Russia invades Ukraine

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One more point. We are in a third year of war. And what do we have? Even with one hand tied behind it's back (prohibition to strike russia teritory), with all the gun delays, Ukraine still manages to fight off the great russia's army. Yet some of you fear of all out war between NATO and russia. That's beyond laughable. Such war would end in months if not weeks, and even without boots on the ground. Western aviation would raze russia's strategical targets to the ground in no time.
What's important NOW? What do you think putin is doing? Now he is playing waiting game, all of his focus is on November elections in USA. At stake is very much here. Because if Trump wins, NATO as we know it, may cease to exist, there may be no more gun shipments to Ukraine and that would be bad beyond all beliefs. Because now, The Collective West can defeat russia very easily, but without USA's participation it will become much more complicated. So, what russia will do now? Americans, you should watch your media space carefully. There will be much more black PR regarding "stop the war", "putin is open to negotiations", "no more money and guns for Ukraine". All putin bets now are on Trump and divided USA.
So, the price of war with russia has high chances to become even higher, if The West will still mumble. With Trump in the oval office we may have very unpredictable scenario. Or predictable and favorable to putin.
Also it's important to note tha China is carefully watching. And building its own army.
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One more point. We are in a third year of war. And what do we have? Even with one hand tied behind it's back (prohibition to strike russia teritory), with all the gun delays, Ukraine still manages to fight off the great russia's army. Yet some of you fear of all out war between NATO and russia. That's beyond laughable. Such war would end in months if not weeks, and even without boots on the ground. Western aviation would raze russia's strategical targets to the ground in no time.
What's important NOW? What do you think putin is doing? Now he is playing waiting game, all of his focus is on November elections in USA. At stake is very much here. Because if Trump wins, NATO as we know it, may cease to exist, there may be no more gun shipments to Ukraine and that would be bad beyond all beliefs. Because now, The Collective West can defeat russia very easily, but without USA's participation it will become much more complicated. So, what russia will do now? Americans, you should watch your media space carefully. There will be much more black PR regarding "stop the war", "putin is open to negotiations", "no more money and guns for Ukraine". All putin bets now are on Trump and divided USA.
So, the price of war with russia has high chances to become even higher, if The West will still mumble. With Trump in the oval office we may have very unpredictable scenario. Or predictable and favorable to putin.
Also it's important to note tha China is carefully watching. And building its own army.
The issue has never been Russia's army. No one is doubting that the West will crush Russia in an actual war. The issue is and has been for literal decades:

Nuclear Weapons

You can't handwave away the single most important aspect of the entire conflict. So, I once again ask:
Explain in detail why Putin would shy away from using nukes when faced with his destruction. The fact that you are not even trying to answer this, speaks volumes and shows that you are aware on some level, that going all-out against Russia simply isn't realistic or reasonable.
Explain in detail why Putin would shy away from using nukes when faced with his destruction. The fact that you are not even trying to answer this, speaks volumes and shows that you are aware on some level, that going all-out against Russia simply isn't realistic or reasonable.
he will not use nukes because:
1) The West is not going to invade russia. Other than invasion into russia, he is bluffing and so far his bluffing works.
2) Because he knows that by using the last argument he will lose all his aces and he will be certainly eliminated. I said it many times: he's not suicide terrorist, he loves his luxury life. He may be eliminated by the West or by his own peers, who will want to negotiate with the West.
3) Because he is not so sure if his generals will comply with command to initiate RED button protocol. You know that algorithm of nuclear attack involves many people and not all of them may obey your orders. And as a ruler you know: if other generals will see that your orders are not fulfilled, as a ruler you are toasted.
4) Because he's not some Hitler or Stalin level bad guy. His mentality was raised in times when mafia gangs ruled Peterburg. He's just a high level mafia boss. He acts accordingly to what opponent allows him to do.

