Random trivia

Walter Brennan?

I admit that my wife helped me, too much. She had 4 ideas of her own, and after checking she found out one of those 4 was the one. At this point she didn't tell me who, and I didn't want to know it either.

I didn't have much own ideas besides Edward Arnold and Andy Devine. Later she told me to study your hint more precise, and then I thought about the "on the right track" part, leading me to this name.

I saw quite some films with him. A lot of nice ones. I probably liked his role in Fritz Lang's Hangmen Also Die (1943) most. He played a professor (himself also being under suspicion) helping out a Czech patriot, to hide from the Nazis. Exciting film, and like with most war/spy/thriller pictures made during the war, a very interesting perspective.

He also played in Fury (1936), Fritz Lang's first film in the US. Some other favourite roles are in Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) and Rio Bravo (1959)

From the really big pictures, I still have to see The Westerner, Red River, My Darling ClementineThe Far Country & Sergeant York.
That is the correct answer!  My "on the right track" wasn't intended to be as cryptic as you suggest, but whatever, you (or your wife) got it. 

Here are his three Oscar wins, all for Best Supporting Actor: 

    * 1936 - Come and Get It
    * 1938 - Kentucky
    * 1940 - The Westerner

Frankly, this is sort of ridiculous -- I certainly don't think of Walter Brennan, who played the same character a lot, when I think of the greatest Hollywood actors.  The fact that he has more Oscars than Brando, DeNiro or Bogart sort of shows how silly the Oscars can sometimes be. 
He was a really great character actor, (I guess almost) always supporting. Here you could check if you have seen some of the films he was in.

(edited my previous post)
Yup, its Boston College against Virginia Tech in Tampa Bay Florida on Saturday.

P.S. I only know this because I go to BC :P.
Along the same lines, who is the Big East football champion this year? 

Full disclosure:  I didn't even know the answer to this one myself.  And, when I first read it, I didn't believe it, and had to double-check it. 
The Big East sucks, and it is absurd that its champion automatically gets a major bowl bid. 
Would that be Cincinnati? I think the winner of the ACC plays the Orange Bowl against the winner of the Big East...

Oh, and GO EAGLES!!
Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. It might not be so bad if VTech play, but I'm still rooting for BC hehe.
Forostar said:
But which four European Union member states have the lowest proportion of their land area covered by forest and other wooded land in 2005?

A. Poland, Greece, Portugal, Croatia
B. United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands
C. Spain, Ireland, Greece, Croatia
D. Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Austria

A and C cannot be correct, since Croatia is not a member of the EU. :D
Where and (approximately) when was the first international acknowledgment of the independence of the United States? And who (which country) did this?
OK, I should know this, but I really don't.  I would assume that France was the first to acknowledge the independence (just cause they were always in a pissing match with GB).  Time-wise, I'd also assume 1776, but I don't know what month that would be. 
1. No location given where this happened.
2. 1776 is the correct year  :ok:
3. France is wrong.

1 out 3 correct.

Hint (giving away the exact date as well):

The event took place on an island.

When the Americans started their rebellion against the English, the .. delivered them weapons via .. .

The American ship, the USS Andrew Doria came in sailing on 16 November 1776, wearing the new American flag. Governor .. ordered to give the ship 11 salute shots from Fort .. .

The United States gave the answering salute great publicity because the salute was the first international acknowledgment of the independence of the United States.