SAXON SURVIVOR 2012 RESULTS: Lionheart triumphant

Satisfied with the results

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Well, I prefer more melody I guess. At least in the type of metal/rock Saxon had been doing, earlier on in their career, Killing Ground included, and Metalhead excluded. So from this perspective, I think Metalhead has more in common with Lionheart, and Killing Ground has more in common with Unleashed.

Witchfinder General has some (almost literal) Korn riffing. I am not really in that nu-metal kind of stuff. Also I think Biff doesn't sing that great on this album, and the vocal melodies aren't that hooky either as on earlier work.
Gotta say I haven't listened to much Korn and I haven't liked what I've listened to.
Maybe I should give it another try. :smartarse:
That outro riff which also happens in the middle of the song (before the solo). Naturally, here it's used in a different context, so I don't blame you guys for not recognizing nu-metal in Saxon immediately. :)
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Promoted last round: Witchfinder General, The Return/Lionheart
Eliminated: Cut Out the Disease, the rest of Lionheart
I think generally it's of similar quality to Lionheart. Stylistically, it's an interesting mix.
Up front it leans a lot to the style Foro was bashing last round, but it also has real fun retro vibe surfacing in the back half — most notably I've Got To Rock.
The version of that track with Lemmy, Angry Anderson and Andi Deris kills IMO.
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Eliminated last round: Need For Speed, Let Me Feel Your Power, I’ve Got to Rock (To Stay Alive) If I Was You, Going Nowhere Fast, Ashes to Ashes
Before getting into Labyrinth, I just wanted to comment on the return of Nigel Glockler on the last album.
He's got a distinctive drum sound with lots of footwork that makes them a better band, IMO — most noticeable on Grace and Ashes.
Another housekeeping note here. The playoffs are coming up soon and there will be about 50 songs remaining.
Would you guys be OK with me bringing them into the game in two big chunks (finalists that received votes against, then finalists that didn't)?
Or should I try to find some way to break them up into three or four groups?
I was already wondering how many songs would go to these playoffs. Until now, we've clearly had 3 favourite albums (Power, Dogs, Beast) and I'd like to estimate how many songs in total could survive all these album rounds.

I am not sure which way is the best to do this, but I wish it will not get extra difficult for songs on albums with more songs left, because in the final stages the individual strength of one song should not depend on the amount of other songs from the same album. Not sure if I express myself well enough here but I will leave the method to you. :)
I quite liked the comment about the song titles below the article.
Not expecting big things, even though I really liked Call to Arms.
But I'm sure there will be some good songs.
Gotta say 20 albums is something to be proud about.

As for Labyrinth, it's a pretty middling album.
My top tracks are Batallions, Kings and the two Rock songs.
From this album I like Battalions of Steel and Demon Sweeney Todd the most.

(By the way, I am already preparing for the last album Call to Arms and I have a better impression than the first time or at least I like a few songs more than earlier this year)
Battalions Of Steel and Demon Sweeney Todd are my favorites as well. Voted for the rest. Why is Coming Home in the poll?