As a West leader you just can not hide and shiver after hearing nuclear threats from putin. You must convey to him that he is DEAD MAN if he uses nukes. And he must believe it.
So far the West is doing not very good job at it. If putin would believe, that he will be punished badly, he would not invaded Ukraine. Starting with Crimea.
5, I know I announced this weeks ago, but work and a holiday came inbetween; making a post like this takes a lot of effort for me because I actually do research, try to retrace my steps on what I believe to know, read through my sources, and don't just repeat whatever was belched out on Twitter or something I half-remembered from a YouTube video. The following is about a quarter of what I want to say to you, but it already took me two hours to write, I am tired and I have other things to do.

For Crimea I mentioned it in a post above. For Donbas states he didn’t ask to annex them just to be independent which holds some ground and logic as the states were in civil war with Ukraine for 8 years anyway.

The only ones who interpret the conflict in Donbas 2014-2022 as a civil war are Putin and the leaders of the so-called People's Republics of Donezk and Luhansk. In reality, it was already a low-key Russian invasion; the separatist forces are known to have been under direct Russian control and received heavy Russian military support, even if the Putin regime never openly admitted it. There is extensive documentation of Russian forces crossing the Ukrainian border to the Luhansk and Donezk oblasts in the second half of August 2014. The war has been going on ever since. The Moscow regime was always careful to cover up its traces and keep about it an air of plausible deniability, something which negotiation partners such as Germany and France decided to just accept. Putin may not have ever openly announced that he wanted to annex Luhansk and Donezk, but it's ridiculous to think that he wasn't aiming for that.

Considering that big parts of Donbas are heavily Russian, there could be some middle ground I’m sure, this is the meaning of negotiations.

Well, here is the problem: The Moscow regime had and has no rightful claim to the Donbas region, so negotiations such as these would set a dangerous precedent. How can you know that Putin won't pull the same trick again in two years? There is such a thing as history, and we know from history that people like Putin will not play nicely just because they signed a piece of paper. Please, please read up on two things: 1. Ivan Ilyin, a guy who loved Hitler and Mussolini and hated Ukraine and democracy; Putin turned his tomb into a shrine in 2008, frequently quotes him in speeches and tells his minions to read his books; and 2. The Munich Agreement of 1938: Here, the UK and France accepted Hitler's claim on German-populated territories in Czechoslovakia if that meant he would cease his expansionist agenda. Half a year later, Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia anyway.

I'm not making these things up. They are out in the open. Ὀφθαλμοὺς ἔχοντες οὐ βλέπετε καὶ ὦτα ἔχοντες οὐκ ἀκούετε;

Actually it’s not even secret, US had very visibly meddled in the coup. There are even leaked conversations where Victoria Nuland handpicking the next government, the famous Fuck the EU quote is from there. Here Jeffrey Sachs explains that despite all parties (Russia, US, EU, Ukraine) had agreed to a certain plan, the very next day when Nationalists did the coup, Obama immediately supported them.

Nuland was an awful diplomat, we can all agree on this. However, from a certain point of view, she did exactly what you otherwise are asking for, pushing for a non-aligned solution for the Euromaidan crisis, in the responsibility of the United Nations, and not the EU - that's what the "Fuck the EU" quote was meant to say. Might I remind you that Russia is part of the UN Security council, and very notably not part of the EU - so in a way, Nuland was supporting a solution that involved Russia.

Now, the next part where you are, and I genuinely assume, unwittingly, using Kremlin propaganda terminology, is by speaking of a "Nationalist Coup". This is the term the Kremlin uses. Ukrainians call it a revolution - hundreds of thousands of people protesting against a government whose policy they disagreed with. After ordering police violence on the protesters, Yanukovich lost political support even within his own party and fled to Moscow; he was voted out of office by the parliament afterwards.

Since you are asking me to listen without prejudice (more on that later), I would like to know why you are uncritically adopting the "coup" terminology used only by pro-Yanukovich and pro-Russian sources as if that was the only term there is for it.

I heard something interesting the other day. US -EU only talk about victory against Russia as if it were the only way.
That would mean direct NATO countries war with Russia, since there’s no way Ukraine can win alone.

Not necessarily, it can also mean increased weapons supply for Ukraine.

Ok let's start from what I've posted today. What about RAND Report & Brzezinski's article? Are they lies & propaganda too? Have you read them?

