The Future Past Tour 2024

Poor old git, Nicko

"So if this is a tempo, I can't do a 16-note roll going into 32nd-note rolls anymore. What happens is I can play eighth notes, like that kind of groove. I can do doubles, but when I try and play that 16th at that speed, instead of going up and down, it wobbles from left to right, when I start playing fast, when I try to play fast. So I've had to adjust my fills now."

"I mean, I don't play 'The Trooper' fill anymore because I can't get it… It's the speed of it. I can do everything slow, but I've had to make sure that as long as I can keep the groove of the song, which is normally…"

Without the stoke he probably could have kept going for years but this is such a huge and saddening hindrance for his position in the band
Still waiting for someone to show me a Bruce bald spot

I saw Hetfields (he got it fixed). Never seen Bruce's

It was already clearly noticeable live in 2022 in the encores when he untied his ponytail (or should that be a rat tail, to quote the always self-deprecating Francis Rossi?). There was even some discussion about it on the Iron Maiden Fan Club forum; I seem to remember the video used as proof was one of The Clansman.

Bruce should probably start visiting Dave Murray’s hairdresser. :P
It was already clearly noticeable live in 2022 in the encores when he untied his ponytail (or should that be a rat tail, to quote the always self-deprecating Francis Rossi?). There was even some discussion about it on the Iron Maiden Fan Club forum; I seem to remember the video used as proof was one of The Clansman.

Bruce should probably start visiting Dave Murray’s hairdresser. :P
Could be the same bald spot that he looks on 1993's Raising Hell video ?
Poor old git, Nicko

"So if this is a tempo, I can't do a 16-note roll going into 32nd-note rolls anymore. What happens is I can play eighth notes, like that kind of groove. I can do doubles, but when I try and play that 16th at that speed, instead of going up and down, it wobbles from left to right, when I start playing fast, when I try to play fast. So I've had to adjust my fills now."

"I mean, I don't play 'The Trooper' fill anymore because I can't get it… It's the speed of it. I can do everything slow, but I've had to make sure that as long as I can keep the groove of the song, which is normally…"

Without the stoke he probably could have kept going for years but this is such a huge and saddening hindrance for his position in the band
He's made an incredible recovery and the fact he's even on the road right now is amazing but the material is simply beyond his natural grasp now. There's no shame in that, he's in his mid-70s and he's given us four unforgettable decades.
He's made an incredible recovery and the fact he's even on the road right now is amazing but the material is simply beyond his natural grasp now. There's no shame in that, he's in his mid-70s and he's given us four unforgettable decades.
I'd say it depends on a song. Stranger, for instance, still sounds amazing.
Well, not that anyone cares BUT I think at this stage it would be best for Maiden to do a victory lap tour when they are ready to call it a day.

Whenever that is, just say ‘this is it- last chance to see maiden’ and do a great tour.
I don’t like the idea of replacing anyone at this stage- Nicko or otherwise. Have a stand -in drummer just seems gross to me. They have had such an amazing run I would prefer they go out with some grace and on top. When folks talk about ‘they should have down tuned (insert year here)’ proves my point. When it’s time it’s time. I think if it’s time to replace someone that means it’s time to call it a day.
(And an amazing day it’s been. )
I would hate to read ‘they should have retired when Nicko quit’.
I've come to praise Nicko, not bury him. It's quite remarkable he was able to even tour last year several months removed from the stroke. The band obviously wants him to stay. If Nicko steps down before the band officially retires I believe it would be his decision. I don't think Steve would force him out.
Nicko is awesome, nothing will change my mind. And I think that we all know that when he steps down - band steps down. Yes - they can hire any drummer in the world BUT:
- Drummer is a part of rhytm section soooo Steve has also saying in that and I would say that after decades of playing with someone like Nicko it would be super hard for someone like Steve to change his ways.
- At certain age changes are much less welcome.

So lets face it. There is probably less than 1 chance in 10 for them to continue without nicko.
You can all dispute it and insult me for my comment but to me it remains just obvious. The don't have access to the best healthcare.

That by the way includes Bruce's hair. The topic is maybe not that different and randomly someone posted about that:
Bruce too has no access to someone who would know how get the best out of his hair.
You can all dispute it and insult me for my comment but to me it remains just obvious. The don't have access to the best healthcare.

That by the way includes Bruce's hair. The topic is maybe not that different and randomly someone posted about that:
Bruce too has no access to someone who would know how get the best out of his hair.
I wonder if such arguments are not some form of coping mechanism with reality.

The fact is that access to healthcare comes down to three things:
- Living in a highly developed country,
- Financial possibilities,
- Contacts

If we are going to live in a fantasy land where rock stars with fortunes counted in millions of pounds and living in the UK (which has been voted at least three times as the country with the best healthcare in the world) do not have access to the best doctors, then sure - why not.

It would be more reasonable to say - they do not always care about certain aspects of their health. Like hair. Is it important? Definitely not.

But the argument that a singer who after beating tongue cancer records albums and still sings really well does not have access to the best doctors because he has a place with thinner hair (shockingly, only at the age of 60) or a drummer who after a stroke is ready for a few months to tour the world is simply stupid. The word you are looking for is 'priorities'.
Nicko is awesome, nothing will change my mind. And I think that we all know that when he steps down - band steps down. Yes - they can hire any drummer in the world BUT:
- Drummer is a part of rhytm section soooo Steve has also saying in that and I would say that after decades of playing with someone like Nicko it would be super hard for someone like Steve to change his ways.
- At certain age changes are much less welcome.

So lets face it. There is probably less than 1 chance in 10 for them to continue without nicko.

I'm old enough and cynical enough to not believe any type of "never ever" proclaimed by anyone, let alone a celebrity whom I personally don't know and when money is at stake. Yes, I know 'Arry said he wouldn't go on without Nicko, I know they have a special chemistry and that they've been together for a ridiculously long time and whatnot.
I believe 'Arry's "never" to a degree I believe anyone's "never". My friends' "never". My wifey's. My own.

It is definitely plausible that when Nicko stops beng able to perform, the band / 'Arry, being cca 10 years younger (IIRC) might decide to continue with another drummer. They're in a position where they could pick and choose and there is a lot of professional options that might accomodate 'Arry in particular; heck, someone younger might revitalise the rest of the band in the long run (as it happened with Priest or Sabbath) and could give them some 6-10 years of further touring and even albums. Whether they do it or not, that's more or less a coin toss for me. Especially since nothing in the music business is profitable bar touring and nothing else will be as profitable as touring Maiden (although from what I gather they have been quite responsible with their money).

Would I be interested in that? Absolutely not (I'm not even interested in the pre-Nicko albums and they are literally my least favourite Maiden albums overall), but I'm a picky cunt - people already told me here they're fine with downtuned songs by either Maiden or Nightwish, for example. Many people would still go and be in Heaven, because they would see Bruce and Maiden playing The Number of the Beast live. So I don't think my or any single opinion of a member of this forum matters - I wonder how many people in the crowd might not even know the members by name (not just with Maiden, with every band)

The only irreplaceable member is 'Arry. Well, apart from the scenario where he would succumb to cancer or something and the rest of the band did a legacy tour to earn money for his family or something.