Studio Album #16 - Rumours and Speculation (New Info 27.02.15)

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I believe we can now safely say that the album is ready to go, and we are waiting on Bruce. Seems to confirm what we all thought was true.

Nicko McBrain: We have made an album. The album was ready to go this year… and it still is.
It's very good news on both fronts - both new album and Bruce's condition.
Greatest news I could recieve on my birthday today!! Up the irons and long live the air raid siren!!!
Interesting bit in the other part of the interview: when Shawn Drover quit Megadeth, he took the manager. Are the rats leaving the ship? Will Dave's acupuncturist go on tour with Slayer? Where will it end?
What I find a bit remarkable is that they seem to want to wait for Bruce to help with the album promotion. Would that really be something Bruce himself wants to do? Of course it can be out of respect towards Bruce (and after all, he is the singer so what he'll say can certainly be "important"), but if you ask me, it doesn't exactly sound as taking it easy with the tongue.
Of course they want to wait. It's a big difference between marketing their final album or just another album. If Bruce manages to beat cancer and is in condition to continue, it would be a bad move to market it as a final album. The future is uncertain. What they said was that if the treatment was successful they expected to declare Bruce cancer-free by late May.
They probably just want to release it closer to a tour. Bruce probably won't tour this year... or at least not before late fall/winter. So they'd want to release the album to coincide with the tour rather than 6 months before it.
Of course they want to wait. It's a big difference between marketing their final album or just another album. If Bruce manages to beat cancer and is in condition to continue, it would be a bad move to market it as a final album. The future is uncertain. What they said was that if the treatment was successful they expected to declare Bruce cancer-free by late May.
I haven't thought about the factor of this being the last album or not. Nor did I say anything about it. My reaction is to what Nicko said (have you heard that?), not to what's on the official site, or anything else.
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