"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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That's some spot on speculating. The fact is, everyone should be happy with BOS , as everyone should be happy with all these reunion albums: if you like the short rockers, they have been putting them out, many newer songs have that element, just wrapped in longer packages with progression mixed in.
Songs like the talisman, DOD, the legacy..etc, could be trimmed and you'd have a 4 minute jam. But why the hell would you want less?
I see the reunion style as something for every type of Maiden fan. BOS will have it all.

What they said!
This is what one funny guy commented on youtube:

Ok this is what i think: 1. If Eternity Should Fail - Cool song! 8/10 2. Speed Of Light - This one is just great! Sounds like The Wicker man part 2 9/10 3. The Great Unknown - Here it is.One of the best song on the album.Period. 10/10 4. The Red And The Black - Hmm... strange song but i like it.A grower 8/10 5. When The River Runs Deep - Cool melodies on this one 7/10 6. The Book Of Souls - Heavy as fuck!! Great song but the intro is waay to long. 9/10 Disc 2 7. Death Or Glory - cool duelling guitars on this fast rocker 8. Shadows Of The Valley - reminds me of fear of the dark but more evil! 8/10 9. Tears Of A Clown - This is the bad song on the album. 6/10 10. The Man Of Sorrows Just beautiful! Very emotional guitarplaying by Murray and Bruce singing is fantastic 9/10 11. Empire Of The Clouds - Well,this is a instant classic! I'm speechless 10/10
But Travis do not forget we don't have an official confirmation yet. There's got to be just more to it that this.........or tell me why do we post here??:ph34r:
I will stop here. Some general remarks:
  • Titles of songs and albums are always capitalised.
  • There is no space before a comma or a full stop.
  • There is always a space after a comma or a full stop.
  • I is always capitalised. You're a special person, go and show the world.
  • Proper nouns are always capitalised.
  • Try to avoid run-on sentences. Use a full stop instead of a comma occasionally.
  • Citing titles is admittedly a bit tricky. As a rule of thumb, what you should do is try to have some sort of typographic distinction. E.g. you can put it in quotation marks or italics. However, capitalisation is mandatory. If you choose one type of citation, please stick with it though, because switching within the post is confusing to readers.
  • Go easy on parentheses. There is no rule forbidding their extensive usage, but they can make your posts extremely hard to follow.
  • You don't have to finish a post in a minute. Take your time to think about your sentence structure, whether your language is appropriate and coherent, and whether your post is easy to understand. There is no reason not to re-read it before you post.
  • If you are having problems with spelling, many browsers offer a spell-check function nowadays. It's really easy to use: It underlines a word in red and all you have to do is right click that word and select one of the correct options. Punctuation is your responsibility, though.
This, i don't even know what to say.....is pathetic . Apart from the error in sophistication , which i missed, (so what?) your corrections are bullshit . Capital letters in song titles ? Not understaning freaking (should i have written "fucking" instead ) ? You obviously didn't like my post so you did....this....? That's the most pathetic reply that i have ever read on any forum . Wow and you people accuse other forums....
I think everyone in here is quite cool. However there are times when we all might take ourselves too seriously.
This, I (I is always capitalised) don't even know what to say, (Please be consistent in your use of punctuation: Either you use commas or ellipses, not both) is pathetic. (There is no space before a full stop) Apart from the error in sophistication, (There is no space before a comma) which I missed, (so what?) (You do not put parentheses after punctuation, only before, i.e.: "... missed (so what),") your corrections are bullshit. (There is no space before a full stop) Capital letters in song titles ? Not understanding "freaking" (Since this is a quotation, some sort of graphic distinction should be made, either by quotation marks or italics. To answer your question, I understand the word, you simply misspelled it) (should I have written "fucking" instead?) (Questions always end in a question mark and there is no space before the end parenthesis) ? (There is never a space before a question mark) You obviously didn't like my post, (There should be a comma here) so you did... (Three full stops for an ellipsis are perfectly sufficient) this...? That's the most pathetic reply that I have ever read on any forum. Wow, (There should be a comma here) and you people accuse other forums...

And to answer your question, I more or less agreed with the content of your former post, I was simply trying to tell you that on this board, proper spelling and grammar are part of the forum rules.

Look mate, I have no problem with you personally, but if you compare your posts with those made by others, you will see immediately that there is a major typographic difference. Your spelling is fine, but your posts read like ramblings straight out of your head with no editing whatsoever. Here's why things like punctuation and capitalisation matter: They make your posts easier to read. It's really difficult to read your posts as they are and draw some sense from them. None of us are perfect, and I'm assuming that English isn't your first language. It's not my first language either. But at least make some effort. If you don't, it's a slap in the face to those who do try their best to write coherently and correctly. It has something to do with respect for those who read your posts.
Just wanted to share with you that I went through a 10 minute search in google. I haven't been able to find anything new regarding the album.
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Today is the mid point between when the album was announced and it's release.

So, there's that I guess.
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