"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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I agree 100% on your thoughts re the album artwork (and album name) and the production (which really hurts the album for me) but the album is on par with AMOLAD as far as cohesion goes. To open with a 10+ minute epic was a bold move that worked. The harmonies on Sign of the Cross are some of the band's greatest. I'd be happy if the single guitar lick towards the beginning of Fortunes of War went on for a thousand years. Steve's basswork throughout is masterful.

Considering The Air Raid Siren had left, Grunge was forcing metal back underground, and Maiden's previous two efforts were disappointing imo The X Factor showed me that this band was not going to roll over and die.
Afraid to Shoot Strangers is probably the most overrated Maiden song ever. I can't stand that joke. A ballady intro + the title repeated several titles. Nothing else. WTF? There are other songs on that album I would consider good.

The song builds up to the one of the greatest Maiden melodies of all time.
But Runner there are no harmonies in Sign of the Cross.Did you actually mean harmonics?!
LOL, both FOTD and NPFTD are horrible albums, by far the worst Maiden albums . I don't even consider their music style , Maiden music . It's mostly americans (the ones that hated 7th son and forced Maiden to change their style) that are somehow stuck to FOTD as the last good Maiden album . Hell it is much more logical to say that 7th son was the last good Maiden album than freakin FOTD , which was an exteremely poor atempt to emulate Metallica's black album . God all those horrible silly rock songs like holy smoke, bring your daughter,hooks in you , from here to eternity, weekend warrior , the awful ballad "Wasting Love" (now that was a poor attempt to emulate Metallica) ,the boring shit like apparition, chains of misery , mother Russia e.t.c . Maiden lost all the sophisication that made them one step ahead of any other metal band with these 2 albums .

In retrospective i actually prefer NPFTD because it feels somewhat entertaining after all these years in a "so bad, it's good" kind of thing ( and the shock of it being the succesor to 7th son has passed, you had to actualy be a Maiden fan at that time to understand that, i still remember listening to holy smoke at the radio for the first time and couldn't believe that it was a Maiden song) while FOTD is simply boring trash (with the obvious exception of the title track) .

The X-factor was actually a great album ruined by a horrible beyond belief production . Still the darkness of that album stays with you . It absolutely slays their previous 2 effords . As for the post reunion albums they are all vastly superior to FOTD, they are actually Maiden albums and bringing back Adrian Smith has helped them get back some of the sophistication and class they had in the eighties.

Oh and i pity those who think that Killers is a bad album, the most vicious and cruel album Maiden have released . Funny thing is that reading the band's members statements before NPFTD was released (in a pre-internet era when information was limited) you would think that NPFTD would be a balls out heavy metal album like Killers . God i was so hyped at that time ....
You know what they say, opinions are like a@#holes. Each one of us has one. What makes NPFTD and FOTD so good - at least for me- is that the songs are packed with great melodies,solos and RIFFS. RIFFS for crying out loud. Not just chords and 3 note melodies. I am a -wannabe - guitar player and I have no interest whatsoever to even attempt play any of TXF songs. I find them to be so boring I might stab myself with my own guitar.

By the way this is what happens to new album threads when we have no news for more than a month:whogivesafuck:
Thanks for answering Flash and Mosh. Afraid, Childhood's End, The Fugitive, FOTD and Judas are the only songs I like, but I like them so much that I have a quite good opinion of that album. And I like the production, especially the drums sound.
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The only good riff in these 2 albums is the FOTD one . Of course if you consider things like holy smoke, bring your daughter, from here to eternity, hooks in you e.t.c to have "great" riffs , that's another matter .
My point was that the songs have actual riffs. Actual bass lines and some serious drum work. I don't think this can be said for the most part of TXF. For crying out loud fear is the key has got more melodies,riffs and drum rolls that the whole TXF. anyhow,as I said before...we transformed this TBOS thread to a past albums argument.
But Runner there are no harmonies in Sign of the Cross.Did you actually mean harmonics?!

You are probably correct GK1, but around 8:30 both Dave and Janick are both playing the melody in different positions of the fret board. They may be playing the same notes one octave apart but I think its a harmony.

Wow, its obvious my Sunday has been a thrill ride...Ive gone on youtube to look for a potential harmony to copy and paste an image of the guitarists in action and convert to jpeg to post and try to prove my point. Rock and roll nerd!!

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LOL, both FOTD and NPFTD are horrible albums, [While not grammatically incorrect per se, run-on sentences are poor style and should always be split into two sentences, i.e.: ...are horrible albums. They are by far the worst Maiden albums (although the redundancy of the word album is also better avoided).] by far the worst Maiden albums. I don't even consider their music style , (no comma is needed here) Maiden music. It's mostly Americans (the ones that hated 7th Son and forced Maiden to change their style) that are somehow stuck to FOTD as the last good Maiden album. Hell, it is much more logical to say that 7th Son was the last good Maiden album than freaking FOTD (syntax not clear, consider rewriting), which was an extremely poor attempt to emulate Metallica's Black Album. God, all those horrible silly rock songs like Holy Smoke, Bring Your Daughter, Hooks in You, From Here to Eternity, Weekend Warrior, the awful ballad "Wasting Love" (now that was a poor attempt to emulate Metallica), the boring shit like Apparition, Chains of Misery, Mother Russia e.t.c. Maiden lost all the sophistication that made them one step ahead of any other metal band with these 2 albums.

I will stop here. Some general remarks:
  • Titles of songs and albums are always capitalised.
  • There is no space before a comma or a full stop.
  • There is always a space after a comma or a full stop.
  • I is always capitalised. You're a special person, go and show the world.
  • Proper nouns are always capitalised.
  • Try to avoid run-on sentences. Use a full stop instead of a comma occasionally.
  • Citing titles is admittedly a bit tricky. As a rule of thumb, what you should do is try to have some sort of typographic distinction. E.g. you can put it in quotation marks or italics. However, capitalisation is mandatory. If you choose one type of citation, please stick with it though, because switching within the post is confusing to readers.
  • Go easy on parentheses. There is no rule forbidding their extensive usage, but they can make your posts extremely hard to follow.
  • You don't have to finish a post in a minute. Take your time to think about your sentence structure, whether your language is appropriate and coherent, and whether your post is easy to understand. There is no reason not to re-read it before you post.
  • If you are having problems with spelling, many browsers offer a spell-check function nowadays. It's really easy to use: It underlines a word in red and all you have to do is right click that word and select one of the correct options. Punctuation is your responsibility, though.
Ok,once and for all.:cheers: All albums up to FOTD are much better than anything they did after that. TXF and VXI were so bad I almost jumped ship.
Every Iron Maiden album except FOTD and VXI > FOTD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VXI

This is the truth and it cannot be denied.
Every Iron Maiden album except FOTD and VXI > FOTD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VXI

This is the truth and it cannot be denied.

Dude sorry but I don't even get what you are trying to say! VXI is better that FOTD while FOTD is much better that VXI???
Dude sorry but I don't even get what you are trying to say! VXI is better that FOTD while FOTD is much better that VXI???
I was illustrating how much I hated VXI. But you will one day see the light in the reunion albums!
I was illustrating how much I hated VXI. But you will one day see the light in the reunion albums!

Well TFF is much better than BNW - for me- so things could have been worse! Even if Bruce is struggling a bit in the latest albums,at least the songs seem to be much better worked out than what they used to. I mean the level of sophistication in Stablind,the mid part of Avalon and Coming home and Mother of Mercy is something that BNW can only dream of.
That's right, but it's just amazing how much talk about what sucks less than other stuff that also sucks there has been here lately.
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