Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

I really enjoyed that! I'm sure Maiden could make something very atmospheric and hard hitting with a song in that sort of style. I did a bit of googling on Saigon Kick and I see they're a glam band, but this song isn't glam at all thank God!
Yeah this song has a little Alice in Chains feel, which I really dig
I don't like the fact that Death Of The Celts is Clansman part 2. I hope its not similar to the way Megadeth did Hangar 2.
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I don't think it is Clansman 2 per se. It is similar intro wise and lyrically. By the way, in the Clansman, scottish clansmen fought brave and fiercely, in the Death of the Celts they all will die in the end. Big difference :ninja:
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It has good solos, but the lyrics and vocal melodies are basically the same.
Yep! As @Azas said it most probably similar to the song and not a real part 2. As the Clansman reuses the intro to Infinite dreams but as a poor relative! lol
Anyway who thinks that “Death of the Celts” is going to be to “The Clansman” what “Return to Hangar” is to “Hangar 18” needs to get a historical vibe check and reading glasses.
BNW = Strong
DOD = Very Strong
AMOLAD = Average
TFF = Average
TBOS = Very Strong

Any comparisons between Death of the Celts and The Clansman don't really bother me, as the latter is a really good song.

The comparison to Fortunes of War has me shook, though. Death of the Celts, Death of the Celts fits too easily into the chorus...
BNW: Masterpiece (though 'The Mercenary' would've made no difference if it has been a b-side).
DOD: Great Record (reminds me of FOTD, for its variety).
AMOLAD: My least fave album, but, I love 4 tracks in it and I really like it a whole lot more, now (production is the worst one).
TFF: Good album (I feel the band was a bit lazy and, perhaps, a bit in tension while making it. Some great tracks in it).
TBOS: Fantastic (varied as DOD, but, stronger, I think). Less repetitions, more heaviness, overall and a bit more 'proginess' on EOTC would've serve it really well as, certainly, Bruce was inspired by his hero Peter Hammill's 'Flight'. I've been listening to it almost everyday, since July. Love it.
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BNW : great 4 first songs run, the rest is sometimes laborious
DoD : varied but uneven
AMOLAD : homogeneous but dull overall
TFF : see DoD
TBOS : see DoD

It is a bit lapidary, but in my defence, I'm just waking up from too short a nap, hence the grouchiness. :angel:
BNW - great return to form, but drops a bit in the middle, regains form at the end. I do notice that there’s a bit of leftover material and structures from the Blaze sessions, not that it’s bad or anything, but a couple of songs would have sounded perfectly fine on V XI.
DoD - uneven but has some excellent gems
AMOLAD - best so far. Stellar performances and the production works just fine if you listen to it on a good system. The ‘15 remaster did wonders though.
TFF - wasn’t hooked from the start, but grows on me. A bit dry and Bruce doesn’t seem to be that invested (or the dry production sucks the life out of the performance). Experimental and proggy, not very Maiden-esque on many songs. WTWWB is brilliant, maybe my most played reunion track?
TBOS - last place for this one. Uneven, tinny production and half baked ideas paired with sloppy performances. Title track, IESF and EOTC are quite brilliant and lifts the album.