"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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So any German speakers who are kind enough to translate this bit which I know contains spoilers just don't know how to put the *spoilers* alert!

"Krone": Ein bestimmtes Konzept wollt ihr mit "The Book Of Souls" aber nicht erzählen?
Dickinson: Nein, es ist auf keinen Fall ein Konzeptalbum. Nimm nur mal den ersten Song, "If Eternity Should Fail", heran. Der war komplett für ein Soloalbum von mir geschrieben. Ich hatte fünf Demos, die Steve interessierten und zwei Songs davon könnte man sofort für Maiden verwenden und einer davon war eben dieser. Der andere Song war aus den Sessions meines Soloalbums "Accident Of Birth", das 1997 erschien. Er heißt "Nightmares" und wurde nie für das Album aufgenommen. Der Track wurde aber von mir und Roy Z geschrieben, also konnten wir ihn nicht für "The Book Of Souls" verwenden. "If Eternity Should Fail" war aber ganz meine Nummer und es geht darum um eine fremde Maschine, die die Seele der Menschen stiehlt. Der böse Mann in der Geschichte war Dr. Necropolis und der gute Professor Lazarus. Davon handeln die Spoken Words am Ende. Steve wollte den Song jedenfalls für Maiden, ich stimmte zu und er meinte nur, er müsse länger werden. Ist der Song nicht schon lange genug? (lacht) Nun gut, also schrieb ich einen Extra-Vers und außerdem ist es meines Wissens nach der einzige Maiden-Song, den wir in Drop-D aufgenommen haben. Die gesprochenen Wörter am Ende drehen sich um Seelen und das gefiel Steve natürlich. Es hat aber nichts mit dem Rest des Albums zu tun, das gesamte Konzept war ja ein anderes. Ich kannte mich anfangs auch nicht genau aus, aber Steve wollte das unbedingt so.

Roughly translated here -

Krone - Did you want Book of Souls to have a concept?

Bruce - No, this is not a concept album. Take the first song, IESF. That was completely written for a solo album of mine. I had 5 demos that were of interest to Steve and 2 from those could have been used for Maiden and one was IESF. The other song came from the Accident of Birth sessions. It was called "Nightmares" and was never recorded for the album. That one, however, was co-written by Roy Z so it could not be used for The Book of Souls. IESF is entirely my piece though and it's about a foreign machine that steals souls of men. The evil man in the tale is Dr. Necropolis and the good Professor Lazarus. They are in the spoken words near the end. Steve wanted the song for Maiden and I agreed but he wanted it to be longer. So I wrote an extra verse. It's the only song done in drop D.

That's the gist anyway.
Mine is in Gourock, Inverclyde, apparently. :rocker:


Looks like chaos there. Maybe they can't find it.
Like I said, that is a personal moral question. If you have no moral squabbles over downloading a leak - go for it. It is still by law illegal :D

Actually I think this reasoning just does not hold water anymore. Physical stores close all over the world, people don't go out and buy albums anymore. I think there is an even larger percentage that will just keep the leak on their computer and never buy the new album. Maybe not on this forum because we're all fans here - but think about the rest of the thousands of people that download that leak just to hear it.

Yup.. it's illegal.

Well, it does hold water. My argument was that the people listening to it before the release will help the sales. Pirating as a whole obviously doesn't help, but we can't compare with how the record industry looke dlike decades ago. It was more specific, that downloading before the release doesn't hurt if you also buy the album, but maybe even the opposite of hurting the sales.

"One of the catchiest Maiden songs has ever made"... I don't know what the reviewer has been smoking.

Even though I agree.... even if he has been smoking something... that is illegal too!
But never mind, another good example of a dumb law. I'd have some of that.
Fact is it is still illegal if you are downloading a leak of an album that is not out yet. Doesn't matter what you compare it too or how you try and excuse yourself :) You know it is essentially wrong to do - if you give a shit about that, is another matter.

The law is there for a reason - it's not the right or wrong, moral absolute in itself. Consider the reason for the law of copyright to exist, compare it to what it means to download a leaked copy of something you've already bought & I'll be damned if you still find it morally wrong. It's a grey zone at worst. Laws in themselves are just words written on paper, and it's up to the courts to decide how they actually apply to the real world, hopefully by considering why they were decided in the first place - in the case of copyright on creative work, to protect the financial & intellectual interest of the artist.

Recorded music has been devalued - there's no doubt about it. But recorded music has gone from almost non-existent, to luxury, to something free and for everyone over the course of about a century - there has been a constant evolution of it, and there's nothing about it that decides it's worth anything at all unless society at large thinks it's worth something. And in the end, laws in a democratic society are governed by elected politicians in the parliament or whatever - if they do not have the support of society at large they really can't work properly.

Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services to me look like the way forward - they offer both the convenience that no physical format or payed download could possibly compete with and they're on their way to developing a model for artists to get proper payment for their work.

Now, I listen to my music through Spotify or by buying CD's or LP's - sometimes all three of the same album. I've never used a torrent in my life, and you probably find few people that value music like I do among people my age (early 20's). But please don't see the law as the absolute status-quo of how everything should be, even if something appears to be breaking it. I doubt we'll find a case where this specific question is raised in court - after all, I don't think it is that important to decide whether someone who pirated & didn't pirate the same thing is a pirate or isn't a pirate... (Maybe they rule themselves out and we need a new word?)
I hate spotify and other services like that. As long as I don't have file/cd with me i feel that at any second I can lost my whole collection just beacuse someone will plug the plug from server.
Agree, like I said I get my music on the internet too through YouTube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc. I already made it pretty clear I don't care what people do themselves :)
Personally I without a doubt buy MORE music because of being able to download, since I have been able to discover so much more music.

Good point here. Honestly, with many CDs at 15 euros, I wouldn't experiment that much. But I've downloaded quite a lot of stuff during the last couple of years, listened to it while running. When I happenned to dislike it, I erased the files, when I liked it, I bought the CDs. This is how I got to buy nearly the whole Rush discography, all Mastodon and so on. Basically, learning how to downlad, I began to spend much more money on music. But again, there is no denying this is illegal.
Truth is that opportunity to download music can make you buy more albums but from better bands, weak or awful bands will die off.
Good point here. Honestly, with many CDs at 15 euros, I wouldn't experiment that much. But I've downloaded quite a lot of stuff during the last couple of years, listened to it while running. When I happenned to dislike it, I erased the files, when I liked it, I bought the CDs. This is how I got to buy nearly the whole Rush discography, all Mastodon and so on. Basically, learning how to downlad, I began to spend much more money on music. But again, there is no denying this is illegal.

No question that music on the digital platforms is the way forward, but yes downloading music and movies through torrents is illegal. I'm not attacking anyone when saying that. I'm just saying - that's how it is :lol:
I have not broken yet. 15 hours and I'll be buying it in a shop and sitting down and listening to it with the lyrics in front of me like in the old days!
MUUHUUHAAHAAAAAA! IT HAS APPEARED IN MY ITUNES. Dear God....Am I ready for this? digital booklet ready...check. Beer ready...check. Let the Book of Souls take me unto its pages :devil:

Enjoy! MUUHUUHAAHAAAAAA was pretty much my feeling too when I opened my letterbox today.
I wish I could've gone to Nicko's bar and listen to the album today but I have to pick up my nephew from school. :mad: Anyways can't wait for the album to be at my house Tommorow and Bruce will be on Chris Jericho's podcast tomorrow too.
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