Random trivia



On 29 November, 1995, on a visit to the United Kingdom, President Bill Clinton announced to both Houses of Parliament that the new ship would be named after former British Prime Minister and Honorary Citizen of the United States, Winston Churchill. It would make it the first warship of the United States Navy to be named after a non-American citizen since 1975, and the first destroyer and only the fourth US warship named after an Englishman.

Other US warships named after Englishmen were Alfred, an armed merchantman named after King Alfred the Great; Raleigh, a continental frigate, named after Sir Walter Raleigh and Effingham, named after Thomas Howard the 3rd Earl of Effingham who resigned his commission rather than fight the Americans during the American Revolutionary War. The former frigate Harold E. Holt was also named after a person from a country in the Commonwealth of Nations, the ill-fated Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt.
Ah well, should have went with my gut feeling on that one. I guess that makes up a little bit for FDR's unfortunate treatment of the man early in the war.
The latest game in the 20 Questions thread inspired this question:

Only two men have ever won three Oscars for acting (lead and/or supporting).  One of them was Jack Nicholson: Best Actor in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and As Good As It Gets, Best Supporting Actor in Terms of Endearment.  Who was the other person? 

[EDIT:  Don't go to Nicholson's Wikipedia entry, it will give away the answer immediately.] 

Bonus (easy) question:  One person won four acting Oscars -- who was it? 
Tom Hanks?  I recall that he won back to back (Philadelphia and Forrest Gump), but I'm not sure if he won a third...maybe for Cast Away?
I would have thought Tom Hanks as he seemed to be winning them for fun a decade or so back. I would have also thought perhaps Dustin Hoffman, but I can't say for sure how many he has won. Could it be him?

As for the supposedly easy bonus, is it Jodie Foster that has won four acting Oscars?
Not Sean Penn nor Dustin Hoffman.  Not Jodie Foster. 

REMINDER:  Movies were made, and Oscars awarded, before the 1970s.   :bigsmile:
Albie said:
As for the supposedly easy bonus,

The actress really should be easy -- she's a biggie.  The other actor is FAR less obvious. 
I thought Kathryn Hepburn won most Oscars, so she is probably the one?

But this man....

ed: I said De Niro, but he ain't old enough ;)
Katharine Hepburn is the correct answer to the bonus question. 

Not Robert DeNiro. 

If anyone will get the answer to the other actor with three Oscars, I would have predicted it would be you, Foro, given your knowledge and love of old (hint) movies.  This should have been clear from the original question, but as with Nicholson, Best Supporting Actor awards also count. 
Me too but I thought he had "only" one for To Kill a Mocking Bird and he hardly was supporting actor.

I remember I looked up the answer some years ago. Before I consumed so many films.. :/
Fredric March?

Less know, but very good.

He won his first Oscar (main role) for Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, and most probably one for The Best Years Of Our Lives. Who knows he got another one.
No doubt about it!

What really troubles me is that I even read this not too long ago. Most of those I was going to say lost to this clue:
Movies were made, and Oscars awarded, before the 1970s.

So here's another guess... Charlton Heston?
None of those guesses (Bogart, March or Heston) is correct. 

Here's another hint:  All three Oscars were for Best Supporting Actor.  He was not typically (if ever) a leading man. 