I see. But it's from the pub days and it's popular. If we look at the lyrics, then what about Daughter?
I think the "pub days" hints to Wrathchild or even Sanctuary, but I want it to be Prowler. It could be Drifter, Innocent Exile, Purgatory or Strange world too, but I don't think so.
Daughter, Acacia and some others might also get the "politecally correct" treatment. I find it stupid but that's the times we live in
Daughter, Acacia and some others might also get the "politecally correct" treatment. I find it stupid but that's the times we live in
Bit of hyperbole there don't you think? I mean, if AC/DC can still play Whole Lotta Rosie then I'm sure no one is going to get up in arms over those two songs.

The real reason they probably won't be in the set is because they'll have better songs to play.
Bit of hyperbole there don't you think? I mean, if AC/DC can still play Whole Lotta Rosie then I'm sure no one is going to get up in arms over those two songs.

The real reason they probably won't be in the set is because they'll have better songs to play.
My opinion is that any band can play whatever song they want to. Also, I think Prowler and Acacia are pretty good songs that would make the setlist interesting. I hope I'm wrong about that and they do play them.
Seems weird to preemptively complain about political correctness when we haven't seen a setlist yet or any indication as to why some songs may or may not be in the setlist.

Some people just like to get offended I guess. :S
I am complaining about political correctness in general. I just predict that Maiden won't play some songs because of that. I said it many times before, I hope I'm wrong about that.
The real reason they probably won't be in the set is because they'll have better songs to play.
One of the moderators on the FC said the reason they decided against 22AA in 2007 is because one band member with a daughter didn’t want to play it.

Who knows if it's true or not.
My opinion is that any band can play whatever song they want to. Also, I think Prowler and Acacia are pretty good songs that would make the setlist interesting. I hope I'm wrong about that and they do play them.

I am complaining about political correctness in general. I just predict that Maiden won't play some songs because of that. I said it many times before, I hope I'm wrong about that.
Are you saying that if the band decides not to play those particular songs, you're going to blame it on political correctness?
I might be in the minority here, but I really expect them to not play Sanctuary. Such an overestimated song, that is one of the weakest from the debut album.
And drifter,prowler. I just dont see them playing that again.
In the early days tour they played an unexpected setlist. Very good tour but when we expected for the next tour songs only from powerslave to seventh son they did something different. I just dont see that happening again. Deep cuts? Yes but like killers murders phantom be quick or be dead and only the good die young
I think the "pub days" hints to Wrathchild or even Sanctuary, but I want it to be Prowler. It could be Drifter, Innocent Exile, Purgatory or Strange world too, but I don't think so.
The likes of Wrathchild/Sanctuary or Running Free are probably expected, but songs like Prowler and Daughter too - because of the theme. I really can't see them playing Exile, Purgatory, Strange World (''more like'' Prodigal Son) and Drifter (they would do Running Free instead). Prowler's demo was very popular at the time, iirc.

If not for them, just do Killers and No Prayer and it'll be even better. The former is not from the pub days?
The real reason they probably won't be in the set is because they'll have better songs to play.
Ofc. Wrathchild/Sanctuary/Running Free/Murders > Prowler? Or an additional 80's Bruce song. If it's a deep cut. No Prayer > Daughter, check. Well, ok but Prowler was the first song, it started it all, so. I prefer it to almost all the other early days songs.
One of the moderators on the FC said the reason they decided against 22AA in 2007 is because one band member with a daughter didn’t want to play it.
Who knows if it's true or not.
So no 22, Prowler, Daughter.../ they played two of those in 2003. No Prayer would be so awesome.
In the early days tour they played an unexpected setlist. Very good tour but when we expected for the next tour songs only from powerslave to seventh son they did something different. I just dont see that happening again. Deep cuts? Yes but like killers murders phantom be quick or be dead and only the good die young
Well said. It's just that Dave put emphasis on the early days albums.
it's impossible to fit this period into one setlist with 15 songs, so the only way to please the dieahard fans (to a point) is to rotate some songs, at least 2 or 3. "all hits" setlist won't please anyone (maybe the festival goers only). so there must be some deep cuts.
I would be very pleased with all hits setlist.
Are you saying that if the band decides not to play those particular songs, you're going to blame it on political correctness?
Probably. They haven't played them for many years and I don't see any other good reason for Prisoner/Children being included in 2 tours the last 15 years or so and Acacia in none. Daughter was a hit back then and it disappeared. Prowler was an important song for them in the 70s and it disappeared.
I think ti will be a hits setlist and 3 or 4 deepcuts.
But im hoping a setlist with
Be quick or be dead
Bring your daughter
Only the good die young.

But phantom and rime im the same list would be great. I think it happened in 85 and 08
I thought phantom was played more regular in world slavery tour 85/86 but it was only played once and both were played again in 87
Probably. They haven't played them for many years and I don't see any other good reason for Prisoner/Children being included in 2 tours the last 15 years or so and Acacia in none. Daughter was a hit back then and it disappeared. Prowler was an important song for them in the 70s and it disappeared.
Prowler was played in 2005 for Eddie Rips Up The World.

No ones cancelling Maiden for lyrical content.
Maiden aren't self censoring for fear of backlash.

Stop complaining about the oppression that exists entirely in your own imagination.
I would have thought Nicko's health was more of a limiting factor in setlist choice on recent tours than Bruce's voice. Otherwise they wouldn't play Trooper as a fast mess with Bruce constantly tripping over himself.
Think 22 Acacia Avenue not being included is probably as much to do with 3 tracks from TNOTB being perennial live favourites, and like has already been said, 2 other tracks have been getting a look in recently. A 6th track featuring is probably seen as overkill.

Plus knowing Maiden, they are more likely to have come to the conclusion themselves that the lyrics haven't aged well, as they'd be more likely to double down if any outside forces were putting pressure on them.
I'm sorry, but anyone complaining about "political correctness" has no legitimate grievances and is just doing so to complain.

Look at the setlist stats for Prowler:

The song was played a ton in the 70s and the early 80s because they didn't have the amount of material they have nowadays.
It was brought back in 93 for the Real Live tour and in 2005 for the Early Days set. The song isn't being played because, despite its historical significance, it is simply not a big hit. Or was it absent from Live After Death for example because they already started censoring themselves? Of course not.

22AA has had notable absences throughout the years and the lyrics haven't aged well, so that doesn't help either. I guess they could always bring back the cheese shop version lol

But sure, we can also spend energy complaining about imaginary issues and Maiden being cancelled months prior to the tour starting. That definitely sounds like a good use of our time and highly productive.
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I don't really need 22AA to return. At one point I really wanted it, but ultimately now that I'm aware of the Waldrock performance I've no real desire for a rerun but worse. There's no topping that one.

Also after thinking about it: I'm almost tempted to say the same for Killers. We have a b-side with an immaculate performance and a mix miles better than anything they'd put out on a live album today, so fuck it. However it's a pretty decent bet for this year's setlist so oh well. It's not like there's very many truly exciting picks from Killers that are feasible anyway, so in a way it'd still be a pleasant return.