But sure, we can also spend energy complaining about imaginary issues and Maiden being cancelled months prior to the tour starting. That definitely sounds like a good use of our time and highly productive.
Nobody said that though. All I said is that they don't pick these songs because of the lyrics. Nobody would cancel Maiden or any other Metal band for the lyrics.
Plus knowing Maiden, they are more likely to have come to the conclusion themselves that the lyrics haven't aged well, as they'd be more likely to double down if any outside forces were putting pressure on them.
Maybe that's the reality.
Nobody said that though. All I said is that they don't pick these songs because of the lyrics.
Which is still quite a leap to make though if you look at the setlist stats for these songs. Prowler didn't even survive the second half of the 80s and only came back for special throwback tours. Considering some of the lyrics on NPFTD and FOTD I don't think the argument that it's not being played live due to the lyrics is particularly plausible. Let's not forget that it was rerecorded in 88 and still didn't make the setlists.

It's a legendary track, theoretically, but it's not some live juggernaut.
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Think 22 Acacia Avenue not being included is probably as much to do with 3 tracks from TNOTB being perennial live favourites, and like has already been said, 2 other tracks have been getting a look in recently. A 6th track featuring is probably seen as overkill.
I guess Maiden take into account the amount of songs they play from one album during a tour, even the new album tours, but not like the old albums though. 22AA was not played in 2005, 2008 and 2012, when the original tours allowed it.
Plus knowing Maiden, they are more likely to have come to the conclusion themselves that the lyrics haven't aged well, as they'd be more likely to double down if any outside forces were putting pressure on them.
The song was played a ton in the 70s and the early 80s because they didn't have the amount of material they have nowadays.
It was brought back in 93 for the Real Live tour and in 2005 for the Early Days set. The song isn't being played because, despite its historical significance, it is simply not a big hit.
The current tour feels like the tour they could bring back Prowler. Similar to the 1993 tour.
Wrathchild, Killers, Running Free, Sanctuary, Phantom are a bigger live hits than it? I guess so. It and Killers could have been played more, but there are cases like that with bands with such rich and popular catalogs. Even Phantom was more important for them in the early days.
...I've no real desire for a rerun but worse. There's no topping that one.
We have a b-side with an immaculate performance and a mix miles better than anything they'd put out on a live album today...
Strange thinking. The definite versions are known, I want them to play a favorite song, it won't be bad. Some songs are difficult now, sure. True about the live mix.
It's not like there's very many truly exciting picks from Killers that are feasible anyway, so in a way it'd still be a pleasant return.
Bruce cites as his favorites from it: the title track, Wrathchild, Murders and Prodigal Son. Let's see which one (or more?) he chooses.
Wrathchild, Killers, Running Free, Sanctuary, Phantom are a bigger live hits than it? I guess so.
The bolded are most definitely bigger live hits than Prowler. Just look at how many setlists feature those songs and on how many live albums the landed. Killers is in a bit of an awkward position, where it was skipped so many times, despite being a great fit for a tour (like the Early Days most prominently).

Phantom is also far more popular than Prowler and often seen as the best song on the debut thanks to showing the potential of a young band willing to do something different compared to their contemporaries.
I actually don’t rule out either 22 or Prowler making a return on this tour. The problem is that there are heavier hits/fan favorites that are in front of them in line. They need to bring all of the big three from NOTB back, which leaves little room for anything else off that album sadly. From the debut we’re likely getting Phantom, Running Free, and of course the title track. Possibly Sanctuary as well. That’s already 6 or 7 songs and we haven’t even touched any of the other albums. I won’t be surprised if Prowler sneaks in, but if it doesn’t it’s gonna be because they wanted to include songs from other albums.
For the record, I'm not ruling out Prowler either. I'm just pushing back on the idea that the lyrics seem to be what would exclude it, when it has historically been absent for the vast majority of Maiden's existence.
Daughter was a hit back then and it disappeared.
Daughter was a very calculated hit--not a "hit" in the traditional sense, and the band admits this. They released it around Christmas--which was a dead time to release a single back then--and issued it in multiple formats knowing the fan base would likely buy them all. That was the plan to snag a UK Number One single, and it worked. For instance, it sold 175,000 copies across formats, only 20,000 more than Holy Smoke. Go back a couple years, and Can I Play With Madness murders those numbers at 335,000 sales (according to

Why they rarely dug it up post-FotD probably has little to do with political correctness, and more to do with it coming from an album in general the band doesn't often go back for live material.
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Prowler is arguably one of their most important songs. It helped propel them to fame early in their career. Sure the lyrics are a bit dated, but it still kicks ass.
Undeniably. It's not unique in that position though.

How many songs are we expecting from the first album? The title track and Phantom are guaranteed. Remember Tomorrow was deconfirmed by Bruce and I don't see Strange World or Charlotte making a return. Transylvania is unlikely as well, since they've abandoned instrumentals ages ago.

