Random trivia

Who said, "And now we all have a new King.  I wish him, and you, his people, happiness and prosperity with all my heart.  God bless you all.  God Save The King."
You have to admit, it was a funny answer though.....

OK, seriously, is this character real or literary?
"Strike" was the reaction of the one who asked the question. So the answer was correct(?)

Anyway, a new question might be allowed, after such a long time. :)
Natalie said:
Can someone give us the answer to this, it's been almost 2 weeks.

Huh, that was correct.  I'm used to 'baseball' terms, and strike usually means 'wrong'.  Guess this was bowling terminology, where strike is good.

( I had to wiki it, cause I didn't know)

New question?  Anyone?
This is an answer to a Donuts' question that I believed was nullified because he never showed up to answer it.  (I could be wrong).

Donuts asked a question: "which culture had the hardest money" or something like that.  I believe it was the natives in Micronesia, particularly the island of Palau, who used stone wheels as money.  The heavier the stone, the more it is worth. 

I came across this by accident a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to post it.  I know it is way late, but I figured I'd post it anyway.