
Sabaton plans to enter the studio in April and have a new album out in late summer/early fall.
Asked about SABATON's plans to work on the follow-up to 2014's "Heroes" abum, Joakim said: "We start recording in a few weeks. Actually, most of the songs are written. We're still finalizing some of the last songs. It's always good in the end when the time comes and you start doubting yourself. You should have that self-hatred and doubt, because then you punch… do the final push into the studio. So the plan is to record in April and part into May, and then we're doing the festival summer [season]. Our hope is to have the album in late summer [or] early autumn."
They've still got it.

"Some songs are a bit harder than normal; some songs are a bit softer than normal. We said, 'Instead of focusing on go harder or slower, let's focus on be better.' And better sometimes means harder. Better sometimes means softer."
In all seriousness, what haven't they covered yet, that they could write about in the new album? I liked Gott Mit Uns for covering something other than more recent military history. Is there any scope for doing more pre-20th Century, or significant aspects of 20th Century wars that they haven't touched on yet?
WW1 hasn't been looked at in general. They haven't touched the Pacific theatre.

But if I were them, I would write a double-album about Napoleon.
Can't wait for the new batch of highly entertaining interviews. :D You know, you can hear other bands in Sabaton...
Sa-ba-ton! Sa-ba-ton! I will gladly accept new material.
I hope to see more interesting instrumental work out of the Swedish boys. Currently I feel like Joakim may be carrying the band at times. I mean, he has a fantastic voice for this type of music, but spice up those guitars (and drums) and you've got yourself a top notch band. Still, they have improved in terms of sound over the years, so there is not much to whine about.
I do hope it's not another album about different wars and such, but something similar to Carolus Rex where it's a concept type album that's all about the same war.
Sabaton just announced a new album called The Last Stand!!
Many days has been waited.. I hope I did that right.
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