SAXON SURVIVOR 2012 RESULTS: Lionheart triumphant

Satisfied with the results

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Battalions Of Steel and Demon Sweeney Todd are my favorites as well. Voted for the rest. Why is Coming Home in the poll?
Bottleneck version is on my album.
Is it a bonus track? It's not marked as such.
(PS, like the new avatar)
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Eliminated last round: Live to Rock, The Letter, Valley of the Kings :( , Slow Lane Blues, Crime of Passion, Premonition in D Minor, Voice, Protect Yourself, Hellcat, Come Rock of Ages, Coming Home
Promoted to the playoffs: Battalions of Steel, Demon Sweeney Todd
This is a top five Saxon album for me, maybe as high as number three.
And it is because — not in spite — of all the obvious references: AC/DC (Chasing the Bullet), Priest (Afterburner) Purple (Doomsday) Thin Lizzy (Ballad of the Working Man — the best Lizzy song in 30 years) and Saxon themselves (Back in 79, Surviving Against the Odds).
Some would say they ran out of ideas. I say it's a well-executed salute.
With Mists of Avalon, Hammer of the Gods and Call to Arms you get the classic tracks that typically anchor any Saxon album.
I'd much rather hear the rest of this album than the uninspired stuff that fills the back half of a lot of their albums.
Haven't heard this one a single time yet. Listening now. Also, I don't know if the bottleneck version of Coming Home is a bonus track or not, but being a re-recording I wouldn't have included it.

Hammer Of The Gods, Mists Of Avalon and title track are the top tracks here. Rest can go.
I also hear both Led Zeppelin and the riff in the fast part of Sabbath's Under the Sun in When Doomsday Comes.
Afterburner = Priest's Freewheel Burning indeed (chorus!)
Mckindog: you forgot to add one song to the poll: Red Star Falling

This round I go for:
  1. Empire Rising/Attila the Hun
  2. Back in 79
  3. Chasing the Bullet
  4. Afterburner
  5. When Doomsday Comes
I also hear both Led Zeppelin and the riff in the fast part of Sabbath's Under the Sun in When Doomsday Comes.
Afterburner = Priest's Freewheel Burning indeed (chorus!)

It has a real zep vibe,but the keyboard touches are very Perfect Strangers.
I hear it too indeed, but it's Zep's Kashmir that prevails.

This probably does not come as a surprise but I'd still like to mention it:
I spared some songs this round because they deserved to be spared, but I already tell you guys that lots of the surviving songs from the last 6 albums do IMO not reach the high level of most if not all surviving Unleash the Beast works.

I wonder what will happen in the next round.
And how many songs need to be eliminated before we go to the next stage?
I hear it too indeed, but it's Zep's Kashmir that prevails.

This probably does not come as a surprise but I'd still like to mention it:
I spared some songs this round because they deserved to be spared, but I already tell you guys that lots of the surviving songs from the last 6 albums do IMO not reach the high level of most if not all surviving Unleash the Beast works.

I wonder what will happen in the next round.
And how many songs need to be eliminated before we go to the next stage?
Unless NP or someone else votes and creates the need for a second Arms round, I'm moving to the playoffs next round.

The Quarter-finals will consist of all surviving songs that have received votes in the game - about 20 songs.
After we've knocked off five or ten tracks, I'll bring in another 15 or so songs - the ones like Forever Free and Rock the Nations that received no votes, but maybe didn't have a lot of competition.
And after we knock off another five or ten more, in comes the final ten or so - the Eagles and Dogs that have received no votes despite strong competition, or are clear contenders like Crusader.

How I picked the semi-finalists and finalists is a bit arbitrary, but there will always be so many songs in the game any song I underestimated will still get a chance. No less than half the quarter-finalists will pass to the semis, same with the semi-finalists to the finals, and a pass to the finals is only a pass to the top 25 or 30.
It still leaves the door wide open for a top 10 of mostly Beast and Dogs if that's the way the vote falls.

It will mean some rounds with a lot of songs in them, but it seems like the fairest way to tie things up.
I like all these songs and love a handful
The Beast and P&G tracks are safe with me.
I'll have to review the rest.
Am I correct in saying that more songs in this group had no votes against, e.g. Circle of Light?
But at the same time I realize that you need balanced groups.
This group is all the songs that had votes against at some point in the game.
I voted against Light and a couple other Beast songs I didn't want eliminated to protect some other songs back when we were doing the mid90s albums.
Alright, here's the first move. Except for Attila, in this round I am going to hit some eighties songs only.
  1. Wheels of Steel
  2. Power and the Glory
  3. Battle Cry
  4. Empire Rising/Attila the Hun
I am afraid I am taking a risk, because I have no clue what you guys will do. For sure, I know some of you guys won't like (some of) these choices. I have already explained what I do not find great about the songs I voted for, apart from Battle Cry.

Battle Cry has the rhythm and topic of Warrior from the Power and the Glory album, which is in my opinion way better. Warrior is less lengthy, less repetitive, and its instrumental section totally blows Battle Cry's away.
Fantastic Maiden vibe.

Opposed to this, the solo section in Battle Cry is very short compared to the ever onward going couplets and choruses. I admit it was a good return to the heavier side of Saxon, but for the rest the song is unimaginative and it drags. Actually, I am still a bit "pissed off" that Warrior did not make it and its weaker copy did.

(edit: this is what I think of Attila, copied from the Saxon topic:
... but I was less impressed by the album closer. Compared to Alexander the Great, it is a moloch of a track, lacking any form of subtlety. I only liked the Eastern guitar riff but the instrumental part was a chaotic mess, way too much stuff added on one pile, leaving no breathing space.)
It will be a while before I vote for Power and the Glory.
The others are on my radar.
Attila is nicely heavy, but I find it unmelodic.
Battle Cry is a good song, but at this level it's really only still around because it's on Saxon's weakest album.
Wheels is ridiculously repetitive, but I do love the riff and it is such a signature song.
Still pondering. Will listen in the car as I head to work.
Sounds like a cool idea. Are you able to listen to all the remaining songs in one ride (no clue how far you go)?
If not, then on your way back as well. :)
Rocking Again - Lights In The Sky and Surviving Against The odds.

Vote for Give It All Away was a mistake.