Random trivia

national acrobat said:
The Irish flag is the diagonal red cross.

Nope, its a tricolour, green, white and orange. Not that I'm some sort of patriot, just to clarify the issue.

And would someone mind telling me what's so fucking great about Britain? Not that I'm prejudiced either, I deal with Brits all day, and Paddies, and they're all wankers! :D
Hunlord said:
Nope, its a tricolour, green, white and orange. Not that I'm some sort of patriot, just to clarify the issue.
The diagonal red cross is the flag of Northern Ireland, so yes - you are correct to point out that the ROI flag is different.
I can see that time zones are going to seriously hamper my chances of answering a question in a timely fashion.......If you need me I'll be in the shower.
The Hermit said:
I can see that time zones are going to seriously hamper my chances of answering a question in a timely fashion.......If you need me I'll be in the shower.

Thank god!

So, does anyone know what town Lady Godiva made her historic ride through?
Damn!!! And that was in my time zone too.

I'm set to wondering if the suggestion that the term 'Peeping Tom' is derived from this story is actually true?  I only heard the theory recently......and you know how easy it is for these things to suddenly become fact.

Edit:  Well Merriam Webster states it as a fact......so there you go.  A part of the legend I was not aware of.......I've led a very sheltered life......in my childhood Godiva was only mentioned in relation to chocolates.  Happy memories.
Here's one I found that seems a little difficult:

What row of numbers comes next?

Ug.  I like answering questions, I'm just really poor at asking them.  I'll try to come up with something, in the mean time, please, ANYONE feel free to ask away!
OK....I'll jump in with a quick one between showers......

What was General Joseph Joffre refering to when he said:

'My friend, we shall not have time to make them.  I shall tear up the Boches within two months.'
Now that's an edition of Trivial Pursuit I would buy.......The Military History Edition........but who would I play it with?

Did you know that they don't have Trivial Pursuit in Japan.  Very sad.

As a hint........a previous question on this thread was about pretty much the same thing.
The Hermit said:
Now that's an edition of Trivial Pursuit I would buy.......The Military History Edition........but who would I play it with?

Me.  You would play it with me.  And lose.
OK........and no it wasn't flags........you needed to go much further back in this thread to find the related question.  For lack of interest here's the answer:

The remark 'My friend, we shall not have time to make them. I shall tear up the Bosches within two months.' was made by General Joseph Joffre to the suggestion from Colonel Penelon that the French troops be equipped with helmets.  Apparently the remark was made as late as November 1914.

I'll leave the next question to another...........I might have more luck answering than posting........faint hope there.