No, they are not lies and propaganda. But they are also not official US policy. The RAND Corporation is a think tank that does geopolitical analysis to provide advice for policy. The RAND report is providing a resource for potential policy decisions aimed at checking Russia if this is deemed necessary by US policy makers. It's like having a doctor specialising in Parkinson's disease around in case you need someone's opinion on a law concerning Parkinson treatment. It is completely up to US policy makers to decide if and which elements of the RAND report they want to use as the basis for policy.

Good point about fake republics but as you said it is not about territory, or expanding any Empire, Ukraine in NATO is viewed as an existential thread from them something that we knew but we kept pushing anyway. Because it was not about Ukraine in the first place it was and it is about expanding and possibly breaking Russia.

If all you have to back up this claim is an article from 1997 and a think tank report, then you have a very poor case. Let's take a look at what western countries have done to reach out to Russia since 1990:

Message from Turnberry
We, the Foreign Ministers of the Alliance [= NATO], express our determination to seize the historic opportunities resulting from the profound changes in Europe to help build a new peaceful order in Europe, based on freedom, justice and democracy. In this spirit, we extend to the Soviet Union and to all other European countries the hand of friendship and cooperation.

NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner and his wife visit Moscow from 13 to 17 July 1990 and meet Foreign Minister Shevernadze and President Gorbatchev

Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

Budapest Memorandum agrees on nuclear disarmament of all post-Soviet states (including Ukraine) except for Russia

Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and Russia
NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council

Russia is invited to join G7, which is expanded to G8, despite Russia significantly lagging behind all other members in economic and democratic development

NATO-Russia Council is founded

Putin blew all that in 2007 with his Munich speech, in 2008 with his invasion of Georgia, and in 2014 with his annexation of Crimea and invasion of Donbas. Contrary to what he claims, NATO never committed not to allow members from the former East Bloc to join.

The way I read it, he is very cautious and sometimes views confrontation as the last resort. So he went for Minsk agreements instead of attacking in 2014 -15. Or now, that he fights ultra cautiously without engaging large part of his army at all.

One might wonder why Putin would have negotiated with the west over Ukraine, if he didn't make any claims to it. It also severely undermines your claim that the "west" is not ready to negotiate with Russi. It was done here. But Russia never even started to withdraw its military forces from Ukraine as agreed, Ukraine continued fighting, and Minsk II was just a worthless piece of paper, and proof that Ukraine's fate is not to be decided on by foreign powers.

As I said, there is much more I want to say, but I'll just leave it with the following:

But when I see you Perun and other people whom I consider bright, repeating politicians' narratives and not being at least sceptical this is what worries me the most.

You simply assume that I'm not sceptical about this. Let me tell you something: I've had the Putin Pill in my mouth. I believed Putin had a point with his Munich speech in 2007. I spat that pill out the first time in 2008, when Russia invaded Georgia, and the people whom I deemed on my side, the ones calling themselves the political Left, defended the invasion; the same people who denounced independent countries deciding to NATO as an act of US imperialism justified the invasion by literally saying that Georgia had been part of the Russian sphere of influence for 200 years. The following years, I believed the Georgian invasion had been an isolated incident, and once again I had the pill slowly placed into my mouth, without noticing it. In 2013 and even early 2014, I believed that it is absolutely unthinkable that Putin would bring war to Europe. War in Europe was a thing of the past. We were all one now. I even believed that there was a genuine case for Crimean independence. And then Russian boots entered Crimea, and I spat the Putin Pill out again in disgust.

The truth is that Vladimir Putin plunged Europe into a situation that we, from our western perspective, have no hope of solving. The options are grim:

1. We cease support for Ukraine and Russians occupy the entire country, savagely murder its population and then move towards Moldova, Poland, Latvia or Estonia. And then it's again not worth risking nuclear war over, and the day after tomorrow, either Russian soldiers are at my doorstep in Berlin or his lackeys have taken power here.
2. We negotiate, give Putin part of what he wants, he comes back in two years, we negotiate again, and then one day we find there's nothing left to negotiate over.
3. We keep supporting Ukraine the way we do now, continuing a war of attrition that will last for years and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, hoping an exhausted Russian population will overthrow Putin before Russia's cyber warfare destroyed the last of our democracy.
4. We increase our support step-by-step, always believing we are controlling the escalation, which as history shows, we never truly do.
5. We go all-out, NATO sends troops to Ukraine and we risk a nuclear holocaust.

