The Future Past tour 2023

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Where is this coming from now?

In the recent end-of-tour video he says "See you next year, God willing, I'll be back on the tubs". Given his age and cancer scare, there's a fair reason for Nicko to wonder if he might not be around to see next year, but I don't see how that quote confirms he's retiring or being replaced.

Here, about 1:50 in.

There’s also the fact that since coming back to tour post-covid, the band are playing slower which is likely due to Nicko taking things a bit slower and simplifying some drum parts and some kick patterns. Songs on SIT are quite demanding. So myself and a few others find it reasonably believable that Nicko may not be behind the drum kit next tour.
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Well, if Nicko can't do the tour next year, I can replace him behind the drums. :D

More seriously, I hope he'll play drums on next tour and stay with the band until he'll be 100 years old. Touch wood and fingers crossed. :dancinggeek:
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In the recent end-of-tour video he says "See you next year, God willing, I'll be back on the tubs". Given his age and cancer scare, there's a fair reason for Nicko to wonder if he might not be around to see next year, but I don't see how that quote confirms he's retiring or being replaced.

Here, about 1:50 in.

Ah I wouldn't really read too much into that, he's basically just saying "touch wood"
That's insane, how would that ever work? I think it's more likely that you get one guy to start the show and Nick finishes.
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