Russia invades Ukraine

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I am aware of the conspiracy theories around the 1999 apartment bombings. Those occurred while Putin was already prime minister, and there's a lot of people who think it was Chechens, and a lot of people who think it wasn't. I was specifically discounting those when I asked what he was on about, since he mentioned it in his earlier post (Ryazan sugar, after all). There's no hard evidence of false flag attacks.

Most western intelligence agencies have now said that they believe ISIS-K to be responsible, and this absolutely tracks. Even Putin, the best he could manage to link it to Ukraine was that the perpetrators were caught fleeing to Ukraine, which seems quite made up as they were caught in Moscow. I have to believe he would have a story ready if this was a legitimate false flag attack, and ISIS and Russia are very hated enemies. The key question for Ukraine is - will Russia respond by diverting resources to fighting ISIS?
I was surprised ISIS went after Russia, after all the enemy of my enemy thing and Russia has never been a friend of the West. But apparently there's been several major attacks in the past 20-25 years. I wonder if it has to do with their involvement in Afghanistan and being "atheist" during the USSR period.
I was surprised ISIS went after Russia, after all the enemy of my enemy thing and Russia has never been a friend of the West. But apparently there's been several major attacks in the past 20-25 years. I wonder if it has to do with their involvement in Afghanistan and being "atheist" during the USSR period.
ISIS and Russia are fighting aggressively in Syria and Africa, and have been for a long time. And again, ISIS inherited the remnants of the Chechen resistance that Russia mostly crushed in the 1990s and early 00s. We don't think about it because "Russia bad, ISIS bad, therefore they are on the same mental side" etc.
Why would the Americans and UK and other Five Eyes powers cover up a Russian false flag attack? Why would ISIS take credit for the attack? If it was a false flag, would not the media strategy already be planned? Instead, the Russians seem to be reacting far more loosely than I would expect if they wanted to carry out a message with the attack itself?

It's speculation from a source that is specifically anti-Putin, and is incredibly specious. There were guys in sweatshirts? In Russia in March? It's such a thin thread when the answer is right there, which is that Putin's policies globally to expand Russian reach in the Arab and Muslim world have led to the opposition by a geopolitical threat.
ISIS and Russia are fighting aggressively in Syria and Africa, and have been for a long time.


And again, ISIS inherited the remnants of the Chechen resistance that Russia mostly crushed in the 1990s and early 00s. We don't think about it because "Russia bad, ISIS bad, therefore they are on the same mental side" etc.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Chechens officially fought against ISIS in Russia Syria. Those who fought with ISIS were raised outside Russia or worse have reached Syria with the unofficial facilitation of Russian secret services. Either way, no way.
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I agree that it was ISIS. But I do not rule out the possibility that some putin's mafia wing was interested in this. Maybe helped in some way. So far, just a speculation.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Chechens officially fought against ISIS in Russia. Those who fought with ISIS were raised outside Russia or worse have reached Syria with the unofficial facilitation of Russian secret services. Either way, no way.
This is true that the Chechen Emirate originally fought against ISIS in the early 2010s, but it is also true that prominent Chechen Muslim leaders defected to ISIS starting around 2014. See:

Meanwhile, the Chechen Emirate collapsed in 2016. So while it is not a direct line, it is true that many of the top commanders and their fighters changed allegiances, which strongly strengthened ISIS's operations in the Caucausus. Those guys in ISIS-CP (Caucasian Province) built pipelines over the next few years to ISIS-K, and that's documented here:

I agree that it was ISIS. But I do not rule out the possibility that some putin's mafia wing was interested in this. Maybe helped in some way. So far, just a speculation.
You can't rule it out, but again, if Putin's organization was involved, they would have been better ready to take advantage of it. It just feels like it's not necessary for ISIS to launch this attack, which is very similar to others they managed in Europe.
This is true that the Chechen Emirate originally fought against ISIS in the early 2010s, but it is also true that prominent Chechen Muslim leaders defected to ISIS starting around 2014. See:

Oh I meant Syria in my post (corrected now, see below and original), but I see your point.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Chechens officially fought against ISIS in Russia Syria. Those who fought with ISIS were raised outside Russia or worse have reached Syria with the unofficial facilitation of Russian secret services. Either way, no way.
Yes, this doesn't need a conspiracy theory. If the FSB was behind it, western intelligence agencies would be screaming it from the rooftops in order to discredit Putin. This simply is exactly what it seems on the surface - ISIS, who have been fighting Russia for a decade.
The compulsion to always have a conspiracy theory, always, everywhere. We are in a collective state of psychosis.
If you have a black and white worldview, you don’t need to be burdened with facts when the Internet will give you whatever information fits your narrow understanding of a given topic.
Three different news which if they are combined together draw a very dark picture for where things are going:
  • Russia asked Ukraine on Sunday to extradite a number of people, including its security chief, over claims they were behind "terrorist" acts on Russian territory. Link
  • Zelensky: Give us the weapons to stop the Russian attacks, or Ukraine will escalate its counterattacks on Russia’s airfields, energy facilities and other strategic targets. Link. Full article.
  • The House Quietly Recognises Russia’s Ukraine War as Genocide. Link
It now looks like “Havana Syndrome” may be tied to an experimental Russian acoustic weapon, with U.S. intelligence subject matter experts on Ukraine and Georgia as the primary targets.
The difference is that Iran has said they were not interested in further strikes; this was their idea of a measured counterattack for the attack on their Syrian Embassy. While it's possible that Putin would do nothing if NATO forces began directly shooting down his missiles, drones, and planes, I do not believe I would bet on it.
I am 100% sure, the minute NATO would close the sky and blue helmets would enter Ukraine, war would be over. putin is a mafia boss, not suicide terrorist. I believe this to the core of my heart. russia is so rotten, yet the west does not see it.. USSR days are long gone. I am starting to look at USA in a very unfavorable way. Beacon of democracy, reliable partner, they say... Yeah, sure...
I can surely bet this: If Ukraine had not given up it's nuclear arsenal, USA would assist Ukraine like they do Israel. Sad but true.
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