"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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The delivery of my copy was postponed on next monday, but at least I got the mp3's and the digital booklet with Amazon's autorip function.
Well, I didn't actually resist to the leak call, so after about a week I can say that I love this album. Thank you guys, it was great to read all of your thoughts and feelings shared in this thread since the release announcement in june.
Hmmm On third listen. I'm still not sure. There's some cool stuff for sure. BOS, IESF EOTC, but a fair amount of it is just not catching me.
I don't knowo_O Keep listening of course. But my feeling at the mo, is BNW and AMOLAD are considerably better. I 'll make a more fair assesmant later
Just start discussing the album in the commentary threads perhaps :) There is a general catch-all TBOS discussion thread in the commentary section too...
Hi everyone.

Thanks for your contribution to what was, at the very least, an epic thread. However, release time is over, and I am closing this thread.

Please drive all your The Book of Souls commentary to the Commentary forum:

Other Iron Maiden threads are still welcome in this forum, and there will be an official The Book of Souls World Tour thread coming soon.

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