Rant Thread

So basically muccus from the nose is piling up at my throat and it's making it hard to swallow. It happened to me once in a while but not this much and not for this long. Been taking meds and all but it's going really slow and I can't eat properly because I can't swallow food as easily as normal. Went to a private doctor today, told me I should continue taking meds that I already picked out by myself and I could take more tests but I didn't wanna pay the money. It's not that I didn't have money, but from my experience the private doctors always try to get you to take more tests than you actually need. And I felt it was a waste to pay them 'cause at the end they might not tell me anything new. Might try to go to my state doctor if it continues or gets worse, I've read that they might take patients for free even if they don't have medical insurance <_<
Just go to your family doctor at the end of their shift and they'll take a look at you.
If there's one thing I wish we could eliminate from modern grammar it is the trend of describing your entire opinion or emotion with a single word and an exclamation point. Sad!
So, my job involves knowing things. The title is "Knowledge Lead" which isn't a great title, but a significant portion of my day is devoted to answering questions. I've noted a very unfortunate habit the other employees have, which is that they will present me with a situation. I will give them an answer, a guide to next steps, or tell them that we can't really do anything. Their immediate response is to repeat what they've already said. Here's an example:

Unfortunate Fool: I have a schedule and they want to bill to two doctors from it.
Me: OK, go to Appointments>Change Provider and edit the bill books.
UF: But I don't see Dr 2's name.
Me: That's irrelevant. They are changing the existing schedule, so look for the existing schedule name.
UF: But they have a schedule and want to bill to two doctors from it.
Me: Right, that's what I told you already.
UF: But I don't see Dr 2's name.
Me: I know that. You need to stop repeating what you've already told me and follow my instructions.
UF: But...there's no Dr 2 name.

Christ alfucking mighty.
Finally got a reply to a ten day old request at work. Without any acknowledgement that I sent around ten reminder mails.