This leaves Prowler, Running Free and Sanctuary. Running Free has the same credentials as what you mentioned for Prowler. It was their first single and unlike Prowler became a live staple with multiple live albums featuring it. Sanctuary is also much more commonly featured in setlists over the years.

Personally I think we'll only see one of those three (gotta fit a lot of classics from the other albums as well, can't go too heavy with representing the debut). I think it'll be Running Free, but we'll see in a couple of months.
We are getting Iron Maiden and Phantom of the Opera from the debut. If there is a third song, Running Free seems likely. The teaser was very much inspired by the single artwork, so that's probably a hint.

Hopefully the Killers inspired tour artwork hints at the song. Wrathchild is not unlikely.

So from the first two albums we are looking at four or five songs. Leaving around 11-12 from the remaining seven.

The Number of the Beast, Run to the Hills and Hallowed Be Thy Name are surely making a comeback. The Trooper is certain as well as Fear of the Dark. 2 Minutes to Midnight and The Evil That Men Do are very likely I think, so that leaves maybe five songs.

Wasted Years, Bring Your Daughter and three more? I am gonna go with Rime, Clairvoyant and Aces High.
I would be very pleased with all hits setlist.
let's think of a all hits / crowd pleasers but no surprises setlist, than it will these:

iron maden, fear of the dark, number of the beast, run to the hills, hallowed be thy name, running free, wrathchild, trooper, aces high, two minutes to midnight, wasted years, bring your daughter, can i play with madness, phantom of the opera, evil that men do, and sanctuary, since they count that song as a hit :)

still a great setlist of course, but too obvious and therefore boring for anyone who've seen these songs performed numerous times before.
All the promo around this tour is making me think it will lean more into the first four albums; with the remaining five albums almost entirely being represented by their hits. Any deep cuts imo are going to be from the Di’Anno era. Personally I think we will see 6 songs between the first two albums.
For Killers I think Wrathchild is the "guaranteed" song, the title track has a good chance of being added for the first time in the quarter of a century. Murders could make the setlist as well, since it is one of the tracks that has been played post-reunion and was also a show opener.

I've mentioned it before, but this would be the perfect tour to bring back Drifter. As long as they don't do the Running Free + Drifter + Sanctuary combo for the encore as they did in 2005 lol
and more to do with it coming from an album in general the band doesn't often go back for live material.
And I hope this tour to change that (it's about time) with at least 3 90's songs.
Prowler is arguably one of their most important songs. It helped propel them to fame early in their career. Sure the lyrics are a bit dated, but it still kicks ass.
Yep, the debut has at least 4 very important songs - it, Running Free, Phantom and the title track.
Personally I think we'll only see one of those three (gotta fit a lot of classics from the other albums as well, can't go too heavy with representing the debut).
^Agreed. Iron Maiden, Phantom, Prowler/Running Free, Wrathchild, Killers (or something else, hopefully not).
2 Minutes to Midnight and The Evil That Men Do are very likely I think...
Wasted Years, Aces High...,
I think there's a chance that only 1 of these will be played. Seventh Son has a few candidates. Clairvoyant or Evil That Men Do for this tour? Curious.
let's think of a all hits / crowd pleasers but no surprises setlist, than it will these:
iron maden, fear of the dark, number of the beast, run to the hills, hallowed be thy name, running free, wrathchild, trooper, aces high, two minutes to midnight, wasted years, bring your daughter, can i play with madness, phantom of the opera, evil that men do, and sanctuary
That would be like the ''worst'' setlist now.
All the promo around this tour is making me think it will lean more into the first four albums; with the remaining five albums almost entirely being represented by their hits. Any deep cuts imo are going to be from the Di’Anno era. Personally I think we will see 6 songs between the first two albums.
Dave kind of hinted at this (let's see), which is surprising imo, but 5 songs is probably the most (3 & 2). Killers, Murders and Prowler are deep cuts though. From the the other albums: Boots(?), Still Life, Land, Rime, Runner/Sea, Infinite, Seventh Son, OTGDY, Tailgunner, No Prayer, Be Quick, Wasting Love... how are likely? I'd guess around 6.
As much as I love the album Killers there are songs other than Drifter from that record I would rather make the setlist.
I really doubt Drifter is on the cards. Musically it's better, but they would go with the energy of Murders, methinks (both were played in 2005, but I think the former was unique to this tour). And I'd be ok with that. I'd like Purgatory, but like Drifter Bruce doesn't sound that good on them. I wonder if Prodigal Son even has a small chance? Probably not.
And I hope this tour to change that (it's about time) with at least 3 90's songs.

Yep, the debut has at least 4 very important songs - it, Running Free, Phantom and the title track.

^Agreed. Iron Maiden, Phantom, Prowler/Running Free, Wrathchild, Killers (or something else, hopefully not).

I think there's a chance that only 1 of these will be played. Seventh Son has a few candidates. Clairvoyant or Evil That Men Do for this tour? Curious.

That would be like the ''worst'' setlist now.
Yes.that setlist is a full classics song. No surprises. The only surprise confirmed is phantom of the opera. And is good to see that song again.