"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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So,any holiday plans?!Anyone?!I remember when TFF song was released on-line I was on holidays in Milos.Nothing better than being on the beach and struggling to listen to the video with limited mobile signal,lol
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So,any holiday plans?!Anyone?!I remember when TFF song was released on-line I was on holidays in Milos.Nothing better than being on the beach and struggling to listen to the video with limited to mobile signal,lol
Exactly the same with me. Only that I was in Paros :D
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The mentioned photo included in the mag is not new, it's an old one with a Photoshop
How much of this cool sounding tribal theme will this album have? Do you all imagine it will be evident on multiple tracks, making it kinda like a concept album?
Or will it only be the title track..? Anticipation and these questions are starting to get to me...
I think it will only be the title track that has some tribal themes, in which case they wasted a better album title, If Eternity Should Fail or Empire of the Clouds, or even The Great Unknown.
I just don't think they put so much thinking on what they do. Steve thought it would be good to write about Maya's.Then they named the album after it cause it was a cool sounding title and in a Maiden fashion.
Well I have a good feeling on how Egyptian and eastern melodies sound like.No idea about how Maya's music is supposed to sound :fencing:
I suppose it's easier to do "Egyptian" themed in a metal setting...

I'd like to see Maiden take on a variety of wind instruments and flutes and go "Mayan" :D
How much of this cool sounding tribal theme will this album have? Do you all imagine it will be evident on multiple tracks, making it kinda like a concept album?
Or will it only be the title track..? Anticipation and these questions are starting to get to me...
I could swear I read somewhere that one of the band members said it's not a concept album.
Steve said it in Kerrrang. Sounds like it's the same sort of deal as a lot of their albums: some common themes here and there but mostly coincidence and not a concept.
Oh, that's right. Also, I'm willing to bet that most of the songs on this album won't be as straight forward lyrically like TFF and will be mostly stuff that will be more of a challenge to figure out what the meaning is and such. I just that feeling. I'll have to think of the last 4 albums and what songs for me are more straight forward and which ones aren't. TFF definitely had the most though.
I'd say just about every album is pretty straightforward lyrically, with the exception of maybe Seventh Son, and even that one isn't too abstract. I predict any Harris lyric will be pretty straightforward, but maybe we'll have some surprises with Bruce. I find the gist of his lyrics are easy to pick up on, but there's a lot of sublties that are sometimes difficult to decipher. Starblind is one example of a song I didn't fully understand until reading LC's commentary. Plus he always has really clever lines like the clever wanker's face from El Dorado.
Clever banker's face**, TFF is very straight forward (with exceptions) especially WTWWB. But if you listen to Bruce's solo work, The lyrical content is much more complex than Maiden's.
I've received the Fan Club mag this morning, and given the rather mixed reactions here and on the official board, I'm quite satisfied with the content. The in-depth interview with Newton is really great, and the stuff on Dave's gear is alright (although I could have done without the full-pages of guitar photos). This is much more consistent than the stuff they have provided recently. The "only' problem (not a minor one) is the timing : with a new album coming, more could be expected, but it is alright.
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