Man... In this case you are a Satan a cursed one!!!!

I lived in USSR which preached moving to socialism. Believe me, nothing's good there. Empty store shelves... Queues even to get toilet paper. List goes on and on.
In this moment in time there's nothing better than democracy. I admit US capitalism may be too harsh for my tastes. US health insurance system is scary. But good old Europe is a golden mean to me. Germany, North Europe, central Europe. Our Baltic states are doing good! Europe is thriving.
Problem is some impotence towards immigration. I am not against it per se. But it must be much more regulated. No white man guilt and other leftism shit

Fuck political correctness, and zero tolerance for radical islam. If you live in Europe respect our laws. Woman is equal to man, so no face hiding black burkas, education for all etc. I find it pathetic when some countries hide facts that the most rape crimes is comitted by immigrants.. It's infuriating. You must solve the problem, not hide under the carpet.
I perfectly understand that I sound far right here. Which I am not. But I see why far right parties are becoming popular in Europe. Yes, it's because of impotent leftism.
I wish all people well. If you abide to law* I have no problem with you. If you preach about your god being the real one - GET OUT OF MY LABORATORY, you IDIOT!
*obviously not sharia law