We would have to consider none of these options if Putin withdrew his forces from Ukraine.
I believe Russia is aware of the punishment for deploying strategic nuclear weapons, which is, of course, the use of strategic nuclear weapons against them.

As long as Biden is in charge in the US, NATO will intervene if the Russians throw tactical nukes, although it would be limited to NATO troops in Ukraine rather than a full invasion.

I don't think deep strikes into Russia meaningfully change the calculus for winning the war, but I'm honestly not opposed to it from a perspective of helping Ukraine.
he will not use nukes because:
1) The West is not going to invade russia. Other than invasion into russia, he is bluffing and so far his bluffing works.
2) Because he knows that by using the last argument he will lose all his aces and he will be certainly eliminated. I said it many times: he's not suicide terrorist, he loves his luxury life. He may be eliminated by the West or by his own peers, who will want to negotiate with the West.
3) Because he is not so sure if his generals will comply with command to initiate RED button protocol. You know that algorithm of nuclear attack involves many people and not all of them may obey your orders. And as a ruler you know: if other generals will see that your orders are not fulfilled, as a ruler you are toasted.
4) Because he's not some Hitler or Stalin level bad guy. His mentality was raised in times when mafia gangs ruled Peterburg. He's just a high level mafia boss. He acts accordingly to what opponent allows him to do.

As a West leader you just can not hide and shiver after hearing nuclear threats from putin. You must convey to him that he is DEAD MAN if he uses nukes. And he must believe it.
So far the West is doing not very good job at it. If putin would believe, that he will be punished badly, he would not invaded Ukraine. Starting with Crimea.
I'm sorry, but none of this aligns with any of the facts or the situation at hand. You are simply declaring that he will not use nukes, but your explanations are oversimplified talking points.

Whether or not Russia is invaded or not, if there's an all-out war with western countries he will resort to nukes.
As we established prior, an actual war against western armies will crush the Russian army and if you think Putin is the type of guy who'll let them capture him to face the consequences of his crimes, you didn't pay attention. Once he becomes desperate he'll resort to nukes, because he won't have anything else to lose.
Russia, famous for killing having dissenters fall out of the balcony and land on three bullets at the back of their head, you think this Russia will have issues with following Putin's orders? You think there are no generals who agree with him and would rather take the enemy with them than face destruction themselves?
He's a high level mafia boss with goddamn nukes. I don't know how much simpler I can say this.

Your statement about having to convey that he's a "dead man if he uses nukes" shows the fundamental misunderstanding that we have here. The issue isn't that, the issue is that he would use them despite knowing because he'd have nothing else to lose. Read up on the concept of mutually assured destruction.

On one hand you have a megalomaniacal maniac who has proven time and time again that he will do what he wants and that you can't trust anything he says and on the other hand we have your assurance that basically amounts to "nah, he won'd use nukes, no worries, trust me bro". I'm sorry, but potentially starting WWIII and losing millions of lives just because you somehow think a cornered animal would lash out and use nukes is not something I'm willing to entertain.
Let's agree to disagree here. In my personal view your stance is dead end. I'm proposing much more proactive position, whereas you more reactive and even we can't do anything, because putin could use nukes. To me it's like almost pro russian position. Not that you support russia, in my view you have succumbed to russian narratives, even if you don't listen to them directly. All that you say works only in favor of russia. FEAR THE NUKES, don't escalate and so on. That's how I see it.
@Perun I took a very quick look (skimming, really) at your post it seems fascinating.
I am in a long business trip, will read it as soon as I find some calm and reply if necessary in due time.
Let's agree to disagree here. In my personal view your stance is dead end. I'm proposing much more proactive position, whereas you more reactive and even we can't do anything, because putin could use nukes. To me it's like almost pro russian position. Not that you support russia, in my view you have succumbed to russian narratives, even if you don't listen to them directly. All that you say works only in favor of russia. FEAR THE NUKES, don't escalate and so on. That's how I see it.
The difference is that if I'm wrong there are ways to deal with further escalations. If you are wrong on the other hand we are facing nuclear holocaust. This has nothing to do with narratives, this is about the simple fact that Russia is one of the countries that literally has nukes and that Putin is a madman. None of your arguments for why he wouldn't use the nukes make any sense, but you aren't willing to budge so we'll agree to disagree.

