impression that the voice was better last year
From the end of the Legacy Tour to the beginning of the Future Past, Bruce had 7 months of rest. And his voice was very good last year.

From the end of last year to the beginning of the solo tour, he had 6 months of rest. Likewise, his voice during the solo tour was similar to what it was in 2023. After the solo tour, he had a little over 1 month of rest.

Maybe this explains why his voice is a little more tired now. Bruce is a hard worker but maybe he needs to recognize that this crazy schedule of shows doesnt help him.
True, but I think he sounds pretty close in both years.
Screen recording of Fear Of The Dark from Osaka:

Yes, it's slower than the studio version, some of the fills are omitted, but it sounds well enough imo. The backdrop is so cool.

Good show for the whole band.
I have a feeling that Janick hates playing rythm guitar.
Janick - melodies, Dave - rhythm, Adrian - both. They prioritize melodies over riffs since 2010.
Or at least knows that number of shows per year will reduce each year and wants to keep himself active.
And Adrian has been signaling him something again during Wasted Years riff in the middle. This time he seemed kinda annoyed.
This happens often. What is it? Adrian likes to play it slower? They should have dropped Wasted Years. This performances was good/nice though.
He can always do the solo tour in 2025 AFTER the Maiden one.
I think that will happen.
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This happens often. What is it? Adrian likes to play it slower? They should have dropped Wasted Years.
It's a band thing. Nicko has problems with hi-hat patterns and probably slows down even more, so he can play it. Adrian and him have some kind of signaling deal since early last year.