I think it’s gonna be Prowler. Maybe with Be Quick or Aces as the encore opener. Even though Prowler isn’t a big ol in your face classic opener, it makes sense. They’re going back to the beginning.

I think Invaders would be cool as an opener too. That would be a curveball that no one would expect. I think pretty much any song other than Aces I would be excited to open the show. Tailgunner would put a smile on my face.
Aces high was played in a lot of tours since reunion. 99 2012 and 2017 to 2022? This time im sure they will play other fast opener.
Ever thought about Judas Be My Guide as an opener? Would work perfect imho.
Or Only The Good Die Young.
Both great openers, and if they wanna come up with a few surprises, the opening track is always a good slot for a surprise (and their concentration level is at maximum early in the show). So was MITRM in 2005, 666 in 2003, CSIT in 2024 - so I can see some chances for the both mentioned songs.
Pretty sure the opener will be Murders in the Rue Morgue or maybe another song from the first two albums. I wouldn't doubt if the setlist is in semi-chronological order and the stage show will reflect that.
Ever thought about Judas Be My Guide as an opener? Would work perfect imho.
While I love Judas Be My Guide, I forgot how it opened, so I relistened to it. Honestly, it's got the perfect way the band likes to enter the stage: the instrumental that builds into something explosive where Bruce rushes out. It would be an amazing and completely unexpected way to open the show that I could get behind. Sadly, it's such an obscure setlist wish that I doubt it's much of a possibility...even though now I really want it.
Ever thought about Judas Be My Guide as an opener? Would work perfect imho.
Or Only The Good Die Young.
Both great openers, and if they wanna come up with a few surprises, the opening track is always a good slot for a surprise (and their concentration level is at maximum early in the show). So was MITRM in 2005, 666 in 2003, CSIT in 2024 - so I can see some chances for the both mentioned songs.
Only the good die young would be an awesome opener and a big surprise. But i would love to see be quick or be dead live nowadays
I loved Aces High as the opener on the tours I have seen it, but I would be disappointed if they didn’t try something different on this tour.
This. Aces got a lot of play. Anything but it or Moonchild now. Tailgunner would feel so fresh. If they want another Powerslave song, just do 2 Minutes (skipped the last 3 years).
Hell even the Trooper would be a cool opener. Gets it out of the way!
Trooper would be a great opener.
Ever thought about Judas Be My Guide as an opener? Would work perfect imho.
Or Only The Good Die Young.
Both great openers, and if they wanna come up with a few surprises, the opening track is always a good slot for a surprise (and their concentration level is at maximum early in the show). So was MITRM in 2005, 666 in 2003, CSIT in 2024 - so I can see some chances for the both mentioned songs.
A lot of songs can work as openers and be surprises, but we have to be realistic. Only The Good Die Young is one of them with any chance, but as an opener? And surprises are usually saved for later in the set.
I think it’s gonna be Prowler. Maybe with Be Quick or Aces as the encore opener. Even though Prowler isn’t a big ol in your face classic opener, it makes sense. They’re going back to the beginning.
Given Dave's recent comments, Prowler is very likely. I think it has a much better chance than Murders, although it's not faster. Faster or not, I think it and Be Quick are the best options for this tour.

Be Quick as an encore opener would be cool - and something different. I'd like that. Moonchild for there?
I wouldn't doubt if the setlist is in semi-chronological order and the stage show will reflect that.
Possible the stage graphics to follow the albums (in a way; songs with similar topics), but after LOTB realms, I kind of doubt it. You know, something unique. With screens it's easier though. I also thought Bruce would use comic-esque landscapes in the videos for his solo tour (which would have been so cool and fitting for every song) but. Plus I can't imagine Hills or Hallowed being played earlier in the set now.
A lot of songs can work as openers and be surprises, but we have to be realistic. Only The Good Die Young is one of them with any chance, but as an opener? And surprises are usually saved for later in the set.
Wasn't the upcoming tour announced to be full of surprises? So they might wanna start early in the set. Btw, werent you surprised by CSIT as an opener last year? :p

But who knows. When they are speaking of a tour full of surprises, that can mean a lot. For example wrong hotel bookings, cancelled flights, lost passports, Janicks G-string suddenly broken, Smallwood got lost somewhere in the streets of Tokyo - and much more of complex ongoings.
Wasn't the upcoming tour announced to be full of surprises? So they might wanna start early in the set.
Actually not quite in terms of songs. New ways to present the classics it is. We expect some ofc after the latest tours (Bruce and Nicko wanted it), but that started/was misunderstood form one interview with Bruce. Surprises like not played in a long time more than debuts, which could mean 10 years or more.
Btw, werent you surprised by CSIT as an opener last year?
No, tbh.
Imo, CSIT was the only likely opener. Anything else would be a big surprise.
Especially after opening with a new song in 2022.
I try to wrap my mind around the idea of "Phantom of the Opera" as the opener. Not too crazy after all, and an excuse for great scenography.
The scenography can be great for almost any song, but the fitting openers to start with a bang (skip the intros) are: Phantom (the instrumental part is a bit slower and longer for an opener), Murders (probably the ''least'' popular), Trooper (can be quite effective with pyro), Be Quick and ofc Aces and Moonchild (big opener for its album tour). Aces aside, Be Quick is probably the best.

If they play 2 80's epics, I can see Phantom earlier in the set and it would be curious as an opener. It should work. Also interestingly, Adrian has played a solo in almost all the openers since the Reunion, which wouldn't be the case with Phantom, Prowler, Murders, Be Quick.

So far the openers for the Hits tours were: Aces High (1999, 2018/2019 because of the prop) and Number Of The Beast (2003).
Phantom won't work as an opener imo. Also, imo the opener should be a song from the NOTB-SSOASS period for this tour. If it's a "best of" celebration tour, it should open with a hit imo. I'd personally prefer Moonchild, but to be honest Aces High, TNOTB and even the Trooper seem possible. The other one that could happen is Murders, because it was the opener for the Beast on the road tour, but I don't think so. BQOBD would be a good opener, but not for this tour imo. Maybe I'm biased because I don't like the 90s albums and I think they won't really play many 90s songs. If I had to choose the opener, it would be Prowler obviously, but not gonna happen (I can only hope).
Likeliest openers,

Number of the Beast
Where Eagles Dare
Be Quick

Least Likeliest,




Steve has lost his mind,

The Apparition
Weekend Warrior