Know though, that when you start ranting about the alleged "ineffectual leftists" in western governments I'll call you out on it :P
What he means is, most of us have no idea what it is like to live under the boot of Russia, and he's right (my grandmother, her sister and her mom fled from Estonia though to Sweden with nothing but the clothes on their bodies when Soviet invaded). Magnus knows though (?).
However, many of us are, quite rightly, terrified of a nuclear war with Russia, which isn't a remote possibility.

Yes I know and I respect his opinion and him as a person, but my point is that there is no evidence that Russia want to return back to this style of regime not even for its own people, let alone for other countries.

But even if there were such intention, which again surely there isn’t, Russia has absolutely not the might or capacity to do such thing. No country has, not US, not China. Plus the way that Russia is fighting this war shows that. They are mostly interested to slowly grind down the military capability of their opponent than in territorial gains. It would be a terrible mistake to go much further than they already have because holding hostile territories is a nightmare in the long term.
If you notice in his latest terms Putin didn’t even bother to mention Odessa which many Russians and even Ukrainians are considering a Russian city.

So in the end it’s just fear mongering that leads to war mongering.
Russia has showed restraint and patience so far in my view. US kind of, but there are different voices and the general trend is towards a slow boiling escalation, as LC put it.

So what do we do with all that? I don’t know but surely fear mongering is not something to recommend.
As a first step let’s start to talk with the other side I say. We may continue supply Ukraine with aid, but let’s start talking. Like Austin did recently to call his counterpart, or Orban did to visit Moscow. Blinken, the head of US diplomacy refuses to talk to Lavrov which is an unwise thing to do for a diplomat. I don’t even mention EU which is completely unhinged at this point, but judging by the appointment of Kaja Kallas as top EU diplomat things aren’t going to improve in this direction.
Yes I know and I respect his opinion and him as a person, but my point is that there is no evidence that Russia want to return back to this style of regime not even for its own people, let alone for other countries.

But even if there were such intention, which again surely there isn’t, Russia has absolutely not the might or capacity to do such thing. No country has, not US, not China. Plus the way that Russia is fighting this war shows that. They are mostly interested to slowly grind down the military capability of their opponent than in territorial gains. It would be a terrible mistake to go much further than they already have because holding hostile territories is a nightmare in the long term.
If you notice in his latest terms Putin didn’t even bother to mention Odessa which many Russians and even Ukrainians are considering a Russian city.

So in the end it’s just fear mongering that leads to war mongering.
Russia has showed restraint and patience so far in my view. US kind of, but there are different voices and the general trend is towards a slow boiling escalation, as LC put it.

So what do we do with all that? I don’t know but surely fear mongering is not something to recommend.
As a first step let’s start to talk with the other side I say. We may continue supply Ukraine with aid, but let’s start talking. Like Austin did recently to call his counterpart, or Orban did to visit Moscow. Blinken, the head of US diplomacy refuses to talk to Lavrov which is an unwise thing to do for a diplomat. I don’t even mention EU which is completely unhinged at this point, but judging by the appointment of Kaja Kallas as top EU diplomat things aren’t going to improve in this direction.
Sure, there is no evidence except for Russia's actions of deploying military force, 15 years or so of destabilizing operations towards EU member states, Putin's public remarks (and essays that tout the Soviet and Russian empires), extreme nationalism celebrating the Soviet Union, and the dramatically increased suppression of Russia's citizens.
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Celebrating one's national history or even nationalism is not an evidence for such vast expansion plans, all nations do that. Also Putin has famously said that whoever dreams of Soviet Union return has no brain.
Again, judge from the actions and even better recent actions, it's evident that Russia doesn't wish (or can) to take over half of Ukraine, let alone Europe states, let alone NATO members.
It's a huge burden to capture and especially keep foreign territories.

