SAXON SURVIVOR 2012 RESULTS: Lionheart triumphant

Satisfied with the results

  • Total voters
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Eliminated last round: Nightmare, Burning Wheels, Conquistador, All Guns Blazing
Promoted to the playoffs: Metalhead, Sea of Life
If you guys have any favourites, it would be a good idea to state your case.
No true standouts on this one for me, and mediocre overall.
My top two has been picked, but I'm open to persuasion.
This album is better than Metalhead. More strong songs and also the best ones are better than the best ones from the previous album. A more melodic album.

My overview of Killing Ground:

Don't Know What You Got

Songs varying from pretty OK to good
Rock is Our Life (decent but I am not a fan of the end)
Running For The Border (has beastly bass riffing and nice chorus, but it's on the repetitive side)
Coming Home
Hell Freezes Over
The Court of the Crimson King

Strongest 4
Dragon's Lair
Killing Ground
Deeds of Glory
Shadows on the Wall (has an annoying bridge but for the rest it's a very atmospheric epic)

This round I'll go for:
  1. The Court of the Crimson King
  2. Coming Home
  3. Hell Freezes Over
  4. Don't Know What You Got
  5. Running For The Border
  6. Rock is our Life
  7. Power and the Glory
Hell Freezes Over and Running For the Border are utterly forgettable and Don't Know What You Got is poor.
The others I like, but don't love.
Crimson King is probably my favourite — it is a good song and I like the way they handle it, but it is a cover of a classic.
Shadows is epic and atmospheric, they've just done similar songs better.
Killing Ground and Dragon's Lair are good metal tunes with pretty routine vocal melodies.
Deeds of Glory and Coming Home have cool choruses, but mediocre couplets.
And Rock Is Our Life is fun, but is best described as a guilty pleasure.
In short, none of them are as good as the other songs in the poll.
And yes, that includes Power and Glory, which is clearly catchier and more kickass than any of them.
If you are voting against it to protect Midas Touch, you've got nothing to worry about from me this album and probably the next two as well.
Weak album. My top two are title track and Shadows On The Wall. Still, weaker than the top tracks of last three albums. The rest are my votes.

Not too fond of the King Crimson cover. A nice metal version of the original I guess, but nothing else. The part around the middle mystifies me. It sounds like they had this scrapped riff and decided to just put it in this cover to make it more original.

The Court Of The Crimson King
Coming Home
Hell Freezes Over
Dragon's Lair
Don't Know What You Got
Deeds Of Glory
Running For The Border
Rock Is Our Life
Wow, I really think Dragon's Lair has something you guys are missing. I'll recommend you two guys if people want to take courses in underrating music.

We're talking about a rare example of aggression and melodic catchiness, different from lots of other Saxon material. Great riffs, cool Maidenish harmonies. Blistering solo, double bass drums, excellent for headbanging.
A highlight in the set.
Dragon's Lair is merely ok. It's one of the better songs I voted for, along with Deeds Of Glory. But if I wouldn't have voted for them now, I would have voted for them the next round anyway.
No prob. I am happy with your 2 favourites as well. Besides, hardly anything from this album is as good as the remaining Unleashed material.
I'll recommend you two guys if people want to take courses in underrating music.
:D This is why I love talking music with you Foro.
Seriously, it's a decent song and looks like it works very well live. But I don't see anything special there.
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Eliminated last round: Court of the Crimson King, Coming Home, Hell Freezes Over, Don’t Know What You’ve Got Running For the Border Rock Is Our Life
- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long

Eliminated last round: : Deeds of Glory, Dragon’s Lair

Promoted to the playoffs: Killing Ground, Shadows on the Wall
This one and the next are the two Saxon albums I know least well — I've heard them, but I don't own them.
I know there are two tracks on this one I like a lot, but I will give the rest a real good listen before voting.
I heard the whole album and to be frank I only admire its title track. What a song!
The others I find worse than the older material.
Better than Killing Ground, but still not near Dogs Of War - Metalhead quality. Opener, title track and Beyond The Grave are great songs, I'm sparing them. Rest of the album got my votes.
This isn't as good as their best, but it is a pretty solid album, one I can play from start to finish.
But Witchfinder General with its monster sound and creepy (confess...confess) touches and Lionheart are easy finalists.
I quite like Atlantis and Machine, but I don't they are good enough to crack the group we've carried over.
So I am voting for the rest.
a pretty solid album, one I can play from start to finish.
Sorry, not this fellow overhere. Uninspired and especially unmelodic metal with bad singing and not very interesting lead guitars (apart from the title track of course). It sounds forced. Downtuning and riffing as fast as you can might sound impressive at first, but it doesn't sink in and it isn't memorable. The music of Saxon begins to loose its soul. It's really going downhill now.
Sorry, not this fellow overhere. Uninspired and especially unmelodic metal with bad singing and not very interesting lead guitars (apart from the title track of course). It sounds forced. Downtuning and riffing as fast as you can might sound impressive at first, but it doesn't sink in and it isn't memorable. The music of Saxon begins to loose its soul. It's really going downhill now.
I'm starting to see you're not a fan of this particular sound/style of metal are you?
Because for me, that is the major difference between this and Killing Ground (which you like) and Metalhead (which you don't)
Otherwise not a huge difference between each in quality.