No Rest for the Dead
I used expression 'deep state' not from conspiracy theories perspective. President's office/command will suit you? My English is far from perfect.Oh, Jesus Christ.
I am against far right and far left.
I used expression 'deep state' not from conspiracy theories perspective. President's office/command will suit you? My English is far from perfect.Oh, Jesus Christ.
It's true, I read today such messages on twitter. russians understood that their army is rotten. but they don't condemn war itself. they condemn stupid comanders.FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) today reported an interesting thing in context with the successful Ukrainian defense of Lyman.
Russians are now starting to get mad and pissed at their troops and their incapability to keep Lyman.
It's true, I read today such messages on twitter. russians understood that their army is rotten. but they don't condemn war itself. they condemn stupid comanders.
It does look like a pattern through history. A sort of grin and bear it mentality, you can't do anything about the people at the top.I think a massive problem in Russia is a general misunderstanding of the term of participation: Whenever Russians stand up to participate, they don't do it for any real good or deeper meaning. They never think outside their tiny little personal box, limited by their own four walls of their homes. Their participation always has been reduced to consumption and improvement on a very own personal level. They usually don't even care much about their own neighbours in the same block.
I know pretty much what I am talking about cause I was married for 10 years to a Russian woman and that's why I'm familiar with the mentality of these people rather well. This was between 2001 and 2011. Whenever my ex wife's mother/my mother in law came for a visit here to Germany, she expected the full entertainment program. Consumption, consumption and again consumption. And when finished: Even more consumption.
How many times have I tried at least A BIT of conversation of at least a minimum on topics of social relevance. Impossible.
My impressions about Russians: See no responsibility for ANYTHING at all. If things are going fine: Trying to get out the most of personal advantage from it. If things are going terribly wrong: Blaming others. And this is what they learned for generations now.
I have absolutely not a glimpse of an idea how these people can be made to learn responsibility and pluralism within the global community.
That'd be better with 'president's office/command' than 'deep state.' After sitting through the previous administration's constant accusations of conspiracy theories to cover up its own shortcomings, it makes me flinch a bit seeing that term.I used expression 'deep state' not from conspiracy theories perspective. President's office/command will suit you? My English is far from perfect.
I am against far right and far left.
You nailed it. And there's some sort of consencus/pact. Ordinary people: we let you rule and steal, and you will take care of us. Something like that. When putin announced mobilization, this pact was broken, because ordinary russians now will have to fight. Earlier they watched the war on tv.A sort of grin and bear it mentality, you can't do anything about the people at the top.
There's rumour on Twitter what US will do if ruzzia will use tactical nukes in Ukraine. Former CIA chef said that US would identify and destroy all ruzzian forces in Ukraine and all Black Sea's fleet.
Those guys are masters of pretence so it's hard to say in which case this particular clown was sincere, if at all. And what they could or couldn't make anyone believe once the top clown is gone is their own problem. They are all certainly up to some hard times in post-putin russia anyway.The problem is that others, who were more open towards the West in the past (like former president/PM Medvedev), have shown themselves as hard-liners, competing about who can come with the worst threats. Could they possibly make anyone believe they were really against this whole thing?
There now seems to be a lot of reports that Ukraine is rolling in Luhansk, having broken out from their beachhead on the eastern side of the Oskil River. I'm seeing 20-30 km taken today as preliminaries. If that turns out to be true that's two massive drives at once for Ukraine.