The suppression is not even remotely in par with Soviet times actually I don't get such a feedback /feeling from people who do live in Russia. And I know a handful of people who left their good jobs in Dubai to return to Moscow, not to fight of course but because they found better career opportunities completely unrelated to war economy. Better than Dubai who is paying typically double or triple than average salaries plus benefits (i.e. accommodation) in similar position in home counties!
If there was such suppression they wouldn't bother to return and/or they would have given some kind of negative feedback which they didn't.
Celebrating one nations history or even nationalism is not an evidence for such vast expansion plans, all nations do that. Also Putin has famously said that whoever dreams of Soviet Union return has no brain.
Again, judge from the actions and even better recent actions, it's evident that Russia doesn't wish (or can) to take over half of Ukraine, let alone Europe states, let alone NATO members.
It's a huge burden to capture and especially keep foreign territories.

The suppression is not even remotely in par with Soviet times actually I don't get such a feedback from people who live in Russia. And I know a handful of people who left their good jobs in Dubai to return to Moscow, not to fight of course but because they found better career opportunities completely unrelated to war economy. Better than Dubai who is paying typically double or triple than average salaries in similar position in home counties!
If there was such oppression they wouldn't return and second they would give some kind of feedback.
The best evidence for such vast expansion plan is that Russia invaded Ukraine, have annexed territories, as in, declared them a part of Russia. It is a burden to control territories, which is why Putin generally tries to install puppet regimes (and did, that was the goal of marching on Kiev) instead. Without the West arms supplies he would control the territories anyway and relocate or kill local troublemakers in an even greater scale than they have so far in order to maintain that control.
(Putin and his cronies have also famously, and repeatedly, said that Ukraine is not a country, but Russian. Putin has said that the fall of the Soviet Empire is the great geopolitical tragedy.). Your friends are not evidence because a) real evidence is there in plain sight, with everybody that has been sentenced to grave prison sentences for simply expressing their opinions and b) just because they have not been personally overtly persecuted does not mean others have not (see point A). Anecdodal evidence is not evidence, they are anecdotes. You can also find loads of people living in Iran that say they are not being oppressed, for instance because they are part of the oppression, b) they benefit from the oppression and c) have been brought up with the oppression so that it's what's normal to them and c) haven't personally been oppressed in terms of punishments or personal threats, but just systematically.

Edit: And nationalism is not, and has never been, about celebrating your history. It's a tool for control and manipulation.
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But even if there were such intention, which again surely there isn’t, Russia has absolutely not the might or capacity to do such thing. No country has, not US, not China. Plus the way that Russia is fighting this war shows that. They are mostly interested to slowly grind down the military capability of their opponent than in territorial gains.
russia has no intention to return to bad regime, you say? What a delusional man. Then what was the massacre of Bucha? russia is fighting this war very restrained, you say. Then what about bombings of peaceful Ukrainian cities and I don't even mentioning meat waves of russian soldiers? You are so misinformed that is scary and at the same time infuriating. Whats wrong with you? Get a grip on reality.
in my eyes you work for russian propaganda full time.
I wonder why Ukraine is unwilling to negotiate.
I wasn't expecting such a high profile Kreml official to say the quiet part out loud.
And I know a handful of people who left their good jobs in Dubai to return to Moscow, not to fight of course but because they found better career opportunities
Your friends were lucky. Unlike these poor sods who were suckered in to Russia under false pretences and then press ganged into armed service in Ukraine.

But keep telling everyone how wonderful Putin is.
Russia doesn't want to take over foreign states...
...except for the one they're currently invading for no reason other than naked expansionism.
But Putin says he has no ambitions, and Putin is an honourable man.

OK 5.
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